Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2064 kills!

(8 more!)


"Red Dragon ..."

The sword was unparalleled and the face was very horrified.

He is able to feel the breath of the King of Red Long, especially the unique blood of the blood, this bloody force is that the sword is unparalleled.

Not to say that the Jiu Han Lord is close to the Red Dragon King, or even each other?

Now now the Red Dragon king, the feeling of being a unparalleled feeling is obviously much better than the nine holy owners.

"Haha, look like, the Sorrow of the Emperor, hidden strength, not only me?" The emperor of the purple demon is laugh.

"Hey, I just made a breakthrough, but I didn't take my longevity, so no one knows my real strength, but you are different, you are clear, but you are deliberately pinched, this I have a heart ... "The king of Red Dragon is cold, and the body shape is also fierce.

"Sword Monarch, you and I join hands, kill him together!"

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

When the two are fully handed.

Single sword is unparalleled, but it is not possible to completely press the purple virtue, but with the Red Dragon King, the Red Dragon King Exhibition revealed the powerful power, especially he has ancient dragon's blood, attacking the power is equally strong, and the battle is only Only more than the sword is unspeakable, but it is not weak than the great emperor of purple.

Under the two people, the emperor of the purple deficit naturally couldn't resist it, and it was completely suppressed.

And dare not dare to be swords or red, the blood is strong, and the power is also more energetic than the purple virtue. It is almost killed for a long time.

"Ah !! You are going to die !!!"

A shocking, the emperor of the purple virtue is finally crazy. His strength is rapidly burning at this moment.

"The soul burns?" The sword was unbolded.

He is very clear how terrible for the war after the emperor burned the soul.

When the Emperor, the Emperor of the Garrier relied on the stars and burned the soul, and they were entangled in many great emperors in the three emperors.

And the strength of this purple virtue can be much stronger than the Emperor of Wheel.


The purple virtue of the burning soul is crazy, and his figure has appeared in front of the King of Red Dragon.

"Red Dragon, be careful !!" The sword has no double opening alert.


Icy guns, directly pierced the world, so that the void is blown to form a time and space storm, which covers the entire manor.

Originally, the manor in the fairyland, in an instant, in order to make a ruin.

In the face of the power of the power, the Red Dragon King also strictly resists, but the result is a big sound. The Red Dragon king is straight to the rear, and the body shape is slightly slightly trembled. The somewhat injury is not too big.

The sword has no double eyeli, like a sharp knife, his body is suddenly skyrocketing at this moment, and a piece of head is extended.

"Purple, come !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a sword in front of the emperor of purple, and the sword is ruthless.

Under normal circumstances, since this purple virtue has already burned the soul, it is destined to death. In this way, they should avoid their front, just be careful to be entangled with him, but there is no need to hard.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is not afraid.

After he followed the soul, he broke out the evil virtue of the heavens, and the battle was hard and crazy.

I only heard the horror roaring that the scene was constantly sounded, and this day seems to be completely collapsed.

The two battles lasted a few breathing time, and finally the purple virtue offead began to weaken, and its eyes were gradually bleak, and finally lost the sound.

Huangquan Palace ranked fifth purple virtue on the earthquake list, falling!

"Is it finally dead?"

The sword is still standing in the void, looking at the body of the purple virtue falling below, but the face is extremely indifferent, but his breath is still angry.

It is to know that, even if it encounters the strong dusty magic king of the three emperors, the sword is unparalleled with a strong body with special physique, and he has been able to maintain an abundant force.

And the purple virtue, despite the burning of the soul, the strength of the explosion, compared with the dusty magic, still have a certain gap, let alone the sword is only just to kill a few breathing time, Naturally, there will be no damage.


Red Dragon King also came to the sword without double.

Looking at the bodies of the purple virtue, King of Red Dragon also praised: "Sword Monarch, I have admired, I have received the blood of the ancient dragon, I have a power to compete with the body of the body, but even if it is me, in the face The purple virtue of burning soul can only be temporarily retired, but you dare to collide with him, and you will not be hurt, this can resist ... It seems that this purple virtue just said yes, the Great God of the Shengshi You are the most closest to the White Emperor. "

"The second position of the world is ranked, it should be that you are right."

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled and smiled.

He is not interested in what rankings.


It is also in the shape of the body, and the white emperor has also appeared here.

"Bai Emperor." The sword was unparalleled with Red Dragon King.

White Emperor saw the sword and unparalleled eyes, smiled slightly: "The sword is unparalleled, good, just enter the second phase, you can have such a power, this is better than the original."

Bai Di is indeed appreciated to the sword.

And he just let the sword are unparalleled with the Red Dragon king to kill the purple emperor, but also want to really look at the strength of the sword.

It turns out that the strength of the sword is indeed very good.

"Unfortunately, you have a weakness in the feelings of the road, it has not reached the ninth floor of the Taoist Taoist, which is the level of the general emperor. Otherwise, you should stand in the top level in the second level. "Bai Emperor sighed.

"The second level of the big emperor?" The sword is unparalleled but reveals the color of the doubt, "White Emperor, what is the second number of you said? Is there a level division in the emperor?"

"You don't know?" Bai Emperor saw the sword is unparalleled, but it is nod, "it's right, you have improved too long, and it is not long after this level of the emperor. Some things don't know how much, since So, then I will say it with you. "

The sword is unparalleled and listened carefully.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have encountered a lot of emperors in the three emperors, and there are many powerful powers, and even there is dusty magic, you should also see that even It is the emperor, but in strength, there is a huge gap? "Bai Emperor smiled and came over.

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