Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2061 Evidence is conclusive



Vientiane Tower is too big in the vast chaotic world, and it is also very wide.

Although it is not hegemony, it is enough to affect the world.

Like the original no sad hall, all parties have to compete for many days, it is the first hand of Vientiane Tower.

The news like a star palace is also spreading from the Vientiane building, which will lead the three major alliance to kill the stars.

There are still a lot of competition, and there are Wanong Building.

Ming Vientiane Tower is for your own interests, but now it seems that Vientiane Tower is clearly intentional and right, let the people of the people of the ancient chaotic world are self-conflict, indirectly consume the overall power of the chaotic world.

"I asked you, I came out from the emperor's door, and whether the mysterious power encountered, is it a purple deficiency?" The sword asked without a double.

"Yes." The beautiful woman nodded, and immediately figured the figure. Her appearance immediately started to change immediately.

Originally, it is a fascinating woman, short film is already in order to wear black, dark skin.

The sword is unparalleled, which is the old black haircut.

"Sure enough." The sword is not a double eyed.

"The temperament, the appearance can change, this secret is extraordinary." White Emperor glanced at the 'black old man' in front of him, and immediately waved. This 'black older' even has no room, no, Directly annihilated.

Subsequently, the white emperor looked at Tianchen's ancestors. "The evidence is already conclusive, you can do it, not just a purple, there is also Warong Building, this time I have to pull up !!"

"White Emperor is relieved, although the Vientiane Tower is always very cautious, but I have already known their old nest, I can't show it." Tianchen old ancestral .

"That's good, immediately call the emperor to negotiate, and put the purple deficiency."

After the white emperor told him, four people left.


The St. League, the Thunder Island, is still within the Holy Pavilion held by the highest meeting.

Many great emperors, or their respect, or awareness is coming.

The Holy Leverage has a fourteen emperors in the sword unparalleled, and it has arrived for 13, the only one who has never arrived, it is the purple virtue.

These great emperors have doubtful, I don't know what the white emperor suddenly calls the procedures for the age.

Is it difficult to have something big in the three mils?

"People are all, then start." Bai Di Dynasty Tian Chen's grandmother screamed.

Tianchen Laozu stands up, watching the surroundings: "Everyone, I want to come to the first three mils, there are already many people who have seen some Ni came, yes, my holy scherant is the highest layer, indeed existed The adversary of the enemy camp! "

I heard this, the emperor's eyes were a shrinkage.

But most of them did not feel unexpected.

Before the sword was unparalleled, the four people's team experienced in the three emperors, and it was too coincidental, plus the later copper heart domain to carry out.

There is no doubt that there is a stylistic in the highest level of the Shengshi, and everyone knows that there is no saying.

Tianchen Lao Zu suddenly donned, and then said: "After the end of the old man and the Bai Emperor, the survey of the Northern Emperor has now determined the stylistic identity, please see ..."

Tianchen Laozu is about to collect many evidence, including the mirror screen when I asked That Purple robe in the manor, I took it out and gave a lot of emperors.

These emperors have swept over and over again, and the faces are sinking.

"Purple deficiency, the emperor of purple is actually treated?"

"Will it be him?"

"This purple virtue, life is often born with life, don't ask the world, but I didn't expect him to be the stylus of Huangquan Palace, and in the dark, there were still many top genius in the chaotic world !!"

These emperors are extremely angry.

Despite them, there are some people who have had a certain feelings with the emperor of purple, but after the identity of the purple virtue, this is now unfair, and some are just awkward.

"Hate, my disciple is actually guilty in his darkness?" A roaring in Holy Tiande came.

Everyone has turned his eyes to the Emperor Emperor of the anger.

The original genius hated the lord, is the pro-disciple of the Emperor Emperor, but he is the most proud disciple, but it will be fallen, and the Emperor Emperor is very sad, now knowing to kill hate The real murderer of the Lord is the fire in anger.

"In addition to purple deficiency, there are also Vientiane Tower!"

"They are all hostile camps, the evidence is conclusive!"

The white emperor is cold, sweeping, "I came to call, I have to shoot together, in the shortest time, pull the Wan Xianglou in the roots !!"

The gods were in the scene, killing the sky.

"Tianchen, you immediately go to arrange, will give it all the Vientiane Tower in the chaotic world." Bai Emperor told him.

"Yes." Tianchen Lao Zu Zheng nodded.

"The sword is unparalleled, Ji Long, Jiu Duan, Emperor ..." Bai Emperor called an emperor's name. "You have a few with this seat, go to the old nest of Vientiane Town to go!"

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

Soon, many emperors have actually acting.

The huge machine of the Holy League has also begun to run, in the top ten cultivation holy land, the command of the Holy Land is reached, and the holy place began to attack those Vientiane buildings.

Bai Emperor, the sword is unparalleled, it is going to the old nest of Vientiane.

The old nest of Vientiane is not within the top ten holy situations, but in a dark void of the top ten holy land.

When the white emperor, the sword didn't have a few people came to this dark void, and the old nest of Vientiane was often as calm.

This time, Bai Emperor has got a conclusive evidence, and immediately killed the Vientiane Town, it immediately killed in the old nest, even if it was the first Vientiane Tower of the intelligence, and they didn't know now. The Holy League has already handed it.

"Vientiane Tower, as the first chamber of Chaotic Chaos World, the strength of the heritage is not in general, the light is the energy, there will be more than 30 in the Vientiane building, and if there is no accident, there is one in Vientiane The existence of the emperor. "Bai Emperor is cold.

In the world, there is no sword, there is only a fifteen emperor, and there are 13 Chinese people, and there is no other than the Chinese.

In the dark, it has hidden many powerful people, but these strong people are very small, and they are obscured.

Vientiane, hidden strong, should be very much.

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