(Second, seek special tickets, monthly tickets!)


"The sword is unparalleled, I know that you have an extraordinary relationship with the ancient gods, and even the nine-star ancient god of the ancient gods, and once said that you have to serve you for the new ancient god of the ancient gods, the ancient god family. Will I have a relationship with you, so ... "Bai Emperor's sword watched.

"Since things are related to you, then you will go to solve it."

"I understand, I will move right away." The sword has no double.

"Well, if you encounter what troubles in the special ethnic group, I will give me, of course, I can't help you with your current strength." Bai Di Road.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

After leaving the Thunder Island, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no hurry to go to ancient sacred place, but go back to the fire world.

This time, I went to the special ethnic group. Although the time left time wouldn't be too long, after all, the chaotic world is now in the same general, the sword is unparalleled, and the two people who have a Yuan Dynasty and the Jiannan Tianshi, slightly ignored.

After that, the sword has come to a huge fog sea, which is a star in the sea.


The sword has no double sound echoed throughout the star sea.

Soon, the elderly of the Qing Rong, the elderly, appeared in front of the sword.

"Master." Yu Wang respectful.

When the king of the king was in the sword where the sword was unparalleled.

But this time is different from the past.

The current sword is unparalleled, but the genuine big emperor is even in the emperor or the top existence of the top of the world, the old master Luo Zhen Wang, who has once, is much more powerful.

In this point, even if the king has to be awesome, of course, respect the sword is unparalleled.

"Look at your look, I seem to be quite comfortable?" The sword didn't have a pair of people. When he came, he just saw a little guy in the foggy sea. I am happy.

"That is the owner of the owner." Yu Wang smiled.

He is really comfortable now, as a moon, originally needed to be parasitic to survive in the ancient people.

However, the blood of the sword is far more pure than the ancient gods. The king only needs to be parasitic in the sword. There is no double body, absorb some antique blood, and there will be 30,000 years, and even 10 tens of thousands of time, and You can also travel between many cultivators in humans, and don't have been staying in the sword. There is of course more comfortable than before.

"I am coming to you, because I have to go to ancient sacred land now. Are you following the past?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Do you want to go to ancient sacred? Since the owner has instructions, the King is naturally gone." Yu Wang did not hesitate to agree directly.

"That's going." The sword waved.

Kings immediately turned into a mini worm drill into the sword unparalleled body.

After bringing the king, the sword was unparalleled and the sword was gave up.

"Sword, your strength, can you recover to the peak?" The sword watched the sword, he can faintly feel the strong breath on the sword.

That breath, no accidents, it has surpassed the nine Hosheng Lord, and it is estimated that you can compete with the second level of purple virtue, Red Dragon.

"Something is slightly different, but it is fast, within a hundred years, it should be enough to restore the peak." Jian said.

The sword is unparalleled.

Now the sword has barely have the second level of the big battle, but the result is not his peak state, then his peak state, how much is it?

"Sword 1, our time will be the emperor, which is the peak of the chaotic border for four levels. What levels do you think of your peak?" The sword is unparalleled to the four levels of the four levels Simply narrowed.

After listening to the sword, Shen Yu for a moment, "" My peak war should be at the top of the second level or close to the top. "

"Is it just the top of the second level?" The sword is unparalleled, "didn't grasp the bigby ratio of the third level?"

"Master, you are joke, according to the owner you said, the third level of the big emperor, that is, the order rules, the order rules, what is the lofty power?"

"Although it is an ancient times, the ancient times of the chaotic boulder, the peak of the chaos, and the peaks of these chaotic bodies can understand the rules of the order, and if there is such energy, I have added some great forces to become the elite. The disciple, which will become a little bit that only knows the collection of intelligence? "The sword sighed.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, he also knows that the order rules are not easy to comprehend.

"That line, you continue to restore strength in the green fire, I will temporarily leave for a while, in this time, the safety of the fire industry is given to you." The sword has no double.

"Yes." The sword turned back and then left.

After the sword left, the sword was unparalleled, but the look was awkward.

"Is it finally good?"

The sword is unparalleled with a shade, but the thunder is a turbulence, and it will immediately take a strange breath.

This copper mirror is the five fire god soul!

The five fire gods are the treasures of the ancient times, and they are getting swords without double.

When the green industry was facing the crisis, when the emperor of the glazed emperor, the five gods in the five fire gods gave the sword unparalleled.

The five demon souls are bored with Shen Li, the stronger the power, the strength of the five gods, the power of the soul, is also stronger.

When the sword is unparalleled, it has not broken the refurbished seventh step, relying on Shen Li, let the five demon souls have burst out the peak of God, the five demon souls teamed up into the soul of the soul, and it is enough to compete with the general emperor.

And since the sword is unparalleled, after the seventh step of the reverse repair, his power has changed, and the five gods have begun to transghight.

This slow time has been long, and there is no double break from the sword until now, it will finally change.

So now, the sword is not re-taken out of the five fire gods.

"I don't know how strong the five gods now, how much is it?"

With a silk, the sword is unparalleled, and one of them came.

With the emergence of a darkness, there is an extremely cold, it is like a breath that is spread from hell yellow spring.

This breath, even if it is a sword and unparalleled, it is quite a horrified.

Fortunately, he, if you change to ordinary true God, and even a general god, facing this horrible emerald, I am afraid I have to suffocate.

And the strength of the breath, to some extent, also represent the strong horizontal of this soul!

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