Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2056 Doubt (Tenth!)

(Today's last thing! During the blood!)


The sword is unparalleled, and the weird looks at the nine holy owner.

He complained to the Jiu Han Lord, and the Jiu Han Lord did to find a chance to kill him.

But after a line of the three emperors, the grievances of each other will be resolved, and now there is no hatred, and even the other sides can say that there is very much.

The sword is unparalleled to the nine holy land, although it is more powerful, but in front of the real big, it is never vague.

After a meal, the nine holy main is to continue: "I originally wanted to kill the sword monarch, but my murder of you is bright, the great emperor of the Shengshi knows, I just don't want to see you grow up. Get up, above me, but I don't hide it. "

"But purple deficiency is different!"

"The crisis in the vital chaotic world has not been revealed. When I have not truly shouted you, the purple deficiency is in exchange with me, and I will pass the killing of you, and he talked to me, now, now Think about it, there is a bit of ingredients. "

"?" The sword was unparalleled.

The emperor of purple is killing him, and the Jiu Hoshan is coming to kill him?

But when the Emperor of the purple demon, it is very humble when there is no double touch with the sword, and there is no difference between it.

The great emperors of the Holy League, except for the Jiu Hao Lord, I am afraid no one knows that the emperor of the purple demon is want to kill him.

"As far as I know, the purple life is reluctant, regardless of the counseling in the Shengba, but also hardly urges it, but he is quietly destroyed in the murderous god, and there is no pair of swords. Killing, no matter what you and no sadness, never take the initiative to provoke him, so two of you are all reversed, this is interesting. "White mysterious, but the sound is quite cold.

"Of course, light is not enough to identify purple deficiency is stylus, and it is possible that he is just that we think that it is very broad." Jiu Hao Lord said.

"Others." The sword is not a hyper point, "but I doubt him, there is a second reason, the Jiu Han Lord, you still remember that the emperor of the first glazed Emperor will take the emperor with the purple virtue, kill my fire world Come? "

"Of course, I remember that I thought that I had to get it, but I didn't expect your resort, and I also had a mysterious power." Jiu Han Master.

"The mysterious power, is the Lenin Island, there is a certain amount of interest." The sword was unparalleled smiled. "When the Lingyu Island was pressed, it was suppressed by the emperor of the purple, but after the battle, the spirit The monetic is said to me, the purple virtue ... there is intentionally hidden strength. "

"What?" "Jiu Han Shi suddenly looked at it.

"Is purple deficiency hidden?" Bai Emperor's brow is also wrinkled.

The sword is not bumblewrought, it is filled with a story.

After the beginning of the Liangju Lord and the purple virtue battle, he did say that he said with him. He wants him to prevent the emperor of the purple deficiency. Because she saw that the strength of the purple virtue did not have a surface, you can know, purple The virtual light is the battle force of the show, so that in the world of the chaos world, row in the fifth.

Hidden the strength is so strong, then if he is full of efforts, how much is it?

"Look, this purple virtue is really simple." White Emperor said that although he often saw the great emperor on weekdays, it did not truly handed with the latter. Therefore, whether the latter hides strength, he can't see it.

However, the Lamin Island, the ancient strong, strong strength, and is handed over with the purple virtue of the Emperor, and it will not give this judgment.

"Comprehensive these two reasons, plus the Jiu Han Lord, you just said, I think that purple virtue is indeed a big suspicion." The sword said unparalleled.

Of course, he also said that there is suspicion, but it can't be determined.

After all, he did not really have evidence.

"As long as there is a doubt, then the things in the next, slowly find it is, after returning to the Sheng League, I will go to check." Bai Emperor said.

"Well." The sword is heavy and ten people.

"Right, there is one thing." The sword is unparalleled and opened. "In the year ago, I was only in the sixth step in the reverse repair. I was spread out because the news of the Star Palace was spread. When I went to the Emperor Sword. On the way back, I met a mysterious murder! "

"This mysterious, strong strength, I am afraid that it is weaker than God of the emperor in the middle of the first God, and he has a heavy killing trick, you can burst into the power of the emperor, at the time I also brought me a little threat, and this mystery, I didn't know who it was, I didn't know who sent it. "

"But there is a little, he can never be strong from Huangquan Palace, because I have encountered the assassination of Huangquan Palace, knowing Huangquan Palace, if they want to assassinate, I must only send him one person, definitely will Equipped to prepare. "

I heard the words, and the white emperor nodded.

"Self-assassination, I will go to the heart, the bloody door, Huangquan Palace stayed in the darkness of the chaotic world for so many years, since there is already a hands-on, then there will definitely be careful, this long Years, I am inserted in my holy party, I am afraid there will be only one or two, and now the dark mill has been completely stopped, then my Holy League does not need to fight with them! "

"In the time of the preparation, these locusts will be found." The white emperor is light, and it is clear that it is really angry.

Next to the Jiuhe San Lord with the nine-level emperor, it also nodded.

The Holy League, and the vast chaotic world, it is calm for too long.

Under this calm, some locusts are hidden, some of them are inserted by the other party, and now it is time to move.

Under the four people, it quickly returned to the building group in the dark around the darkness.

Shortly after he was coming back, he was inspired by the white emperor, and the big emperors who went to the copper heart domain to meet the swords.

These great emperors did to go to the copper heart domain, but the sword is unparalleled, but it has encountered a strong power of the three imperial world. The two sides also watched each other, and finally did not share a winning and negative, plus Bai Emperor, they also withdraw it in time.

On the way back, these emperors were still quite confused, and they did not figure out the cause of the matter.

Only one person, but the heart has already understood.

This person is naturally a purple virtue!

He is still a deep posture, but the heart is extremely heavy.

"Look, Bai Emperor is aware of the highest level of the Shengshi, but I don't know if he will suspect it on my head?"


PS: Today is ten!

Brothers, for four consecutive days, have been more four consecutive days!

Work hard, I believe everyone is in the eyes, and everyone's support is also seen.

In a word, for the fantasy king, for the support of the brothers and sisters, they will die! !

Today's Fantasy King is already the fourth, but the distance is very far away, so I hope everyone can give me a bigger support! !

Let's take a brunt!

Tomorrow ... still ten! ! !

In addition, in the special description, the death is more than ten, so there is no conservation, so it is updated, it is a chapter of the code to update this chapter, not what intentional interval is not updated, deliberately dragged to the evening 11 It is no way, I have to go to the chapter code at that time, so everyone should understand.

And tomorrow's update, it is also updated from the morning, starting from the morning, the code is more chapter, until the end of the ten chapters, will kill the death will try to be ten in the morning before 12 in the morning.

Ask you to support it.

Finally, monthly tickets, recommended tickets to take a list.

Restaurant also take a wave!


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