Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2067 chapter the ancient god!

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In the sword unparalleled, the white emperor killed the old nest of Vientiane, and the purple virtue was killed.

In the Outdoor Chaos World, Vientiane Building is scattered in many holy sites, many holy and even corners, are all devastated.

Vientiane Tower, although there is a very high status and strength in the vast chaotic world, but it is too far from the Holy Legend.

The Holy League is the real master of the vast chaotic world. It is to be iron-free, and there is no who can resist it.

Not a few months, Vientiane is already smoking, and the top of the top more is only some of the cultivators in the part of all parties. However, these cultivators are generally universal. The St. Alliance has also been a list of most people while overlying the Vientiane Tower.

These cultivators will also face cleaning.

The huge dark mill is still standing in dark void, but it is only completely stopped.

The depths of the three emperors, the voids.

"Stupid goods, this purple is a stupid!"

"Before this seat, I said that the white emperor already knows that there is a storm in the Shengzeo, and he is beep, but the result, he is still exposed!"

"Moreover, he has exposed itself, and it will also be involved in Vientiane Tower. My Huangquan Palace has a long time. How much cost is spent, only a Vientiane Building in the Outdoor Chaos World? Results, because of this stupid Directly funeral !! "

The dust of the rain is gloomy, and there is a roaring in the mouth, and his breath has become extremely violent.

This time, Huangquan Palace loses too much.

Loss a purple virtue, while also lost a Vientiane Building.

The purple virtue is also over, although the cultivation of a large resource in Huangquan Palace has also spent a lot of efforts to pay for the highest level of the Holy Leverage.

But in the future, it is a great emperor in the world, and the role is also limited.

Vientiane is different.

As the first business meeting in the world, the first intelligence department, how deep is deep, and all aspects have been involved.

Once the war broke out, Vientiane Tower can play a great role in chaotic world in the message transmission, or when it is critical.

For Huangquan Palace, the summary of Vientiane Tower is much more much better than the great emperor of purple.

But now ... Vientiane Tower has been raised by the root, and the slag is never left.

His Huangquan Palace has been carefully prepared for so many years. It is the east flow, and the dust is the leader of Huangquan Palace. How does it not angry?

On the other two thrills in this void, it is quite ugly that the snow is cold and blood.

"Huangquan Palace is very helpful in the power of the old chaotic world, and it has been greatly helped by the final decisive battle. Now, it has been unplugged by the Holy Range. When the final battle broke out, our camp will also weaken Previously, there were 70% of the winning, but now ... The top is only 60%. "Cold as the snow.

60%, although there is still an advantage, this advantage is obviously no big.

"It's whimsical waste!" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"The matter is here, and the purple deficiency is dead, you blame it again, now you are actively preparing, as far as possible, I will completely gather together, in addition, the special ethnic group is also as soon as possible I have to do it. "Blood main voice is cold.

"There is also dust, there is also your Huangquan Palace, you have to hurry, and you can do anything else."

"Rest assured, special ethnic groups can be different from human groups, to deal with them, and I will prepare for it early in Huangquan Palace, never stop anything, one hundred years, the things you can understand." Dust and rain magic swearing vowed.

"I still don't be so confident." Cold as Snow is a look at the dust, "there is a major relationship there, once there is a leak, then we really have a good advantage, so I have already Let me rush over. "

"Well, there is a bloody door, and it is also a bigger bit." The blood owner nodded.

Dust rain is sinking, but there is not much to say.

"Right, there is a happy event to tell you." Cold as snow open again.

Blood owner and dusty king are as cold as snow.

"Three days ago, I bialed the message to me, saying that he can be customized, and this time it is not only completely recovered, but it is much better than before," cold as a snow. "

"Oh?" The blood of the blood moved, and immediately laughed. "Too good, burning the respect, it is enough to make our camp's highest level of war again, our winning can also come again."

The dusty king is slightly smiling, but it is also smiling, but the bottom is,. "The burning of the old monsters will be cleared, and the strength has improved again? His this is slightly better than I Some, now I will definitely be stronger than me again? Blood owners are stronger than me, I am completely a bottom, damn !! "

The dusty magic is very angry, but there is not much to say.


St. Alliance, Zadu Island.

"White Emperor, I don't know what to find?"

The sword is unparalleled in front of the white emperor. He just received the Bai Emperor and immediately rushed.

"The sword is unparalleled, the Vientiane Tower is now over, Huangquan Palace is inserted in the power of the chaotic world, the power is not pulled, and then my Chinese will integrate all the power of the whole dramatic chaotic world, all the strength of the power In the third imperial criminal in the dark, the bloody door, Huangquan Palace conducted the final decisive battle. "

"Wancha Chaos World Those Human Forces, Dougle, have the convening of my Holy League plus the interest relationship of this crisis, the high-level strong people of Jiu Yejiu should be gathered, but the special ethnic group, but There have been some changes, so you need to go to a trip. "Bai Emperor directly said.

"Special ethnic group?" The sword is unparalleled.

Wanxian Chaotic World, there is a division of human groups with special ethnic groups, and the two ethnic groups have no entanglement in the next day, but when they have been around the world's chaotic world, the two ethnic groups naturally join hands.

"What changes will be seen in these special ethnic groups?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"Specifically, I know is not very clear, but now there seems to have some troubles in the four peaks, especially the ancient gods, according to the news from my Holy League, the ancient gods seem to be in civil war." Bai Di Road.

"What?" The sword did not change when there was no double.

In many special ethnic groups, he has a great relationship with the ancient gods.

He has an ancient blood, and also is closely related to the ancient people.

But now, the ancient god family is in civil war?

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