Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2071, please!

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"It's the leader of the war, the leader of the battle!"

The ancient king and the ancient king are all change.

The ancient king is even more hated to smoke your mouth.

He just asked the sword unparalleled now, it is now able to resist the nine-star ancient gods. As a result, the horse has come to a genuine royal nine star ancient god.

"War's family?" The sword is unparalleled, asked, "The ancient gods are in the ethnic group, is there only Luo Yu Wang and Chen Xing Wang two nine-star ancient gods?"

"Sword Monarch, you don't know, before, in the ancient goddess, there is only two nine-star ancient gods, but it is not long ago, the new ancient battlefield appears, the sword monarch is born, and our ancient family has many The strong is going to the search machine, naturally some gains. "

"And the biggest harvest is this Battle King. He took the opportunity in the ancient battlefield, and he jumped to the hierarch of Jiuxing ancient gods." Gu Gu King.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This battle, including the battle of the family, has always been awarded by Chen Xing Wang Ma, this time I burst into civil war. My ancient family is standing on the side of Luo Yu, and I have to support the sword monarch, becoming me. The new ancient god of the ancient gods, but Chen Xing Wang is resolutely opposed. "

"This battle, the king, should also learn that the Junlun Lord came to the ancient sacred land, and this is deliberately rushing, and the coming is not good." The ancient king of the king died.

"Is it not good?" The sword is unparalleled.

A nine-star ancient god who just broke through the opportunity, even if it is not good, how can it be?


More than ten ancient gods headed by the Battle of Cangwang have already appeared in front of the sword.

That's like a gorilla, the eyes of the Gang, his eyes first swept the ancient king and the ancient king, and the final party did not look at the sword.

"You, is the sword monarch?" Battle Wang opened, and the voice is indifferent.

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

"This king is war, Feng Chen Xing Wang's order, specially invite you to discuss you inheriting the emperor of the ancient gods, please ask the sword monarch, you will go to a trip." Battle Wang said.

When I said, I just finished, the ancient king and the ancient king were already anxious.

"War King, don't say good, Chen Xing Wang is really willing to be the emperor of the sword, will not fight with Luo Yu Wang, and will not send you, but should come to come to "The king of the ancient king is low.

"Shut up!" Battle Wang Yiwei, he also glanced at the ancient king, "there is an eight-star ancient god of the district, where is you talking?"

The ancient king is hysteres, although it is wronged, but can only bear it.

Eight-star ancient gods, it should be awe if it is in the face of Jiu Xing ancient gods.

"The sword monarch, go with this king." The Bang King will open again.

"If I am not there?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Don't go? Oh, since you personally come, you don't think you can do it? Don't blame this king, you can't welcome the king."

"You are welcome? I really want to know, how are you welcome." The sword is unparalleled and smiled, but it is a step.

He stepped this step, it seems casual, but in an instant, it has across the far away, and it has appeared in front of the war king.

A full of power, and the ancient blood pulse that is far from the ancient god of the royal family, and suddenly swept.

The sword is unparalleled, but the index finger is in the direction of the battle of the Cangwang, distinguished!

One pointed out, the world is silent!


The void is full of fell, and the family is tall, and the whole body is filled with black jade shiny ancient gods.

This huge ancient god shadow is also a finger pointing.

This means is the ninth point of the ancient god!

On the end, the ancient god refers to the last finger.

Its name is the ultimate meaning!

"court death!!"

The battle of the war, the sword is not born, and I am angry.

I saw him as a gorilla's body, and suddenly hearing at this moment, and the power of the ancient gods was crazy.

~~~ A huge ancient ancient gods, and after the same, the same taller is the same, and this ancient god is also the same.

They are the ninth refers to the ancient god.

The only difference is his ancient shadow, just a dark gold that represents the royal god.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is black jade.


Two ancient giant fingers collided on the void.

Two shocking power, suddenly broke out.

That battle, the king of the battle, is absolutely confident. It is necessary to know that he is a nine star ancient god. The whole ancient god family is not just that he is only two Jiu Xing ancient gods.

And the sword is unparalleled, the eyebrow is clearly only only eight ancient stars.

Even if the blood of the sword is stronger than him, there are some blood pressures in the congenital, but the power of each other is disparied.

The same point, he has confident that the ultimate theory of the sword is completely killed.

But his absolute confidence, immediately happened immediately when he finished his face.

~~~ I saw the power of the endless ancient gods and started crazy, and the dark golden giant fingers he showed, but it was only directly crashing and burst.

Without any resistance, when you finger a positive collision with the sword, you will collide it.

The gap in the power of the two is indeed a disappersion, but the ending is completely reversed.

"How can it be?"

The battle of the battle is full of eyes, and has not returned from the shock. The ultimate in the sword is unparalleled. After being crushed with his' ultimate meaning, it will be crushed toward him. The Bang King is also too late to resist.


The ultimate of this huge power refers to the ultimate refers to the direct bombardment in the war of the King, and then it seems to be crushed flies, and the battle of the Bang Dynasty is squatting.


The whole earth is abrupt, and there is a deep giant pothole that appears on the ground below.

And the war is completely caught in the bottom of the giant pothole, and there is no movement, and it is not known.

After you finish this, the sword has no doubles to shoot their sleeves. After him, the huge ancient god voids are also dissipated, but he is very pure, far from the blood of the royal god, It is still unscrupulous sweeping.

Overlooking the king of the squid, the sword is not a little, the sword does not disdain.

"There is a nine-star ancient god that has just broken through a big breakthrough, dare to say that you are welcome to me? Oh, it is really stupid."

A nine star ancient god, it is equivalent to the normal emperor of the human territory.

A newly broken nine-star ancient god, which is equivalent to the top one of the top first level.

Such an emperor, when he can play 13 people in the third imperial world! !

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