Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2062 Thunder Means!

(Sixth, there will be four chapters to update, the code is finished in one chapter update chapter!)

(Monday, ask the recommended ticket!)


"The great emperor of Vientiane Tower, I have turned it before." Red Dragon King said: "His strength is general in the emperor, and the body of the body is not very strong, it is not difficult to kill him, the only need Be careful, it is his power to burn the soul. "

"This emperor gave me, you go to the powerful people of Wanyiang Tower, don't let them escape." Bai Di silend.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

Subsequent people immediately.

boom! !

A shocking rushed.

Vientiane's old nest of the guards, at all, unable to withstand the shock of the white emperor, instantly burst, the calm in Vientiane Tower was broken.

"who is it?"

"what happened?"

A road shape was rumored, and I saw the broken big array, and the strong people of these Vientiane Tower suddenly shocked and angry.

Combining, they saw the number of numbers, and they broke in through that.

These people have spread a horrified horror, and it is a super power of the emperor.


A Cang old shadow is also awkward appeared in Vientiane Tower, which is the only big power in Vientiane.

"This is ... White Emperor?" The old white man in the gray clothes looks at the white man, which is the color of the horror.

White Emperor is made to drink, "Take the Holy League, Vientiane Tower is Huangquan Palace] in the vast chaotic world, the evidence is uniform!"

"Today, Vientiane is willing to be destroyed."

"All high-rise powerful people, they will kill innocent !!"

Drinking the sky, echoing in the old nest of Vientiane, all the strong people of Vientiane Tower suddenly shocked.

"It was found out?" The gray elderly scored a cold, just want to have a move, but the white emperor has already appeared in front of him.


There is no more nonsense, and the white emperor has already shot.

I saw that he was very horizontal, and the sky was born in the moment, appearing in front of the gray clothes.

The old sweat hair is now erected, and the white emperor is terrible. He also has something to hear, nature is doing his best to resist.


A low bomb, this gray elderly face immediately, and it was also injected in the mouth and was obviously seriously injured.

However, it is worthy of being able to survive in Bai Emperor, even if it is only a punch.

"Ah !!!"

Suddenly, this gray elderly the power of the soul is crazy.

He is self-guilty, and it is naturally a battle for the soul to die at this moment.

However, even if he burned the soul, the combustion force enhanced a large truncation, reaching a new level, but in front of the white emperor, there is still room for any hand.

Bai Emperor is just a few attacks. This gray clothes were killed on the spot. Before the death, his strength of his soul did not burn less than one-third.

Even the strongest emperor was killed directly by the white emperor, and the strong people in the last of Vientiane Tower were immediately cold.

When the sword is unparalleled, the king of Red Dragon, the glazed emperor has directly broken into the strong people of Vientiane Tower, such as the wolf into the collier, slaughtering.

Although the big energy owned by Vientiane Tower is a lot, these energy is facing a few great slaughter, there is no room for struggling.

Just a moment, these big energy people were slaughtered.

"Forgive, everyone is forgiving, I don't know the relationship between Vientiane Tower and Huangquan Palace, but also from the Huangquan Palace." A rumble suddenly sounded.

One person begging for mercy, the rest of the strong, all of them, and said that they didn't know the relationship between Vientiane Tower and Huangquan Palace.

In fact, most of them don't know, they have always regarded themselves as a member of the chaotic world.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, and the slaughter is still the slaughter, and I have seen the past.

The white emperor is cold, "Even if someone in Vientiane is innocent, or unaware, but also have a lot of indeed, the Huangquan Palace is the trend, my Holy League is also difficult to distinguish. No time to distinguish. "

"Very time, I would rather kill, never let go!"


The Bai Emperor sounded a slice.

Wen said, the sword is not cold, and it is cold.

They all agreed that the Di Di's decision, now the Chinese Union is holding the time preparation and the Three Emperor's wars, in this way, how to spend a lot of effort to investigate these people, which people are innocent or unaware, which People are really in the case.

Only one and kill can we ensure that there is no worries.

Even if you miss a few people, it is at all.


The sword is unparalleled again, and it is extremely decisive one by one, and there is no hesitation.

"Do not!!!"

The strong people in Vientiane Tower are crazy, but in the face of several emperors, the results can only be slaughtered.

Not long, this big Vientiane floor is completely quiet, leaving only the bones and a bloody sea.

Many strong people in the old nest of Vientiane, not only those energy, but also the many real gods, they are all sneaked by the sword.

After you finish all, the sword is no longer gathered with Bernard.

"The old nest is destroyed, the rest of those divisions, from the perspective of the South of the Alliance, how long can it be easy to destroy, this Vientiane building is over." Jiu Han Holy Master.

"This is just the power of the Vientiane floor, as the first chamber of commerce, the first intelligence organization, and even the first killer organization, Vientiane Tower will definitely send a lot of strong people to penetrate into the parties for my Holy League, these The insects, you can dig it out, and you will kill it. "Bai Di cold channel.

The sword is no longer looking back.

"Wanxiang Tower is destroyed, and the rest will be handed over to Tianchen them to deal with, and then, it is that purple deficiency." Bai Di is sinking, "Sword is unparalleled, Chi Long, you will go with me, Jiuwei, East, you go to assist Tianchen to clear the residual power of Vientiane Tower. "


The four emperors were Qi Zi.

Several people will start again.

Under the leadership of Bai Emperor, the sword is unparalleled to the great estate living in the emperor of the purple deficiency.

"This purple virtue didn't escape?"

The sword is unparalleled in the huge manor outside the huge manor, and it is surprised.

"Here is the place in the chaotic world. It is the place where the Shengle is controlled. I have long been staring at him, he just wants to escape, escape?" Bai Emperor smiled.

"It is also said." The sword is unparalleled.

In the territory of the Shengba, but also personally stared by Bernard, it is almost impossible to escape from the Emperor's Emperor.


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