Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2054 White Emperor is coming!

(8 more! There are two more!)


Come on, it is a white emperor.

He slowly stepped, the pace was very slow, but the footsteps of the void, but it was like drizzle, and he was in the heart of the dust.

Step by step, two steps ...

The dust of the Magic Magic is unprecedented.

The name of the white emperor, in the vast chaotic world, has already been mad.

He is also recognized as strong!

At first, the dusty magic of the Demon was born to the white emperor, because he has never traded his hand with Bai Emperor, and he would not think that he would be weak than this.

Not long ago, he learned from the cold as the snow, and the Bai Emperor was seriously injured, then he had to be taboo.

Now, this white emperor really appeared in front of him.

"Bai Emperor."

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the nine-level emperor is the white emperor.

They didn't feel unexpected to the arrival of Bai Di, because this is a sword where there is no double plan.

The sword is unparalleled to the Bai Di or the Emperor of the Shengshi to take him to the copper heart domain, which is indeed in confuse the strong people in the third imperial world, but at the same time, the white emperor is coming toward this territory.

Bai Emperor is really talented people who are unparalleled.

"Well." White Emperor nodded slightly, the scorpion saw the dust of the dust in front of the world, "So, you should be the dusty king from Huangquan Palace?"

"Do you know me?" Dust rain is staring at Bai Emperor.

"Of course." Baili is indifferent, "I found three strong people left, I know, and only the three people, only the burning of the respects have been handed over with me, you will be the second place, I don't know Your strength is compared to burn, what? "


The dusty magic is swaying, and it is not afraid that it is not afraid, and the figure is moving.

At the way, his eight arms on the way suddenly fierce.

The horrible power, this moment has reached the extreme.

When I saw this scene, the white emperor was still very flat, but after him, he immediately had a huge golden shadow from taking up.

This golden vain is a golden emperor.

He is 933,000 heights, three thousand feet wide, a pair of golden eyes, like a golden arc looks straight, as if heaven and earth should surrender his feet.

Bai Di also shot directly.

The slender arm is directly raised into a fist, and a explosive power is condensed.


A word spit out.

After the white emperor, the golden shadow of the nine thousands of feet of nine thousand feet was also the same right hand.

As Bai Di's punch.

Booming ~~~

The voids in front of them are directly scattered.

The direction is invincible, sweep everything.

It seems to be anything, including the world time and space, can't resist this punch.

This is shocking, and the eight-handed knitting of the madness of the dust is bombarded.


A great sound is abrupt.

I saw the most central in the battlefield, the scarlets were dyed into a bloody big knife directly to the side.

The darkness that was originally fierce, it was flying out.

The massive mountains who came to the white emperor were calendered from the middle, and they cited them.


The roof of the soldiers, in this boxing, all of them, even if the whole person, the whole person, the whole person, I can't help but retreat.

But at this time, the white emperor who stands with the heavens and the earth, but there is a white emperor who has a nine thousand feet high golden vain, but it is a step.

The moment, squatting ~~~ Surrounded around the endless world, there are crazy towards the dust, the devil, oppressed the past.

It is only a white emperor who faced the Demon, but he feels that he faces the whole world at the moment.

At the same time, a lot of golden rays, formed a golden power of oceans.

In this golden power of oceans, Bernard was connected.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! ~~~

A violent roaring, every way is enough to surprise the merits, and constantly spread from the golden power of the ocean.

The sword is unparalleled to stand outside the golden power of the ocean. Even if he feels that the fierce movement is moving, it can't help but shake.

But this is the fierce battle, just continued to work hard.

call out!

A wolf is a polar shape from the golden power of the ocean, and this figure is that the dust is the dust.

It's just that before it is, this dusty king is a little pale, and the body is clear, and there are two arms have been broken. The breath of his body is also obviously weak.


A cold snorted in this world, and the golden powerful ocean also dissipated and reopened the scene.

At this moment, the white emperor is still intact, there is still a huge shadow behind the nine thousands of people behind, and his breath is even more shocking.

But he looked at the eyes of dust and rain, but he took a trace of anger and disappointment.

"Dust and Magic, I thought you were also one of the three people left, and I could have bired them. Then your strength is not strong than burning, but it is absolutely not to go, but now it seems that now, Not that, your strength is far from the burn, it is far away! "Bai Emperor echoed in this horizon.

"In the face of burning, I also need a full force to defeat, and even hit!"

"But you, but even don't have the qualifications for me."

"go away!"

White Emperor waved, but it contained endless majesty.

The dust of the Magic Mon is standing there. When you hear the white emperor, the face is a young white, and the old anger is a lot of the best.

But the anger is big, and he also knows that his own opponent is indeed, then playing, it is also insulting.

"Bai Emperor, today is planted, but don't be proud, how long does it take for it, this seat will be revenge today, the newspaper will let the whole draft chaotic world give you a burial !!!"

The dusty magic is roaring, but the arrogance is directly turned to the head.

The dusty king is only criminalized by the white emperor, and the thirteen emperors such as Ling Zong, the sword, the sword, no, what is dare to stay?

I also left.

On this void, there is only the white emperor, sword unparalleled and the nine holy owners, and the nine-level emperor.

Bai Emperor looked at the back of the dust, the rain, but the glittering of the rays, his mouth is muttered, "the three strong people left behind, burned, dust and magic Already played with me, it's all lost in my hand, only the most powerful blood owl! "

"Blood owner ... I don't know when I have the opportunity to fight against him, and hope that his strength can be more powerful than the enemy, and the dust is more powerful. Don't let me down !!"


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