Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2057 70% of the winning!

(Today is still ten, first more!)

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After many great emperors returned to the Holy League, they immediately learned that the sword was unparalleled, and these gods were naturally surprised.

Although some people have seen some cats, there is not much to say.

Then, the white emperor came out of this black crushed plate, held a celebration banquet.

This sword is unparalleled, and the strongest squad is going to the three emperors, destroying the Crown, so that the dark mill is completely stopped, and it can be said that it will be suspended in the whatei chaotic world countless tricks. Falling, so big, of course, it is worth celebrating.

The banquet is extremely grand, including some gods all participated.

At the banquet, many strong people included those gods, they have won't be a double to the sword. Even if there is no two glazed gardens with swords, they also throw the previous grievances, sincerely replace the sword.

As for the nine holy owners, nine-level emperor, and also have a lot of respect.

The wine has passed three patrols.


Bai Emperor suddenly stood up, his eyes were in the next large emperor, and the emperor saw it. "This dark mill is enough to stop, the biggest hero, the big hero, the sword is unparalleled, and the second is that the emperor that has fallen. , As well as the nine secluded, nine, come, you will be with me, respect these four people !! "

Everyone in the scene raised the wine glass.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a Shen Sheng: "Jing Luo Emperor, respect me, respect the vast chaotic world !!!"

"Emperor Jing Luo!"

"Respect for the Shengyuan, respect me of the chaotic world!"

Many strong people have also accompanied by, and they will drink wine.

After this last glass of wine, the white emperor once again opened again. "Although the dark mill has stopped, but the crisis of the chaos world is still never lifted, the blood is awkward, Huangquan Palace is still still, and there is the three The royal body, the strong is countless, since they have already appeared, it will be willing to fight in the world! "

"This battle, unavoidable !!"

"After the feast of today, I will prepare for it early, and the final decisive battle in the chaotic world and the three emperors will come !!!"

"Go !!"

The Bai Emperor made a lot of money, everyone at the banquet has been dissipated.

After the banquet, the power of all parties will continue to prepare.

But because the dark mill has stopped the relationship, this is ready to be urgent.

On the other side, the white emperor has started to investigate the inside of the South Africa.

And he focuses on the people who investigate, it is the purple virtue!

Of course, his investigation is in the dark, in addition to the sword, there is no knowledge outside of the sword.


The three emperors, the darkness of the darkness.

Cold as snow, dusty magic,

"How many years of hard work !!!"

"In order to prepare this dark mill, I have made a great price, carefully prepared for so many years, but the result is a burial !!"

The blood main voice is cold, with an endless anger.

Dust rain is natural and anger.

Very normal, the dark mill is that they are deliberately prepared for the strong people of the Outdoor Chaos World, it is definitely their killer.

This kills the hand, they can completely annihilapidly annihilating the people of the ancient chaotic world without blowing.

To this end, the cost they pay is too great.

More carefully prepared for a long time, it is this day.

As a result, because a sword is unparalleled, this long-lasting is ready to pay the east.

Of course, they can only blame their opponents.

Originally, the Crown True stayed within the emperor, there are many great guards, should be unlunished, plus the Crown Shishi is very strong, there is no certain degree of power can't break, so they didn't have a sword at all. The four teams are placed in their eyes.

However, they did not expect the ability of the sword and unparalleled renovation, and then coupled with the secrets of the stars, they could have broke out the power of exceeding the emperor, and the Crown was destroyed directly.

Because of this, it created this all.

"Things have happened, now I have never been there, or want to think about it first." That has been sitting in the cold, and the snow is suddenly open.

"What should I do, what can I do?"

The dust is low, and he has also swaying his body, "Even if there is no dark mill, single by Huangquan Palace, the blood of the blood, the strength of the three imperial world, can also face the front of the chaotic world Battle, plus my Huangquan Palace, I penetrated into the power of the chaos world, and our winning is over 70%! "

"So, what are you afraid? The frontal battle is !!"

The cold frown is slightly wrinkled, but the main looks in the past.

"The dust is not wrong, even if there is no dark mill, I will continue to work, it is still very big, but it is only one of them, and I will wait for the tripartite's own losses will definitely be very huge." Say.

"Hey, as long as you can completely annihilate the chaotic world, our ultimate goal is completed, even if it is a lot, what is it?" Dust and Rain Devils.

"This is." Blood main point, "In this case, then immediately began to prepare, my three emperors have been accommodated so many years, and I am more absolutely loyal to me, as long as I have a lot of money. You can bring you immediately, you can't you have a strong man in Huangquan Palace, and you can be ready? "

"Reassured, my Huangquan palace has already hopefully hosted." Dust and Magic

"My blood is all ready to be proper." Cold like a snow.

"In this case, then let them come at the fastest speed, with my three militaries, despite the formation of the army, I will fight with the ancient chaotic world!" Blood main road.

"Well." Dust rain is looking back with cold as a snow.

"Yes, dust, magic." Blood Lord suddenly saw the dust and rain, "You have played with the white emperor before you in the third emperor?"

As mentioned in the white emperor, the dust of the dust is slightly twisted, but it is still nod.

"Look at your look, afraid to be learned by the white emperor?" Blood main laughed.

"Hey, the white emperor is the first person of the ancient chaotic world, the strength is indeed more than I have to be strong, and the burning is the first to defeat in his hand, and it is normal." The dusty devil screams, and immediately lift the head. Come, "Blood Lord, you don't have to worry, I am afraid I have to be stronger than you, you have to meet him, I am afraid there is no good fruit."

"Oh? Then I will wait and see."

The blood slam smiled, and there was a inexplicable blood of the eyelids.

This kind of void, soon you are silent.

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