Sword Master of All Dao

2050 chapter dust rain magic



"White Emperor, what is going on here?"

"Yes, the Crown is destroyed?"

"Who is so big to resist, in the old nest of the three emperor, is it ruined?"

One has taken a look at the white emperor.

"Destroying the emperor stone, is the sword is unparalleled." Bai Emperor directly said.

"Sword is not double?"

"How is it possible? The sword is unparalleled. How can I destroy the Cross?"

"Is it not dead?"

These gods are very surprised, and they have said it is unbelievable.

White Emperor is explained: "The sword is unparalleled, as for the reason and some processes, I am not convenient, in short, now the sword is unparalleled, it has ruined the Crown, and the dark mill is also stopped. But now the sword is unparalleled in the third emperor, and is chasing a large number of strong people in the three imperial world, so my Holy League must now send a strong to meet him before they. "

"Well, Jian Jun is ruined the Crown, and he can say that he saved the whole dramatic chaotic world. He is now chasing, and I will wait until I will take it." Tianchen old ancestors first open mouth.

"I am essential."

"You must pick up the sword."

Other emperors have stood up.

Even if these emperors have some feet with swords, there is a festive, but now the enemy is currently throwing private grievances.

The sword is unluckling, and since there is danger, they are of course fully rescue.

"I have passed the soul of the nine-level emperor to contact the sword without double, and he will go to this territory near the fastest speed." White Emperor waved, and immediately a huge star map appeared in front of the front.

This star diagram is the result of nine-level emperor, and the results of the nine-level emperor hidden in the three emperors.

Many gods in the whole three emperors, many domains, mostly on this star map.

Now that the white emperory points to the domain named copper heart, this copper heart is located the most edge of the three emperors. Now the dark mill has stopped, and the surrounding big array has also stopped running. Many high-rise strong people can be completely Directly into the three emperors, and directly through the outermost loft, you can easily resist the copper heart domain.

"You will start now and get there at the fastest speed." Bai Emperor told him.

"Yes." The gods around them nodded.

"White Emperor, then you, this time you also personally shoot?" Chi Long Wang suddenly looked over.

"I have more important things to do." Bai Emperor said.

I heard the words, these emperors didn't ask more, and immediately gathered together with the fastest speed, and then set out in the three imperial world.

And the white emperor looked at the back of these emperors, but it was flashing with a singular color.


The three emperors.

After the sword rushed out of the holy city, he flipped all the way, and now has flored for half a day, has passed a lot of territories.

"Sword Monarch, Bai Emperor wants me to tell you, everything is done in accordance with your plan." The nine emperor came.

"Very good." The sword has no double smile, but his eyes are looking behind him.

There, in Ling Zong, the mid-year-old year is the foot of the foot, still followed him.

"These guys are really uncomfortable." The sword was unparalleled smiling.

Single three great emperors, they could not threaten him.

However, the sword is unparalleled. Since this 13 emperor knows that I can't hear him, it is still following him, it is certainly not a purpose.

Sure enough, when the sword is unparalleled, it has just been crossing a territory ...


The heavy footsteps suddenly came from the void from the front, this footsteps were discouraged to tramplely spread.

And every step of your step should be extremely strong.

The sword is unparalleled, but it finds that the end of his own sight, there is a two-meter high, the whole body skin is a burly binful man.

This burly man is strengthening muscles, but the beard, the hair is also messy, as if there is a living wild.

But this wild man came from the front party, and every step is that the endless void is directly collapsed. A horrible to extreme violent breath is also spreading from him. Even if the sword is unparalleled. When you feel this violent When the breath, the eyes are also sharp.

"this person……"

The sword is unparalleled to stare at the wild man who is getting closer and closer. Intuitive tells him that this person is very terrible.

It is more terrible than the thirteen emperors behind him.

And in the sword, the thirteen emperors have seen the appearance of the people, but they have grateful.

"It is a magic, it is the arrival of the devil!"

"Haha, the devil's adults come, this sword is unparalleled, dead !!"

"Magic monks, there are many teenagers who have not seen him in person."

These gods looked at that wild and hot and worship, even if it is the same.

"You, is the sword is unparalleled?"

The magnificent voice is issued from the mouth of the wild man. His pace has stopped, standing in front of the sword, the cold eyes overlook the sword unparalleled, the vast magic is the first time, the sword is unparalleled. Come.

"Who are you?" The sword was unbolded and stared at the wild man in front of him.

"This is dusty, you can also call me as a dusty magic." The wild man is open, "the sword is unparalleled, you have heard some of your deeds, this seat has to admit, you are a real The top genius, I am afraid it is the time that this seat is in the original, and you can have your people on the talents. I am afraid that there are not many. "

"But Unfortunately, you are not the same camp with this seat, so this seat can only let you die."

The sound of dusty magic is constantly sounding in this day.

After the sound is falling, the body of this dust is also moved.

It is clear from the sword where there is still a distant distance, but as he steps, it is a simple step. He has already appeared in front of the sword, and he holds a big hand, a huge fist, carrier Endless magic cloud, in an instant, the air, all the swords were unparalleled.

And the radius is straight to the sword. There is no double door.

"So fast!"

The sword was shocked in the bismuth, but it turned over instantly.


Under the cold snoring, the sword in the sword is unfolded.

A unique sword is instantly rising, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is also a moral vortex to swallow everything.

Xuanluo sword, mixed yuan!


A great rang, the huge fist slammed with the sword unparalleled sword light, and the powerful power suddenly broke out.

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