Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2072 Luo Wangcheng

(Sixth, there are four more, all updated before 12 am.)

(Seeking tickets, monthly tickets!)


"What about you? Do you want to ask me to go to Chen Xing Wang?" The sword is unbolded and indifferent, and there are more than ten ancient gods in front of him.

More than ten ancient gods are seven-star ancient gods, eight stars ancient gods, at this moment, there is a wednish point of enthusiasm is shocking and awesome.

After hearing the sword is unparalleled, these ancient gods have lowned low.

Joke, even the Kingdom of Jiuxing Ancient gods, they were easily defeated by swords, and they didn't know, where did they dare to recruit swords?

"Since you don't ask me, then you will go." The sword is unparalleled.

These ancient gods immediately retreated to both sides and gave up a road.

"Ancient Qingshen, the ancient king, we will continue to hurry." The sword watched two people behind him.

At this moment, the ancient king and the ancient king, I have already been shocked.

Especially the king of the ancient king, he asked the sword whether there was a good pair of nine-star ancient gods. When the sword was unparalleled, he also questioned.

But now ... Where is this good?

A genuine nine-star ancient god, defeated by the sword, there is no double one, this combat power, I am afraid that there is a matter of Luo Yu Wang.

The two people are shocking, but more excuses! !

This strength, plus the blood of the body, this is their true emperor.

"Walk, go!"

Three people soon continued to go to Luo Luocheng.

In the huge pothole, the battle of the war will climb up, but when he climbs up, the sword is unparalleled.


After half a month, under the two people in the ancient king, the sword was unparalleled before the king city.

"Sword monarch, then Luo Wangcheng, now the Luo family, the ancient family has a few big clan, the strong people are gather there." The ancient king said: "But now Luo Wang City is almost blocked by Chen Xing Wang. , I took some effort when I came out from Luo Wangcheng from Luo Wangcheng. "

"Block it?" The sword is unbeded, "" Look like Luo Yu Wang, is in an absolute disadvantage? "

The ancient king sighed, and immediately said: "I now give Luo Yu Wang, let him take us to enter Luo Wangcheng."

"The message to Luo Yu Wang should be, but there is no need to pass, we are directly in the past." The sword is unparalleled, but the body is already playing forward.

"Is it in the past?" Gu Gu King, but I was relieved that the strength of the sword was unparalleled.

Not long, this Lu Luocheng has an outstanding dramatic roar and critical sound.

Thirty people who have been unparalleled with Chen Xing have handed over.

However, in the sword unparalleled, these strong people under the king of the Chen Xing did not look at it. He all the way rose, and it was easy to break through the blockade of Chen Xing Wang, and came to Luo Wangcheng.

There, Luo Yu Wang and a lot of seven stars, eight star ancient gods have been waiting.

I saw the sword unparalleled three people, and Luo Yu Wang did the first time.

"Sword Monarch." Luo Yu Wang shouted, and the voice was respectful.

"Luo Yu king, can't be innocent." The sword is unparalleled is smiling.

Many of the ancient gods behind Luo Yu, most are curious about the sword.

They all know that the only one of the swords, Luo Yu Wang tells them that the sword is unparalleled with the royal gods, so he wants to be a sword.

However, in addition to a few people such as the ancient king, Gu Qings, there is no one to see the sword and unparalleled, and I have never seen the blood of the sword without double. They naturally have a question.

The sword didn't have a look at these ancient hearts, and immediately smiled, the ancient blood breath, instant it raised.

"This breath ..." The many ancient gods present were unique.

"The emperor's breath, it will not be wrong, this breath, only the royal blood is eligible !!"

"Haha, it is really a royal blood, Luo Yu Wang said, there is a good thing in the royal blood, the loss of the star king also vowed to say that we are rebellious, now as long as the blood of this royal blood is broadcast, I See if he still says it! "

These ancient gods are excited by one by one, and the eyes of swords are unparalleled have become hot.

Seeing these ancient gods change, Luo Yu Wang is not a smile, "Jian Mun, let's go back to the city first."

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

Under the person of Luo Yu Wang, the sword is unparalleled to Luo Wangcheng City.

In the huge palace, a high-pronged throne is in that, many seven stars, eight stars ancient gods sit there.

At the top of the palace, the two throne stands side by side, and the sword is unparalleled with Luoyu, sitting there.

"Luo Yu Wang, talk about it, what is going on?" The sword did not ask.

"The thing is like this." Luo Yu Wang is in the narrative, "since the previous fire community, I found that the sword monarch has immediately returned to the ancient gods, and convened the major clan spirit. Wang Chengzhi is negotiating to support you for the new emperor. "

"My family has always been the blood, since you have a royal blood, natural is the new ancient god of our family, this is what should be, but the Chen Xing Wang is questioned, think you come from the human group. You have human blood on your body, so you don't have to become a new emperor of our family, saying that my Luo family and human ethnic collude, for my fight! "

"In your parliament, I was completely turning my face with Chen Xing Wang, and there were many leaders in the scene, the Lord of Wangcheng, and supported me only 30%, but supported Chen Xing Wang, but there were 40%."

"40%?" The sword has no double brow, "Is the ancient goddess not a blood? How can there be a 40% strong to support Nazheng Wang? There are other three-component strong?"

"My family is indeed a blood, but the sword monarch, you don't have the royal blood, which also makes many people's hearts, and they don't see you with your own eyes, and the most important, is the Chen Xing Wang in the ancient people. The influence is too big. "Luo Yu Wang sighed.

"Chen Xing Wang, is the most old, strength of my ancient god, has always been the strongest one, long years, although my ancient gods don't have a new emperor, but many ancient gods, including those Wangcheng's Lord In fact, it has always been a leader of Chen Xing Wang, in the battle with other three peak ethnic groups, and the victim of the special ethnic groups, Chen Xing Wang also has a pivotal position. "

"Moreover, Chen Xing Wang still has an identity. He is the first ancient god of the ancient gods!"

"Is the blood?" The sword has no double one, "you said ..."

"Yes, Chen Xing Wang is the temple of the ancient god!" Luo Yu Wang Zheng said.

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