Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2059 Survey Results

(The third is over!)


"The fire circle, condense the heart of the past generation, but also pays a lot of powerful life, it is hard to go to this step today, I will never allow him to destroy him in my hand!"

"This battle, the chaotic world must win!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it is born in the past.

And at this time ...

"The sword is unparalleled, and the Thunder Island is coming." Bai Emperor came.

The sword has no double look, and after the explanation, he went to the Zernse Island.

Thunder Island, now it is still the most core cultivation of the Holy League.

Although there is now the existence of the fire industry, but the people in the chaotic world are still just some genius disciples in the green industry, and those strong, those who are really above, can not enter the fire world.

The minimum requirement that enters the Thunder Island is the true God.

This is equivalent to a genius to cultivate holy place, one is the land of the strong, and the two are completely different.

Through the spatial wormhole, the sword is unparalleled in Zadu Island, and it is directly in the holy mountain.

On the way, there is naturally many real gods or the big energy.

"Is the sword monarch!"

"I heard that the Sword Monarch has made great efforts in front of my Sheng Zeng, and now it is one of the top strong people in the Holy League, and the status is not low."

"Well, I also heard that even rumors said that the Jiu Hao owner, the glazed emperor is in the power, it is not as good as the sword monarch."

"Good guy, how long does this sword monarch practice? It's too anti-day."

Many strong people have joined in secret.

Although the battle in the three imperial world, only the past 20 years, but the sword is unparalleled in the Shengba, but it has been absolutely recognized.

These true gods or general energy is not much because of the relationship of strength, but in the highest layer, those emperors have long since the Sword Musou, only the strength of Bai Di.

Holy Mountain, a huge manor.

The three people were waiting quietly, and the sword was not double. It came to the manor.

"Bai Emperor, Nine, Well? Tianchen Laozu is also?" The sword was unparalleled to see the Tianchen ancestors next to it.

"The sword is unparalleled, Tianchen is absolutely trustworthy, it is impossible to be the adversary of the enemy camp. During this time, I was in secretly investigating the stylit in the dark." Bai Emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has never doubt it.

Among the many emperors of the Shengshi, it is most impossible to be in the stylistic person, including Tianchen ancestors.

"Let's talk about it." Tianchen old ancestors are directly open: "Jian Mun, Jiu Dou, looking for you today, because these years have been investigated by the Emperor of the year, there is already some results."

"How?" The sword asked.

"It is not enough to completely affirm that the emperor of the purple is rape, but through these years, I have some special means to meet the Northern Emperor, you have got some information, you also help you see." Tianchen old ancestors will handle one Give the sword unparalleled with the Jiu Han.

The sword is unparalleled with the Jiu Han Lord.

This browsing, the two are fierce.

"Good guy, this purple virtue, even in the dark, there are so many people? And, all are all talented." The sword is unparalleled to raise his head.

Recorded in the controversy, it is a message that the great god of Violene is removed in a variety of means.

There are more than ten messages in foot, which means that this purple virtue is secretly covered with the top ten top genius, and those top genius have a big chance to shock the emperor, the peak, even, even three people. It is an impact of the enemy.

But as a result, they were quietly removed by the emperor of the purple, and they did very concealed, and there was no spearhead in the outside world to point to him.

This time, if it is not because I have doubt it to the big emperor of the purple virtue, the white emperor has used a lot of special ways with Tianchen old ancestors, and I am afraid that I am still more than the power of the great victory of the emperor. The fallen of those genius is the hands and feet of purple virtue.

"Hate the Lord, hate the victims" is that he is removed! "Jiu Hao's brow wrinkled.

Hate the main, two million years ago, the top genius in the chaotic world, is also the top super enchanting in the era.

His talented terrible, cultivation is more than 10,000 years, and it has reached the level of God, and it is unparalleled. It is said that when he just reached God, the sense of the road has reached the ninth floor of the Taoizhi, which is the great emperor. The level, strong combat power, can easily defeat the emperor with the land of God!

At that time, his sharpness was also a time without two, and it became the emperor in the future, and it was also a nail, and even it is possible to match the Red Dragon King, the Jiu Han Lord, and even more than they.

It is such a super genius, but later suddenly fallen.

At that time, the people in the world of chaotic world said that this hated lord was assassinated by Huangquan Palace, and no one was doubtful.

Until now they knew that the hate of the victims, they were dead in the hands of the emperor of purple.

"These geniuses that are covered by the great emperor of the purple virtue, the weakest are the opportunity to become a strong emperor, but also have a top genius such as the Lord, but it is entirely possible to become the highest force of my Holy Argo. As a result, they were also blotted by the purple virtue before they have not really grow up. "

"These geniuses can have no hatred with him, and he is in the dark of these genius, but the outside world has been unaware."

"Why do he kill these top genius?"

"If you kill the super genius such as hate the Lord, it is worried that it will threaten his status. Other top genius talents have not hate the landlord, and they don't think about him. There is no need to kill at all. "

"In summary, coupled with him deliberately hidden, I think of the white emperor believes that he is the possibility of rape, more than 70%!" Tianchen old ancestors seriously.

"Is it just a 70%?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Although it is just 70%, it can't be completely affirmed, but it is enough to let me wait for the front." Bai Di Road.

"Positive shot?" The sword has no double.

Previously, the Emperor and Tianchen have only survey the great emperor in secret, but they did not follow the evil of the emperor with the purple virtue.

And now this is positive ...

"Walk, let's go to the manor who lives in the purple demon." Bai Di opened.

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, Tianchen ancestor three people naturally follow.

The estate of the purple virtue lives is a unique void in the world.

The manor is huge, just like a fairyland.

The sword is unparalleled, and the white emperor has appeared on this huge manor at the moment.

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