Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2060 is anger! ! !



On the emptiness, the white emperor is cold and cold, overlooking the huge manor in front.

"I have just deliberately toned the purple deficiency, and now there is some of his followers in addition to some servants in his manor."

"This follower is extremely important to purple, and there are many things in purple, and she is all known, and the purpose of our trip is to find her first!"

The white emperor finished, but it was a wave, and the pounds of the throne blocked the entire manor, directly isolated this manor and the outside time.

The sword is unbearable.

He also knows that some strength is very strong, and there will be some followers.

Like the purple emperor, there is a follower, thousands of people, and he has helped the sword.

"Walk, let us go."

The white emperor told one sentence, four people immediately forth in front of the manor.

In the huge estate like the fairyland in the world, a river is floating on the surface of the water.

On the lonely boat, there is a beautiful woman wearing a purple robe.

"I don't know what the white emperor is there. I am so anxious that the owner has passed?" This Purple robe is still murmured.

The purple emperor has just been in this lonely boat, but it suddenly came to the White Emperor's Communications, and then left.

And at this time ...

"Well?" The beautiful woman was awkward and looked at the void around the manor.

She has already induces this manor's time and space has been completely blocked.

"Who?" Zi Zawo's fascinating woman drunk.


The four shadows appeared in front of the lonely boat, and the four eyes saw this Purple robe.

"This is ... White Emperor?"

When the Purple robe glamorous woman, when the face was turned, "White Di is not the owner's past? How can I suddenly appear here, and I still have to block the surrounding time and space??"

This purple robe has already thought of a possibility, it was very shocked, but he still didn't move the look: "Seeing Bai Emperor, have seen the adults, I don't know why?"

"About some things of purple, this seat wants to ask you." Bai Di directly.

"The white emperor said, my owner's business, you can ask my owner, I believe that my home owner must have a question." Zi Zawager laughed.

"Don't you want to say? Hey, I am now arrived." The white emperor smiled, but he took out a scarlet bead.

This scarlet bead exudes the mysterious breath, this mysterious breath is the power of the soul.

"go with."

As the Oil's idea moves, the power of the soul of the scarlet beads suddenly exploded.

"not good."

Purple robe glamorous women's face changed, but they did not resist any resilience in front of Baili in front of Baili, but she only looked at her mind in her mind. She trembled. The eyes flashed a struggle.

But just instantly, she is completely calm.

"White Emperor, this is?" The sword has seen it in confusion.

"This is a special treasure I got from the ancient battlefield for a long time. The power of the soul can directly control the other party in a short time, so that it is only for you. Of course, this treasure is only effective for the strong of the emperor. And this person is just the followers of purple deficiency, but not to be controlled by purple deficiency, it will not be a treasure, but also can't. "White Emperor smiled, but his scorpion was again toward Na Zi. past.

"Let's talk, this is to know everything in purple."

"Yes." The Purple Robe nodded and then started to tell.

Controlled by Bai Emperor, this purple robe is naturally the whole process you know.

Bai Emperor, sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, Tianchen ancestors four people also listen quietly.

Just starting to have a calm calm, but heard the face, the four men were all sink.

At the end, the face of the four people became extremely difficult to look.

The purple virtue of purple, is indeed inserting the Huangquan Palace inserted in the Shengshi, which has been confirmed from the words of this purple robe.

And this long, the emperor of the purple virtue is indeed in the dark, with a variety of means to assassinate some of the top genius of the ancient chaotic world.

In fact, murder of these top genius, usually Huangquan Mango, but sometimes because of some special fate, Huangquan Palace is inconvenient, or can not shoot, therefore, it is from the purple emperor.

He became the top of the Shengshi's highest emperor, the number of top geniuses in the assassination is far more than those of Tianchen old ancestors.

However, the emperor of the purple demon is a numerous truth, as well as many days of murder in the long years of the emperor, this is not a sword.

They are really anger, this is the Purple Ritch's demon woman, and it has also mentioned a force.

Vientiane Tower! ! !

The First Chamber of Chaotic World is recognized, whether it is trafficking intelligence, treasure, resources and even assassination, is the first Vientiane Building, which is also greatly implicated with purple virtue.

Like the great emperor of the purple deficiency, there are so many top geniuses. However, there is no one in the world, but the top of the Shengle is also skept to go to the Emperor of the purple, that is because there is a Vientiane building aside. Erase all traces.

Even sometimes, the emperor of the purple demon can remove those geniuses smoothly, and it is also the full force of Vientiane Tower.

It is very close to the Vientiane, but there is no intersection on the Vientiane Tower, but it is very close in the secret.

What does this explain?

It is also the same as the Huangquan Tower or the blood of the chaotic world!

"Vientiane Tower, good one Vientiane Tower !!" The white emperor is low, echoing in the world.

The sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, Tianchen old ancestor three people are also angry.

Vientiane Tower, as the first chamber of commerce, what is the high of the chaos world? What is strength?

If this is the first to be recognized by the Stars, it is the most powerful forces in the human territory. It is no doubt that is a Vientiane Tower.

The strength of the Vientiane Tower has the heritage, but it is enough to make the top great power like Shenwangdao, the Lingxiao Temple.

What kind of big forces are hostile camps?

"We can't always join my Shengling. It is said that it is not a competition for all parties to the world, but it can actually sell the information, but from time to time to provoke a war in the world of chaotic world. Killing! "

"The killer sector they are, and the long-lasting years are even more murdered with many strong people in the world or genius."

"They are not competing, but their actions are enough to cause a bloody wind in the chaotic world!"

Tianchen's ancestor sound is cold, and there is endless killing.

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