Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2069 is the sacred place of ancient times!

(The third is more, seeking the ticket, monthly ticket!)


"From the breath, this demon soul should be enough to match the emperor." The sword is unmainted.

This is the case, if it is a five-star soul, it will kill the formation of five fire wars, that combat power ...

"It seems that I have a trick in my hand." The sword is unparalleled. "

Re-recovering this soul back to the five fire gods, then the sword has no double.

The territory of the special ethnic group is very far away from the human territory. When the sword is unparalleled, the first time I went to the ancient gods, and I used a few decades.

But now, with his status, many hidden space insect caves in the Shengfa can be used, naturally there is no need to spend so long.

Soon, he passed the space insect hole, appeared in the ancient gods.

After that, the sword was unparalleled to come to the ancient gods. He didn't feel any difference before he had.

However, the sword is unparalleled. Since the Shengshi has got a news, then it is not a hole in the wind, the ancient goddess is definitely in civil war.

"I don't know how to do the civil war in the ancient gods, I will go to Ancient King City first, and ask for a good king." The sword didn't think.

The nine king of the ancient gods, and his position is now, it is closest to the ancient King City.

With the speed of swords, there is no long long, and it has come to the empty kingdom.

! !

The soul of the sword is directly, and it will be covered throughout the ancient kings.

After the power of the soul, his brow wrinkled directly.

"What is going on, the ancient king, ancient kings, even the ancient wings, it is not in the ancient king city?" The sword was unhappy.

He has been here, this Wangcheng has been occupied by the ancient family, and the city owner is a nine king.

But now the sword is unparalleled, but not feeling anything familiar with the strong people in the ancient king city, but it is more unfamiliar.

As his soul is so unscrupulous, those strange power have naturally been alarmed.


I saw that a portrait of a portrait directly, and only a few people in front of the scribes were unparalleled.

These seven people, the weakest eyebrows have a seven-star existence, and the strongest one, the eyebrow is even more than eight ancient gods.

"I don't know who it is, what is it?" The burly eight-star ancient god stared at the sword.

He also saw that the sword was unbenched, and there was an eight star existence. Naturally, the sword was worse than the power of the same level as the same level.

"In the next ancient sword, just came from the human territory." The sword is unparalleled to report the name used by the first time. "According to my knowledge, the owner of this king should be ancient king, the ancient king two Brother is right, but why is it not seen now? "

"Ancient king? Ancient king? You are also ancient, look like, are you also a forefront?" The eight star gods, and the six seven-star ancient gods around him, the completion became cold. .

"I am indeed from the ancient class." The sword is not a hyperbidden head, and it also recognizes it directly.

"Haha, the quarantine of the ancient class, your courage is really not small, not old, the turtle is in Luo Wangcheng. Today, I still dare to run this. Are you coming to take the initiative?" The eight star ancient ancient ancient God smiled, the voice raged, echoing throughout the king.

"Rebellion?" The sword was unbrick.

"All the people, this person is an ancient family rebellion, you wait for this person, let this person, if it is resistant, it will kill it !!!" The eight star ancient god is low.

In an instant, the seven people headed by him were directly in the sword.

These seven ancient gods show their strengths, some show the law of the world, and some to use the ancient gods, some are revealing a large number of skulls ...

The ancient gods were unpredictable, and the secret of the ancient gods was perfect in their hands.

In this case, the sword is not double-finished.

"Give me!"

A efforts, accompanied by endless gods, while holding with the blood of the many oldest gods.

That is the power of the ancient blood, suddenly swept throughout the king.

The seven ancient gods that were originally attacked in the sword, their pace was born at this moment, and the offensive they showed all.

A look, with amazed, with shocking and swords.

Just drinking, but they have already felt that the sword is unparalleled, and there is also a blood atmosphere.

The blood of the blood, even can't help but wanted to serve, want to worship.

"This is a bloody ... is the emperor, the emperor's breath?"

"How? This ancient family's rebellion, how can there be an emperor?"

"Who he is, who is he?"

These ancient gods were frightened to watch the sword unparalleled, even if the eight-star ancient expressions were also shocked.

The sword has no double eyes, sweeping from the seven ancient gods from the eyes, but there is no next action, just after a snoring, it has turned and left.

Until the sword is unparalleled, it disappears in Wangcheng, disappearing in front of everyone, these ancient gods are easy to tone.

The sword is unparalleled to stand there, that the stock is, but they have the heart of the thrill, and they want to worship.

"Just that person ... he said that he is an ancient sword, just coming from the human territory, and the blood breath that he is emitted, it is indeed a lot more pure than the king ancient gods. It is hard to be him. Is the person who tried to support? "The eight-star ancient god suddenly thought that his eyes immediately stunned.

"This person, actually arrived in the ancient gods!"

"No, this news must immediately tell the Chen Xing people know !!"

This eight-star ancient god came up with a stroke, and the first time passed a message.


After coming out from the ancient king city, the sword has no double will continue to travel for a while, and the body shape is done in the void.

He looked at the ancient king city that has been separated from his sight. Now the ancient king, the king of the ancient kings is not in the ancient king city, and even I report my surname, the people in Wangcheng still be treated as a rebellion? "

"The owner, in the ancient goddess, pay attention to the strength, the strength is qualified to occupy a big king city, and between these Wangcheng, it occasionally replaced the owner is normal, but it is a royal family to defeat the original king. The Lord, the other party is just the defeat, but will never be treated as a rebellion. "

"It is obvious that there is a huge change in the ancient god family."

The voice of the King King sounded in the sword.

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