Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2052 Huangsha Field

(The sixth is more, there are four more, it is in the crazy code word, I definitely finished until 12 am!)


"This dust is really good!"

Looking at the hull field around the crazy rolled up, the sword is not a double color is also a sinking, he can feel the toughness in the Huangsha field.

There is this Huangsha field, the general emperor, even if it is the first level of Ling Zong, it is afraid that it is difficult to have an opportunity to escape.

But the sword is unparalleled.

"Do you want to leave me completely? It is a dream!" The sword is unparalleled, and the 18th arm waves Qi Qi, directly in the Huangsha field.

A round of fierce attacks.

A strong sword light was connected to the Huangsha field, which made the Huangsha field trembled dramatically, but did not break.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but it starts to start the second round of attack immediately.

"Kid, death!"

When the sword is unparalleled in the Yellow Sand field, the dusty king has also appeared after him, and the strong offensive is coming.

The sword is unparalleled, and the attack of the rain is to attack the rain, and I want to go to the Huangsha field.

The two battles are extremely fierce.

In the field of Huangsha field, Thirteen emperors such as Ling Zong are watching it.

They can see the huge yellow sand field in front of the face, but what happened to the Huangsha field, but they did not know.

They can't see the soul, and the spirit of the soul is completely blocked by the Huangsha field. It can only hear the inner shameful horror roar from the Warsi field.

This roar continues the time of 10 breaths.

at last……


A great sound, the huge yellow sand field, directly bombarded a big hole, from this big cave, the sword is unparalleled, the body shape is riped, and then subsequently jumped.

The dusty king is an angry, and the Huangsha field is hardened to the jade feet, and then the sword is unparalleled.

On the way to chase, this dusty king also directly issued the order, "immediately arranged in front, stop this sword without double, otherwise it is really likely to escape !!"

When the dust, the migrant is in this order, the bottom is extremely unhappy.

To know, he is now in person.

He personally shoted to deal with the sword. There is no one, and after the madness just killed in the Huangsha field, the dust is unsatisfactory, with one person, kill the sword!

"This kid, his body skills, too strong !!"

The dusty magic king is holding hands, and the mind is still recalling the scene that has just happened in the Yellow Sand.

In the field of Huangsha, the sword is unparalleled in the heart of the sword, while I want to hit the yellow sand field.

It's not long, the sword is unparalleled to see the rush of the Huangsha field, know that he is so fierce, afraid that it takes a long time to break the Huasha field, so he just did a crazy decision, then It is an attack on the dust of the Magic Magic, regardless of the strong offensive of the dust, the magic, and she bombards these offensive on his body.

And the sword is unparalleled to put all the attention above the Huangsha field.

In succession, a few rounds of crazy attacks finally broke the Huangsha field.

It can be in the time of the Huangsha field, but he is hard to have a dusty and rain.

With the horror strength of the dust, the power of the king, if it is completely unscrupulous to bombardment on the general emperor's body, the great gods that are weak, I am probably killing directly, even those The body is strong, and it is estimated that two or three attacks are not resistant.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but hard-lived lives against the dust, the magic king, nearly 100 positive bombers.

This body of body strength, how many metamorphosis?

There is such a body of protective body, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not stupid to kill him to the extreme, it can escape from him.

Therefore, he can only order the great emperors in the three imperial world, and the sword is unparalleled in front of the sword, and it is completely trapped.

As long as the sword is completely trapped, he has no chance to escape, no matter how his body's ability is on the moment, there is always the moment of the limit, it is the death of the sword.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled. It seems that the state is still in the top, the breath is not weak, and the speed of escape is equally amazing.

But his face is abnormal.

"The dust is really strong enough to attack the power." The sword was unmarkarized, and he couldn't help but glance.

After reaching the second phase, his strength of his body has skyrocketed, and then with the five treasures, the body's ability is terrible.

If it is a general emperor, even the great emperor such as Ling Zong, even if it is a full shock of bombardment in his body, it is just a stretching for him. He doesn't care, even at the same time, even on the hundred attacks, He can also relax.

It has just been in the Huangsha field, he was bombarded by the dust of the magic king, but he brought a huge body to his body.

Although this heavy dawn is quickly recovered quickly, but also caused the sword to have a large consumption, just in the time of the Huangsha field, the sword is unparalleled, the strength is 30%. many.

If the situation is coming more, I am afraid he can't hold it.

Fortunately, he has already broken from the Huangsha field, and now the dust is just following him, even if it is chasing it, it can't be stopped.

"Next, just want to escape to the edge of the three imperial world, you will be in charge with my strong people." The sword is unmarkarized, and the merits are in the merits. "

He rapidly flooded, and his direction, it was obviously the top of the copper heart.

The copper heart domain, the most edge of the three emperors.

Bai Emperor is the big emperor who tells the Shengshi, rushed to the copper heart domain and the sword without double conversion.

But at this moment, in the vast void of the copper heart domain, there is a seven-way body shape and stay together.

This seven people are strong, and it is a great emperor, and they are not the great emperor of the Shengshi, but from the third imperial world! ! !

The seven emperors of the three emperors are hung in one, looked at the distance in the distance, which is obviously waiting for.

They are waiting, naturally the sword is unparalleled.

But now the sword is unparalleled and the copper heart domain is still far away?

Even the great emperors of the Shengling, did not have long been deployed, it is estimated that there is no truly from the outermost layer of the dark mill, and it has not truly entered the territory of the three emperors. Don't say to the copper heart domain. Come and meet the sword.

But the three emperors have already arranged the seven emperors waiting here, and the seven emperors who know each other will match.

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