(7 more! There are three more!)


"No accident, how long it takes, the sword is unparalleled will arrive in this copper heart. When I arrived directly, I took my hand with the devil's adults, and he was completely trapped, and then kill again." Among the great emperors, a white robe woman said.

"The battle of seven people formed, the book is the most good at sleep, the sword is unparalleled, as long as it comes to this copper heart, he will die!"

"Yes, dead."

Several other emperors have also opened, obviously have great confidence in their battle.

They are also waiting patiently.

Time will continue to pass.

In the vast void of the three emperors, the sword is unparalleled in front of the madness, and his direction is also true to the copper heart domain.

The dusty king, and the thirteen emperors such as Ling Zong,, then firmly follow the sword.

Seeing the direction of the sword without double all the way, the dust is a smile, "the sword is unparalleled, even if you have a mean, you can finally die!"

"Here is the three emperors, you, can't escape !!"

The dusty magic is known to have seven emperors waiting in the copper heart domain.

Only the sword is unparalleled, he combined with the seven emperors of the big array to complete the sword.

This is the script in his mind.

However, in the sword, there is no double brush, and it is only less than three domains away from the copper heart domain.


The sword is unparalleled is the direction of sudden direction, and it is went upon another void.

"What?" "Dust Rain Devils turned.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled to rush to the copper heart domain.

He must have to go there.

Because the White Emperor of the Shengshi, the strongman of the Shengshi has commanded to take him to the copper heart domain.

The white emperor is that order, and the great emperors of the Shengling are also dispatched, and it is indeed coming to the copper heart domain.

The sword is unparalleled, of course, I have to go there?

"Is it necessary to confuse this seat?" "Dust Rain Devil wrinkled.

This is just his suspicion, and this is suspected to have certain feasibility.

But next, the sword is unparalleled, but his suspected is no longer.

Because the sword is unparalleled after brushing a territory, it will not be in the territory that is farther away from the copper heart domain.

"The shack is confused, this kid is an irreplacement that is not planning to go to the copper heart domain!" Is the copper heart domain to meet him? How this kid is not planning to go to the copper heart domain? "

However, in the face of his question, the answer to the other end of the message is said that this is indeed the order of the white emperor, and the great emperor of the Shengshi has now rushed to the copper heart domain.

In other words, the order of the white emperor is true, and those who have access to the bronze heart domain are also true.

But the sword is unparalleled to flee to the copper heart ... but it is fake! ! !


The dust of the dust is in the heart of the king, and it has been reacted in an instant.

"This kid, he has not planned to go to the copper heart domain, and the white emperor sent a large number of the Chinese Union to pick up the copper heart domain, that is to confuse us !!!"

"They must have known the highest level of the Shengshi, there is our family, so they will count, but in turn, it is deliberately used this advice to transfer the fake news!"

"The bid, it turned out to be in this kid."

Dust rain is ugly.

There is no doubt that they are quenched by the sword and the white emperor.

The sword is unparalleled. I didn't want to go to the copper heart. He fled all the way to the copper heart domain.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the other is also in the most edge of the three emperors.

In this territory, there are two different somes to wait for the sword.

These two people, it is a nine holy owner with nine emperor.

He two people stand in the void, watching the sword unparalleled in their sight, the two faces showed a surprise.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled !!!"

"Sword Monarch !!"

These two great emperors immediately met the swords.

"Jiu Han Lord, nine", I haven't seen you for a long time. "The sword is unparalleled, and the three will come together soon.

And the sword is unparalleled, also stops flying.

Since he has come here, he doesn't have to escape again.


Dust rain magic magic weighing, has already appeared in the sword where there is no longer, and the body shape is also paused.

After that, the foot-in-one gods headed by Ling Zong, and they also chased here from Emperor.

At this moment, the dusty magic and the thirteen emperors stared at the sword. The eyes seem to swallow the sword without double birth.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't escape from the Emperor City, you have been fleeing in the copper heart domain, deliberately let me wait for you to escape the copper heart domain, but you finally came here. Scenery field? "Dust rain magic sound is cold.

"Hey, I don't want to move to the Shengshi, I will flee it to the copper heart domain, and I will fall into your trap." The sword is unparalleled, "Dust Rain Devil, you don't think I think It's too stupid, but after this matter, I can definitely, my highest layer of the Chinese team, indeed, you will be inserted !! "

Dust rain is sinking, but it is not unexpected.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is deliberately involved, it is clearly deliberately used the kind of trait.

"You are not stupid, but it is too big, you should not hesitate to flee the three imperial boundaries without hesitation, but you will stop now, this has given this opportunity to kill you." The devil is icy, but in his hand, the jade feet is once again broke out again.

This jade ruler is a very treasure in his hand, which can form a solid Huasha field.

But since the Huangsha field has been broken once, it takes a certain period of time to restore it before it can be displayed again.

Now, with this chasing, Huangsha field has been completely repaired by him, and he can completely show again. Naturally, there is also a chance to kill swords.

If you can hear the dust, the sword is unparalleled, "" Dust Rain Devil, there is a wrong thing, now you should escape, not me, but should ... it is you. "

Dust and rain.

Next moment, from the middle of his sight, the most fierce, a gray robbery appeared in the air, and slowly stepped.

He, white hair, even the skin, the same fierce, the same.

He, obviously a man, but there is a beautiful beauty that is ashamed to make the many women in the world, which is unparalleled, plus the white skin, and the whole person looks very different.

But it is the appearance of 'he', but the dusty rain is a sharp turn.

"White Emperor !!!"


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