Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2070 is killing in the ground!

(Fourth, ask for special tickets, monthly tickets!)


The second zero sixty-eight chapters will kill!

"The eight-star ancient god said that the strong people in the au family should hide in Luo Wangcheng, the Luo Wangcheng should be the king city of Luo Yu Wang, first asked." The sword did not have a double directly. Yu Wang gave his messy.

"Luo Yu Wang, I am the sword is unparalleled." The sword has no double news.

"Sword Monarch, are you coming to ancient sacred place?" The log is soon a reply from Luo Yu Wang.

"Well, I heard that some changes have occurred in the ancient gods, they immediately rushed over from the human territory, and I just went to the ancient king city, I didn't expect it to be controlled by the ancient family, this What is going on? Ancient king, the two brothers of the ancient king? "

"This is said that the length is, or let's talk about it, as for the two brothers of the ancient king, just in the Luowang City I have controlled, I will send them to you now, you pass your position to me." Luo Yu Wangdao.

"Okay." The sword nodded and passed his position in the past.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled in the ancient king city.


The ancient sacred land, a volatile, there is a huge building group suspended there.

In the center of these buildings, there is a giant palace that is incomparable.

In the palace, a middle-aged man with a height is over three meters, and the middle-aged man wearing a silver armor is sitting on the throne. This middle-aged man is indifferent, and it is especially true. Amazing, and the most eye-catching, it is his eyebrow, and the foot is in the face!

Jiuxing ancient gods, equivalent to the strong level of human emperors.

But he is not a royal king, but another one in the ancient gods, and the king of Bolo Yu is an oldest star king.


At this moment, this Chen Xing Wang is moving, has received the end of the eight-star ancient god in the ancient king city.

"Ancient sword? Just come from human territory, and the body contains extremely pure, even the high-end blood at the high end than the king of the king?"

"Sword Monarch!"

Chen Xing Wang raised his head.

"This is highly respected by Luo Yu, I want it to become the sword monarch of my ancient god of the ancient gods, and finally came to my ancient sacred place?"

"Hey, even if the blood is pure? The ancient god of the ancient gods, only one, as for others, I don't think I don't think."

"Again, this sword monarch also clips with human blood, and is not born from the ancient gods. He is more close to the human ethnic group, and is such a person, what qualifications become ancient God?"

The ancient goddess, the blood is supreme, this is the iron.

Most ancient gods are absolutely recognized to this iron.

However, for the top power, there is no rule that the strength is in a certain degree.

Any rule is just a joke in front of the absolute strength.

Like this king, you will not recognize the blood of the sword. Not only because the sword is unparalleled with human blood, and because of his heart, only one ancient god.

"Battle!" Chen Xing Wang shouted.

"Chen Xing adult."

The temple immediately had a tiger's backside, dark skin, as a gorilla-like man crouched.

"The sword monarch has already appeared, and now you will take people immediately, please take someone, please come over." Chen Xing Wang told.

"Please?" That's as the gorilla is awkward.

"Of course, please, as for this way, you should understand that if you can't please, you will kill." Chen Xing Wangmu is flustered.

"Yes." Battle Zheng's main point.

Soon he departed with a strong person.


The void outside the ancient king city.

The sword is unparalleled in that quiet waiting, waiting for a long time for half a month.


The two people appeared in the sword where there was no double sight. These two people were ancient king, ancient king brothers.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled."

The ancient king and the sword have already played a lot of exchanges, the relationship is extremely good. When you see the sword, you will immediately expose a cool smile.

"Sword Monarch." The ancient king is obvious to see more than a must.

"The two don't come innocent." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

After the cold, I have been in the cold.

"Two, the ancient king city ... What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What is going on, I was captured." The ancient king shrugged.

"If those people staying in the ancient king city now, can you capture the ancient kings of your two controls?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, Ancient Qingshen is an old man who has become an eight-star ancient god, placed in the human territory, should be the peak of God.

The ancient king, in recent years, it has already entered the eight-star level, although the war is better than the nine clam, but the difference is absolute.

In addition, there are also many seven-star ancient gods in the ancient class, and the integral power is extremely amazing, and those strong people just stayed in the ancient king are absolutely causing to capture the ancient king.

"A single person, of course, it is impossible, but there are people behind them, and my brothers can't hold it naturally."

"This?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Detailed things, let's go back to Luo Wangcheng first, then say, the sword monarch, Luo Yuwang is already waiting for you in Luo Wangcheng." Nine King Road.

"Let's leave, please also come to bring the road." The sword smiled.

When the sword is unparalleled, in the leadership of the ancient king, the king of the ancient king, go to Luo Wangcheng.

On the way, the three people chatted at will.

"The sword is unparalleled, the last time I saw you in your hometown green fire industry, then your realm has not broken, strength is in your human cultivator, it is already the top peak emperor, and now your realm Obviously, it has already broken, the strength is it more stronger? "The king of Ancient Tan came over.

"Well, it is slightly better." The sword is unparalleled.

"Can you fight with Jiuxing ancient god?" The ancient king asked.

"It should be ok." The sword was unparalleled.

"It's really ok?" The ancient king was clearly skeptical.

The sword is unpaired, but there is not much explanation.

Suddenly, the sword was unparalleled.

"what happened?"

The ancient king and the ancient king shape immediately stopped, and the two were looking at the sword.

"Someone is coming? And there are a lot of people, and the strength is also very strong." The sword said unparalleled.

The ancient king and the ancient king are all change.

Sure enough, there is no shape in their sight, and there is more than ten people, and the breath is magnificent. The weakest is the ancient god of the top of the seven-star, the eight-star ancient god, and there are also four. The most attractive thing is the back bear on the top of the tiger, and the burly man is the same as the gorilla.

The burly man's eyebrows of the ancient gods, Hedd, there is nine! !


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