Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2063 Purple Devil!

(7 more!)


"The sword is unparalleled, you have risen on the three emperors. In addition to me, in addition to me in the Shenglang, it should be your strongest, this purple virtual is handed over." Bai Emperor said.

"Yes, in fact, I want to think about this purple emperor." The sword is unparalleled, and the lips are shining, and the excitement is flashing.

"Red Dragon, you will go together." Bai Emperor told him.

"Yes." Red Dragon Wang should be, when it is unparalleled with the sword, it will be plundered in the manor.

In that, on the homage river in the fairyland in the world, the lonely boat is still randomly floating, and the emperor of the lonely boat is sitting there, and the bamboo pole is still fishing in the hands.


The shape of the sword is unparalleled with Red Dragon king appeared before this lonely boat.

"The emperor of the purple demon is really leisurely, all in this way, there is still a mood in this fishing?" The sword was unbolded and indifferent, stared at the purple virtue.

The scorpion of the purple virtue turned, and the sword didn't have a double, but it was a slight smile, "Otherwise, how?"

When he knew his followers, he guess the Holy League had already found that he was treated, and it would be to him.

Of course, he also wants to escape, but he knows that he can't escape.

Therefore, he surely sits quietly, waiting for the arrival of the strong people in the Shengshi.

"How can I only have two, white emperor?" Ziqi Dali relief.

"The white emperor can come to see you in this rape, and you are not qualified to make the white emperor personally shot." The sword did not double cold channels.

"Yes? Just two, do you want to kill me?" Ziqi Dali ridicule.

"Don't try it, will you know?" The sword was unparalleled.


A stunned neighborhood is scattered in the sword, and it is oppressed it in all directions.

The river in the surrounding river raised the old high, even out of the bottom of the silt, and the lonely boat under the feet of the purple demon was now burst.

The sword is unparalleled.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The five glasses of golden light are suddenly fired, and they will directly explode with the moment of Thunder.

These five golden lights are the sword unparalleled Hongyu Jinjian.

It's just a five-handle. After all, Hong Yin Jinjian is mainly the power of time and space. The feelings of swords are not in the time-space road, still staying in the eighth floor of the Taoine, there is no breakthrough, but it is impossible to show the sixth hand, but it is also Five-handle Hongyin Jinjian, its power is very different from before.

The second stage of the sword is unparalleled, the power of the power is far exceeding the category of the general emperor. The five handles Hong Yinjun is full of impact, and any handle is enough to make the emperor to go all out, not to mention the five handles.

It can be seen that the five golden flanges come, the purple virtue is indifferent, and a swelling purple long gun appears in his hand.

I saw his purple long gun seemingly understated, but every shot is incredible.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

Five-handed Hongyu Jinjian was shocked out.

But at this time, there is no double shape, but it has already appeared in front of the emperor of the purple, and the blood peak sword in the hand is now.

The swordsmanship of the swordsman, the Jianfeng, which faintly condensed.

Xuanluo sword, blood is extreme.


The purple virtue of the purple is as if it is empty, and he snorted, and the long guns were empty.


Helling each other, there is a strong anti-voiciency, the sword is unblocked, and the sword is changed in the hands of the sword.

A cold sword light is light, and the special radians are evacuated.

Xuanluo sword, a demon!


The power of the purple deficit rose, and the purple gun was also emerging, and it was directly turned into a purple lightning, burst.

Terrorist power, actually retreats the sword unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, but it is a surprised pillar. "It seems that Lien Island is indeed true, you have been hidden with strength, and the Tibet is too deep !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and he has just swords, although there is no effort to go, but a power has exploded a lot of almost 70%.

Even if it is just a 70%, the power is far more powerful than the general emperor, but the purple virtue is not only easy to resist his attack, but even if he can force him.

This strength, at least the main stronger is strong than the nine, and even more stronger.

The sword is unparalleled, the real strength of this purple virtue will not be weak, and the name of the beast-like bald man who has encountered in the three emperors.

"Hey, if it is too worried that the strength is too strong, if you are suspicious, you think that the second will be the second place in the Supreme Plan now, is it a red dragon?" Aspi Dawn with a context.

On the earthquany list, he ranked the fifth place for the ranking of the emperor.

In front of him, in addition to the white emperor, there is a king of Red Dragon, Jiu Han Lord, Tianchen ancestor.

In fact, in addition to the white emperor, the other three will not be placed in the eyes.

"I have to look at it, you have a lot of strong." The sword was unblocked in the middle, and the sword gave up, and his power was completely broke out, and the Dizhen Dad was rushing over.

The sword is unparalleled, the big fierce battle is together, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is completely exerted, and then with the five-handed Hongyu Golden Sword, crazy towards the purple Dali oppressed.

The purple virtue is like a ghost. At the same time, his entire human body has a layer of purple crystals. It is very amazing, and it is also a strong amazing, even if it is unparalleled with the sword, but only is just a slight down.

You know, the sword is unparalleled in the third emperor, but it is resistant to the thirteen emperors at the same time.

"The strength of this purple deficiency is more powerful than I think, than that of Ling Zong, it is slightly better than that." The sword is unparalleled.

It is facing the Ling Zong, the sword is unparalleled to completely press it.

But now this purple virtue, he is just the wind, this is not obvious.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, you can destroy the crowd, from the three imperial world, the strength is indeed more powerful than before, and now the great gods think that your strength is the closest white emperor, now It seems to be true. "

"But unfortunately, you have strong strength, but it is slightly better than me, I want to suppress me, I only want to kill me, it is an idiotic dream!"

The purple virtue laughed and laughed.

The sword is not double-finished.

But at this time, I have been staying next to the Red Dragon King, who has never shot.

I saw a strong atmosphere with an amazing blood, and suddenly broke out from him.

This breath is strong, even if the sword is unparalared, I can't help but look.

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