Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2075 is kneeling! !

(The ninth, there will be the last one!)

(Ask for a monthly ticket, please refer to the ticket!)


Under the endless dishes, the king of the king is cold and looked at the front.

There, the sword is unparalleled, and behind him, behind him, there is a turning ancient god shadow.

The ancient gods, the heaven and earth law!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The ancient gods of the dense Ma Ma will slammed the palm of the palm of the palm, and each palm is like a complete reincarnation.

Chen Xing Wang is sinking. The ancient gods will explode. After the body, there is also an ancient gods to rise.

Before it was the collision of the ultimate meaning of the ancient god, now it is a frontal confrontation of the heaven and earth law.

I only heard the unique roar impact of dense numbness, the sound of the world was completely covered by the vast world.

In this crazy collision.


It's a cold, and the many mid-term laws after Chen Xing Wang is unfunctive, and his figure is suddenly farther away from this moment.

"The power of this kid is so delicate?" Chen Xing Wang was attentive, but it was not afraid of it.

"Secrets ... Thunder!"


Surrounded around the world, then on the sky above the sky, a heavenly crack appeared in the sky.

This heavens and earth cracks are extremely incomparable, and the endless red rays have quietly emerged. It is a dense numbers of red destruction, these destruction of the gods, anything is enough to easily give one ordinary energy. But here is enough to become a hundred thousand people.

And this has become a hundred thousands of destruction, which is perfectly integrated at this moment, forming a huge red razor.

This thunder is suddenly coming.

"Thunder secret?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a lot of smile. "This trick, I will also."

When the voice fell, he saw the other direction of the above void, and the same huge heaven and earth cracks appeared in the sky.

From this day of crack, there is a dense numbest destruction of the denseness, and the difference is that these destruction of the gods, the show is a black jade, and the power is equally strong, and these dense Ma Ma will Destroy God, in an instant formed a huge black jade dragon.

Lei Rong screamed, suddenly the red thunder column.

The two instantly collides.

Boom! ! !

It is completely a sunny day, just that sound is much larger than ordinary sunny day, and the power must have strong times.

Two big destroyed gods collision, destroying the earth, and the void around them has completely disgraced a time and space storm.

Under their feet, it was originally a huge building group, but with this collision, this huge architecture, but directly smoked.

The horrible power, the many ancient gods that have already fled from the distance, they can't help but stand.

"The ancient gods used as an attack, the secrets have been almost the same, next ..." The sword has no double eyes, and the body has begun to skyrocket.

At the same time, a piece of head, a arm extends from him.

That Sajie has skyrocketed, and the head arms have also been successively extended.

Both people are nine heads of eight arms.



The two roars were connected, but the body shape was like hiking, and he fierce again.

This time, the two were completely unfolded.

The sword has no double eight arms all holding a long sword, and the sword is completely broke out.

Chen Xing Wang is a fist, and every fist is like a huge meteorite, and the power is unbelievable.

The ancient god group, the best of the people who are best at the near-body killing, their close smashing ability, far more than humans and other special ethnic groups.

Now, the sword is unparalleled with the Chen Xing Wang, and the respective closeness of their own attention will be exhausted.

This is a warst war, which has already been shocked by the many ancient gods around the war.

Many ancient gods even encouraged the throat, and there was a shudder from the soul.

There is no doubt that two people in front of them are definitely the top existence of the most peaks in the ancient god.

Chen Xing Wang, that has always been a recognized first power of the ancient god.

And the sword is unparalleled ... This owner of the royal blood is just an eight-star ancient god, but the power is strong, even more points than Chen Xingwang.

Yes, the ratio is stronger than the Ning Wang!

They all see it.

Whether it is the front collision of the diaphragm, or now the two people are crazy, and the sword is unparalleled.

In particular, the sword is unparalleled, and the death of Chen Xing is dead. Although Chen Xing Wang has been exhausted, it is still a madness, but his disadvantage is too obvious.

"How can it be?"

"This kid, he is obviously just an eight-star ancient god, why is the power will be so powerful? It is better than me !!!"

Chen Xing king is cold, but the heart has also set off a huge waves.

He has a top Jiuxing ancient god, but it is quite ahead of the sword, but it is a strong force in the sword in the sword, which is more stronger than him. Not only the advantage of swords, but from the outbreak of the power, and the suppression of the blood.

Discussion on Power Weon, as the second phase of the second stage that has been joined in the seventh step, and cultivated the sword in the first volume of too ancient deficiency, it is indeed a stronger than Chen Xing Wang, plus the sword is unparalleled with ancient blood, and Although Chen Xing Wang said the first ancient queen, he is only a royal god of the royal family, and the blood is also greatly suppressed.

The two combined, this leads to the death of Chen Xing Wang to collide with the sword and unparalleled opponents. It is completely suppressed by the sword in the battle.

"Chen Xing Wang!"

A flawth is awkward.

Chen Xing Wang immediately looked up, but he saw the sword in front of him, and four arms held a long sword at the same time.

A shocking sword started.

Xuanluo Sword ...... Bright rain!

"Give me ... !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the movement is like a blast in his hand, as heavy rain, the most important taste of the power, it is directly.

The Chen Xing Wang is red, and the power is rolling, a huge fist is completely turned into a meteorite, explosion.


A shocking giant sound, the power of the world is full of heavens and the earth.

And the result, I saw that the Chen Xing Wang trembled, and its huge body was directly falling down to the ground, and finally he was on the emperor. A huge pothole also appeared in the air. As for the sword, there is still It's intact, standing there, looks overlooks.

"Chen Xing Wang, you can't afford !!"


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