Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2055 Leaves the Three Royal Commodities

(Ninth! There is also the last chapter!)


The dusty magic is waiting for one away, and the sword is unparalleled, and the crisis is naturally released.

Next, the sword is unparalleled with the white emperor, and it went to the three emperors.

The vast chaotic world, the vast dark voids, the volume has far more than a few Dark roller, which has already stopped operation.

And in the dark mill, the four shadows pass over the heavy hindrance, riped out.

"Haha, come out!"

"Finally came out."

The Jiu Han Lord, the nine-level emperor looked at the endless dark voids around him, showing the color of the ecstasy.

The sword is unparalleled.

These years, they smashed in the three emperors, that is the land of the three imperial world, they must be careful everywhere, always vigilant, a little inadvertent, will fall into the ground.

But now, they finally returned to the chaotic world.

Here, they are the owner, and they can really relax.

"The Crown of Crime has been destroyed, the dark mill is also completely stopped, and our trip, it can be said that it is very good." Jiu Hao is surprised.

"This is much more than him, if it is not him, just do a few, it can not ruin the crowd of the crowd." The nine emperor smiled.

The sword has shrugged, but it is slight, "Unfortunately, Fu Ro can't come out from the three emperors together, otherwise ... Let's do it."

Listening to the name of the Emperor of the Emperor, the Jiu Han Lord is also silent with the nine emperor.

Among the four strong teams, they were alive, but only the big emperor is always in the third imperial world.

", is fallen for my Holy League, my Chinese, including the whole dramatic chaotic world, will not forget her in the future." Bai Di opened.

The sword is unparalleled, and the three people of the Jiuwei are also headed.

"Don't say this first, what is the white emperor, how is the copper heart domain?" The sword didn't ask.

"As we think, the three imperial communities have been waiting quietly there, and I just have to pay my hands with my Chinese, but there is no fierce battle, I will make them withdrawn, it is estimated It will not take long for a long time, it will leave the three emperors. "Bai Di smiled.

The dark mill stops running, the big array also collapses, now in the world's chaotic world can also communicate normally in the three emperors, without having to rely on the nine emperor, the soul of the nine emperor, to deliver information.

"Sure enough?" The sword was unparalleled, and it was a cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, your plan is perfect, not only let you escape from the three emperors, and also verify the Holy League, which is the highest layer of the Shengshi, there is indeed the sequel White Emperor said.

"However, even if you know that there is a stylus, it is difficult to judge, but it is difficult to judge." Bai Emperor low Shen said: "The sword is unparalleled, nine quiet, nine, what do you have any suspicions?"

The Jiu Han Lord looks at the nine-level emperor, and the two shook his head.

"The Sword of the Shengfa is the 13th Emperor, counting the sword is not pair is the fourteen, counting our four, there is still the existence of ten emperors, and the treasonain is hidden in ten great emperors. In the middle, as long as you don't show up too much horse, we want to find him, it is not easy. "Jiu Han Han.

"Indeed, at least I can't judge, who is a stylistic, as for the object, nor."

The fourteen emperors, swords are unparalleled with Bai Di, don't say more, it is impossible to be stylistic.

The Jiu Han Lord and the nine-level emperor are two people know that this plan is in advance, and the three emperors completely fall into the arithmetic counted in the sword, he is naturally impossible.

They can shoot four people, but there is still ten great emperors.

"This ten great inside, Chi Long, Tianchen, purple, glass ... I feel that they are all like a stylus." Jiu Han is frown, obviously can't find a doubt.

But at this time, the sword was unparalleled, but he opened: "I doubt one person."

"Who?" White Emperor's three people immediately looked at the sword.

"Purple Devils." The sword is unparalleled.

"Purple deficiency?" Jiu Han Lord wrinkled with nine emperors.

The purple virtue is an extremely old emperor, and it has never been asked for an industry, and the temper is still good.

Will he be treated?

"The sword is unparalleled, talk about your reason." Bai Emperor looked over.

"I can't affirm that the great emperor of the purple is a stutter, but it is a little doubt. As for the reason, there are two, first, it is the dead!" The sword is unparalleled.

"No sadness?" Bai Emperor's three people were all moving.

"This is no sadness, I know, although it is reversible, the talent is very general." Jiu Han House.

"Yes, there is no sadness, the gods are not good, but because it is the relationship of the reversal, if he is a true cross-foot rebound, it can also have the great strength, and even have the opportunity to become the top emperor, not Weakly of the nine holy owner. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Unfortunately, he only had to reach the sixth step, and the person who killed him, and it is well known that the devil's owner!"

"However, just reached a certain level in my strength, I killed this magic heart country alone on the occasion of the true gods, this magic, said that he kills no sadness, because the purple virtue is behind Indicates, and from the situation at the time, I don't think he is lying. "

I heard this, the inner heart of the white emperor is always.

Purple Devils indicate the devil's heart, killing no sadness?

It can be known as they know that there is no intention to have any intersection with Ziqi Dali, let alone.

Moreover, even if there is no sadness, it is really sinful, and the identity of the purple virtue can be used directly to kill it. While it is used as the trouble, let the magic heart in the hands take the initiative, and even let the devil Does the heart of the heart do not leak a little tone?

Among them, there are certain reasons.

"The sword is unparalleled, what you mean is that the great emperor is worried that there is no sadness in the future, it has become a great power of my Holy League, so the purple is quietly killed?" Bai Di Tao.

"I just guess, but there is this possibility." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, it is indeed possible." The Jiu Hao Lord suddenly opened, "Bai Emperor, Jian Mun, said this purple, I did find him some weird."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, and the white emperor has seen the past.

"The sword monarch, you know, when you have not across the seven steps, the Shengshi has some great emperors, including me, in fact, I don't want to see you grow up, I was still deliberately to find a chance to kill you. "The Jiu Hao Lord solemnly watched the sword.

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