Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2076 is quite unlike

(Tenth, here!)

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"Chen Xing Wang, you can't afford !!"

The voice of the sword is like from Jiuyi, as if the representative is there is no peaceful will, echoing in the surrounding world.

The many ancient gods who have seen this scene, they can't help but go to death, and they will be awe.

In that pit, Chen Xing Wang has stood up, he suddenly looked up, and the two substantially highlights came.


A dry drink, the Chen Xing Wang has just wanted to rise.

The sword of the void is unparalleled, but the four arms are once again gripping the sword.

It is still a blast rainstorm in Xuan Luo Sword.

"Kneeling !!!"

The sound is shocked, and the sword is whistling. The king king who has just been preparing to rise, but it is again drowned by swords, and then fell into the giant pit.

"You, I don't accept it !!" The sword is unparalleled, the low drunk rumbling is above the sky.

"Bastan!" Chen Xing Wang was ager, just sent a sound ...

That is empty from above, the sword is unparalleled swords.

! The entire emperor is completely set off.

"Dedicated !!" The sword was unparalleled and then drunk.

"You dream!" Chen Xing Wang just opened.

boom! The sword light hits immediately.

"Dear !!"




"Do not!"




The ancient gods around the surrounding battle were completely shocked.

I glared at this scene in front of him.

They saw the sword and walked a long sword to fight, and I asked Chen Xingwang once, but the Chen Xing Wang said that it will be preceded by the sword unparalleled sword.

This star king, obviously being hit by the sword, and there is no possibility of struggling at all.

The way the sword is unparalleled, it is even more stunned around those ancient gods.

Overbearing, it's quite unlike!

Yes, the sword at this moment is unparalleled to follow the rogue in the city, helplessly unreasonable.

He didn't have a little nonsense for Chen Xingwang, and there was no persuade.

In a word, I will ask you to accept!

You don't accept it, then play!

Have you supreme!

The sword is unparalleled now, it will put the Chen Xing Wang on the ground.

It is important to know that Chen Xing Wang is an ancient god of the top of the nine star. The strong battle has already settled the second level, and the result is actually caught by the sword.


A low roar sounded, the swordsmanship of the sword unparalleled, bombarded with a sword, bombarded again and again, clearly taking force.

The swordsman also bombarded the king of Chen Xing again and again, so that he did not turn over, only the sword was unparalleled.

In a blink of an eye, the sword has been bombarded for dozens of times. He also questioned the county triple of Chen Xing Wang and asked him to accept.

Chen Xing Wang started crazy struggle, crazy, want to counterattack, but later, his mouth is not so hard.


It is also a dramatic roaring, and Chen Xing Wang has been completely falling into the ground.

"Dedicated!" The sword did not open again.

This time, the King of the King of the ground pine hole is silent for a moment, and the spin is screaming. "If you can reach the recognition of the father, I will serve you."

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled, and the movements in his hands were finally paused.

The King of the Cave Cave, this is proud to easily remove the gas, and its figure is slowly up.

At this moment, the hair is messy. There is also a bloody blood in the mouth, and the silver war armor wearing the silver armor has a number of swords and light. If you want to be more than a wolf, he re- Standing in the sword, there is no password, looks at the sword unparalleled eyes with endless anger.

It can be mostly extended in that eye, but it is frightened with a fear.

Yes, it is fear.

Just who will work hard, he has been defeated by the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with terrorist strength, and there is also the unreasonable means to bring a layer of shadows to him.

Born from his first era, now, he has not encountered so many people, the most important thing is that this person is better than him!

"Chen Xing Wang, you just said, as long as you can get your father's recognition, you will benefit from me, your father, is the first ancient queen, how can I get his recognition?" Swordless .

Chen Xue Wang took a deep breath, and he was solemn: "Father is one of the top existence of the first era, although the father is falling, but he left an ancient tomb. Just in my ancient sacred land, there is a little idea of ​​my father's adults. "

"As long as you enter the ancient tomb, and get the consciousness of the father 's consciousness, I will recognize you, and in the future, I have been in convinced, no matter what you want to do in the future, I will never speculate, but if you can't get a recognition ... ... Hey, even the many ancient gods, the main end of the nine kings, you will be willing to succumbing to you, but I am Chen Xing, and I will never succumb to life. "

"The ancient tomb land?" The sword was unbeded.

"The master, the ancient sacred land, it is indeed an ancient millennium, and it is said that there is a sense of awareness of the ancient gods in the inside, this star king did not lie." The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but I want to look at my eyes.

"Luo Yu Wang!"

The sword is a unparalleled voice echoed.

In that, there has been disappeared outside the building, and Luo Yuwang and others have been waiting, although waiting, everything you have happened in front of it clearly.

At this moment, the king, ancient king, the ancient king of the ancient king, and a stunned.

Until the sword is unparalleled, Luo Yu is coming back to God, and Luo Yuwang and others will come back to the sword.

On the way, those who originally supported the king of Chen Xing, did not come back to block them.

"Sword Monarch."

Luo Yu Wang came to the sword. There was no double, and the sword was unparalleled, and the appearance was obviously more respectful than before.

This is also normal.

Before, he was just because the sword was unparalleled with the royal blood, and he decided to support the latter for the new emperor.

But the strength of the sword is unparalleled, but he is not intended.

But now ... The King of the Kingdom of the Tangxing, the second-class big power, but was hit by the sword where he was played on the ground, and there was no room for his hand.

This strength makes him shocking, and natural is also more sincere.

Not only one of him, many ancient gods present, is the same.

The ancient god group, although the blood is supreme, but the same respect is strong!

And the sword is unparalleled, not only with the highest royal blood, in strength, the same, the first thing that the ancient god is unable to dispute.

Only such a person is really qualified to become the new emperor of their ancient god!


PS: Today is more, here! !

Six days, I have been more than six consecutive days.

One day ten, this is an unprecedented challenge for me, I didn't expect that I can support it for so long.

Perhaps because of the full support of the brothers and sisters, it may be because of the impact of the fantasy king, even after six days later, I will not only want to rest, but it is more and more powerful, just like our protagonist sword. The more the battle is, the battle is getting stronger!

So ... continue ten tomorrow! ! !

Brothers, all support, monthly tickets, and recommended tickets are crazy.

The higher the enthusiasm of everyone, the more powerful, the longer it is supported.

No more than six days, as long as everyone is enough, even if they are ten days, insist on ten days, insist on one month, killing will fight everything! !

Let's take it together! !

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