Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2085 Invitation

(The ninth, there will be the last one!)

(Ask for a monthly ticket, the recommended ticket!)


"The ancient emperor." Chen Xing Wang immediately saw it.

"Before the Emperor has come to the ancient gods, this ancient sacred land is respectful, you should also receive a message from the Shengshi?" The sword didn't ask.

"Received." Chen Xing Wang nodded, "It is the Tianchen old ancestors of the Shengle, also told the crisis faced by the drama of the chaotic world. I also gave the reply as soon as possible. My ancient gods are in a civil war, so some delays. "

The sword is unparalleled to see the Chen Xingwang, but the heart is alive.

He knows that Chen Xing Wang is intended to solve the defending of the Luyu Wang and others, so that the ancient god family is completely settled, and then let the ancient gods come out.

But unfortunately, the later thing is completely separated from his control.

"The three milings, bloody gates, Huangquan Palace, is the public enemy of the whole dramatic chaotic world. They are now doing only threatening the Shengshi and human territory, but threatened the whole drama world, my ancient God is also unavoidable, must be prepared immediately. "The sword did not have a double command.

"Yes." Chen Xing Wang nodded.

Now that the ancient god family has been stable, the sword is unparalleled, and they only need to call many strong people to prepare for the war, it is not difficult.

"In addition to our ancient gods, other special ethnic groups should also receive news, but now there is no news, it seems that my ancient gods have to find ways to make them speed." The sword is unparalleled.

The many ancient gods under the bottom of the next looks in the sword.

"Luo Yu king, is you just say that you want to hold a New Queen? Since it is a ceremony, you should also invite a lot of special ethnic groups to participate?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Luo Yu Wang nodded.

"In this case, then take this time to serve all the invitation of many special ethnic groups, not only three of the three peak ethnic groups, there are many powerful ethnic groups, and even as long as they have ethnic groups, they have the ethnic groups. Give me all invitation, and be sure to let their privileges come to participate, even if it is not an executive, at least there is a person with certain decision-making rights. "

"One of my ancient gods, one of the four peaks, this point can be resistant, should there be?" The sword has no double silence.

"The ancient emperors are relieved, I will immediately go to arrange, and all ethnic groups will be present at all ethnic groups." Luo Yu Wangdao.

"Very good, then arrange it now, remember, you should be as soon as possible." The sword has no double.


Luo Yu Wang and many ancient gods will be prepared soon.

There is only one of the swords, still sitting on the throne, slight, and the face is quite a weird.

"The ancient gods? A big hegemony leader, this feels, not bad." The sword smiled.

And at this time, a piece of information in his Qiankun quit, but suddenly has a movement.

"The sword is unparalleled." Coming, it is a white emperor.

"Bai Emperor." The sword is unparalleled and immediately responded.

"What is your side now?" Bai Emperor asked.

"I have already conquered all the ancient gods, now they are already the genuine ancient god of the goods, and after a month, they will carry out the new emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

"The ancient gods? Oh, congratulations." White Emperor smiled, "other special ethnic groups?"

"Those special ethnic groups don't know, I have arranged, invite the people of all divisions or the top tasks of the tributs to participate in the decision-making ceremony, in the ceremony, I will talk about it again. Talk. "The sword has no double.

"Well, you don't have to be too urgent, the dark crushes have stopped, and the war is not that simple, the three royalenies will not be able to shoot for a while." Bai Di Road.

"I know." The sword nodded.

"In addition, I will give you this news, because of a matter." The white emperor became solemn, "my Shengshi passed back the news in the Shengdi area, said that there was a suspected Huangquan Palace in the Shengtian Holy Land. The strong people in the blood, stir with the swallowing family, and this time the action of the swallowing family, it is a bit wrong, so I will give you a wake up, you pay more attention to it. "

"Swallowing the heaven?" The sword was not double-colored.

Among the special ethnic groups, there are four peaks.

And the swallowing family is one of the four peaks. Like the ancient family, it is equally a big holy place. Whether it is strength or authority in the special ethnic group, it is extremely amazing. It can be said that there is a light position.

But now, in the swallowing land occupied by the swallowing, there is a problem with the hardships of Huangquan Palace or a bloody door.

And the recent act of swallowing a family is not strong?

"White Emperor, you said, then the swallowing family, has been put on the three imperial bords?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is still unable to determine, but it is not small, after all, in the four peaks, the only one is the most alternative, if it is the other three peak ethnic groups, it is impossible to invest in the hostile camp, but swallow the heaven It is also very likely. "White Emperor said.

"I understand, I will find ways to figure out." The sword has no double.

"Well, you try as much as possible, if you encounter trouble, the light will not be able to solve it with the ancient gods, and then, I will immediately send a strong person to come." The white emperor took a sentence, then interrupted the message. .

The sword is sitting there, but the completion is quite gloomy.

Swallowing the heaven, as one of the four peak ethnic groups, it is too influential in many special ethnic groups.

If the swallowing family is really giving a camp of the three imperial circles, the many special ethnic groups are always a huge blow.

"I hope that the leader of the swallowing is not so stupid, or ..."

The sword is unbounded in the bib of the sword.


The ancient gods have born a new ancient god. The new emperor is held in a month after a month. The ancient people also invited many special ethnic groups to come to see.

This news is like a storm, and instantly swept the territory of the entire special ethnic group.

Countless from a special ethnic group, it is shocked when you receive this news.

After all, the ancient god group, after all the ancient gods in the first era, there was no new ancient gods.

There are many things in the ancient goddess, and the Chen Xing Wang is working, until today, I haven't known how long I have.

And now ...

New Emperor is born?

And this new emperor is not a star king, but another ancient god of the goods with genuine high-quality royalenia?

It is said that this new ancient god is still from the human territory?

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