Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2086 Take Right!

(Today's ten more, vomiting!)

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When the news thoroughly spreads, the specialty in the territory of the special group is vibrating.

Numerous strong people are curious, the new emperor of the ancient god, who is, and what can be resistant, it can achieve the accreditation of the Chen Xing, sitting on the ancient god.

As for the invitation sent by the ancient god, all parties have naturally promised.

No one will refuse, and no one dares to refuse.

For so many years, the ancient gods, he held a new emperor, and also sent an invitation. Which special ethnic group dared to give face?

Even with the peak family, the god group and the black scorpion are immediately promised, and their leaders will arrive at the same day.

Only the last big peak ethnic group is left, swallow the heavenity ...

Swallowing the sky, like ancient sacred land, has a vast territory.

The swallowing of the heaven is the publicly recognized hegemony, domine!

Although there are many special ethnic groups, these special ethnic groups have already yielded under the rule of swallowing.

A dim, dark void.

This type of void is in the deepest place of swallowing the old nest, and it is also covered by many banned big arrays. No one can quietly break into it.

At this moment, in the dark void, an eagle hook nose, with a few young men who have a hands standing there.

Although this man is light, it is actually an old monster who is alive, I don't know how many years.

He is a passion of swallowing a family, and is also a recognized leader, his name is Baron.

"The ancient gods of the ancient gods, in this juncture, the ancient gods actually born a new ancient god?" Men's face with a strange smile.

"According to our news, this new ancient queen is from the human group, and it is a member of the Shengshi. He is called the sword and the sword monarch." A black robes that exuded a soul People are standing next to Bahun.

"Sword Monarch? Human? Oh, the ancient star of the ancient gods, Wang Mo is still living too long, old confused, will make a human beings to be the emperor of the ancient gods?" Baron not smiled.

"Mr. Bakan, you'd better don't smash this sword monarch, he made me a big loss, or he ruined the dark mill, hey, I need this trouble, I need this trouble. The black robe said coldly.

"If he ruined the dark mill, you may not stand here, and cooperate with me?" Bar is a glance.

The black robe is silent and does not denial.

If the dark roller continues to run, the three royal border camps will be destroyed by the whole of the ancient chaotic world. All the anti-strong people can be ruthless, naturally don't spend so strong, dispatch strong It's coming to this.

"Mr. Bayu, you should believe in the sincerity of Huangquan Palace." Huakar Road.

"Reassured, if I don't believe it, you have long been dead here." Babi is cold and smiling. "Now the ancient god family personally invited my family, giving the face, I am a leader of swallowing I have to personally go to the ceremony, so our plans are afraid to be slightly slow. "

"If I have not guess, the Jian Mun Hao held a ceremony is a fake, intended to join many special ethnic groups in the joint ceremony, join the St. League camp, and fight against my three milrence camps is true."

"Maybe, but I am, he will not succeed, if it is good, maybe he will have a wedding dress for us." Baki smiled coldly, and it was flashing. Semiki.


One month, it quickly passed.

The new emperor of the ancient god, finally started.

This hall is carried out in many special ethnic leaders or the top of the top.

These strong people from all parties are finally seen in the new ancient god of the ancient gods.

After seeing, but it is totally different from them.

Compared to the ancient gods, the sword is unparalleled is more like a human, but the shares of the sword is not blessed, the blood of the other ancient gods, but the price is really good.

After running, follow the steps step by step.

With an hour, they will finish these steps according to the class.

Then, the ancient gods were held on a battleground, held a grand banquet.

At the banquet, in addition to the ancient people, there are many top pointers to the scene, but more is from a special ethnic group.

Looking at it, there are thousands of people.

Thousands of people, all have already entered the level of energy, and they have a good special ethnic group behind them.

Of course, it is just that these ethnic groups with energy, they are eligible to appear on this banquet. As for more weak groups, even a big energy is not, the ancient gods will not invite, after all, and the three emperors The decisive battle of the camp, at least the energy is qualified.

The banquet is the top, as the unlatable protagonist of this ceremony, the sword is sitting quietly, the scorpion is directly looked down.


The sword has no double one open, and the rest of the people will immediately calm down.

"This emperor invited you to come, the first is to ask everyone to see the temple of this time, do a testimony together."

"And the second, there is a life and death that is about the scene, and the events about the death of the people in the group, you must negotiate with you." The sword is unparalleled, and the banquet is slowly revived.

I heard this, many strong people were frustrated.

But more, the look does not change.

They also guess the true purpose of the sword unparalleled invitation.

"The ancient emperor, dare to ask what you said, is it a good thing to wait for the Shengling to let me, what is the matter?" The field immediately said.

"Yes." The sword nodded. "There are many ethnic groups in many ethnic groups to receive the newsletter of the Holy League.

"From the bloody door, Huangquan Palace, then the three imperial boundaries in the present, they make up the camp headed by the three emperors, and the threats of the vital chaotic world are too big. Now it is actively preparing, obviously the whole ancient times. The chaotic world has completely occupied the destruction, at this time, I am strong in the world, and I am united, so you can camp with the three millets, the front battle! "

"In contrast, if I wait for the treatment, I don't pay attention to it, when the three imperial borders are really moving, we want to join hands to be afraid that they have not been."


PS: Today is ten! !

It has been seven consecutive days, ten more.

Excess, killing, don't want to say more.

In one sentence, continue to fight!

Not for the fantasy king, because the fantasy king this month has no chance, I only got the support of the brothers!

Only for the monthly tickets you caught up, recommend the ticket!

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