Ancient Emperor. "

When the sword is unparalleled, I just finished it, and I will have a battle immediately.

This is a cold old man wearing a black robes, and the breath is also quite cold.

The Chen Xing Wang standing on the side of the sword is immediately giving the sword. There is no double message: "This person is a black unity of the black bones. Although the black bones cannot be compared with the four peaks, it is also a powerful ethnic group. It is second only to the first ethnic group of the four peak ethnic groups. In addition, the black bone family has always been looking for a swallowing family. "

The sword is unparalleled.

"I don't know if the black nectar is long, what do you want to say?" The sword asked without a smile.

"The ancient Emperor, the old man of the Holy League also knows, but in the old man's view, it is only the war of the three imperial camps with the human camp. It is not much meluo with my special ethnic group. It is almost a bloody door, Huangquan Palace, They have always only eventually active in human territories, and rarely step on the territory of my special ethnic group. "

"It is the war within the human ethnic group, and I have a special ethnic group that is not necessary." The cloudy and cold.

As soon as this, a slight commotion appeared immediately.

The sword has no double eyed overlooking, and the expression of everyone is in the eyes, but the arrogance is laughing: "It seems that the black ethnic group has not figured out now, it has not figured out the status, indeed, the special ethnic group and the human group It is not a river water, and if it is just a war of human territories, it will naturally not involve my special ethnic group. "

"However, this emergence crisis, the black nectar is really thinking only about human territory?"

"All, I will see a mirror picture."

After the sword is unparalleled, I waved directly.

Suddenly, on the front of the void, a huge mirror screen appeared.

The strong people in many ethnic groups were immediately seen towards the mirror screen.

I saw that the mirror screen appeared in a huge dark mill.

The dark mill is running, crushed everything, all the things, the grass is not born, one is a goddess, a piece of slogan, countless cultivator, under the crushing of the dark mill, all of which is dust, even the slag Never left.

With the operation, this dark crushes are still in amazing speed.

Seeing this scene, many strong people present, they have exposed the color of shock.

"The ancient emperor, what is this picture, what is it?" A group leader asked.

"It is called the dark mill, and its appearance is like the same as you see, but a crazy swallowed all the big mills, but this dark crushed disk, but contains a big world, that big world It is the third imperial world! It is the source of the crisis that the Shengshi is mentioned with you! "

"However, you can rest assured that in the near, the strong team of the Shengshi has already broke into the three emperors. Under the premise of paying a great price, the source of the power in the three emperors has been smashed, which is dark The mill has been completely stopped. "The sword said unparalleled.

I have stopped the dark mill has stopped, and many strong people present are relaxed.

No way, even from the mirror screen, they have also seen the horror of this dark mill.

There is no doubt that if it is, it will continue to be crushing so, expand it, and the whole vast chaotic world will be scattered.

"The ancient Emperor." The black bones leader is black, but it is once again opened. "This dark mill is really terrible, but it has not truly appeared in the territory of my specialty, and as you said, it has now The pause is over, and the special ethnic group cannot make any threats, so, this three-way critical camp truly enemy, obviously is still only human territory ... "

This black neck is not completely finished.


The sword is unparalleled, but it has been done directly to interrupt it.

"The ancient Emperor, what do you say?" The black nectar is sinking, and it is also hidden in the past.

"The emperor said that you are stupid, foolish." The sword is unparalleled to the black, broken, "the emperor is suspicious, how do you become a big group leader, even such stupid words have been exported!"

"You said that since the dark mill has been stopped, there is no wave of special ethnic bodies, it is not the enemy of many special ethnic groups?"

"This is equivalent to a person standing there. The other person obviously raised his knife toward him, but it was not yet to be blocked by another person. This person is still stupid, the other party Didn't want to kill him? Maybe, just do it? "

"Haha, even the knife holder is not enough, is it really going to wait until the other party has taken out your chest, directly to your heart, can you confirm that the other party wants to kill you?"

"Black nephew, even three-year-old child knows how to make sense, you don't understand this goddess, a family leader does not understand, you still dare to say you are not stupid?"

The sword is unparalleled.

It is completely referring to the nose and then, and it is still the face of many people in many ethnic groups.

The Black Bone Leader, the black, nature is irritating. He shakes, his teeth are tight, but his eyes are unintentional, sitting in the oldest side of the main hall.

The swallow-tian leader, and he made a color, he strongly pressed his inner anger and sat down.


See this, the sword is unparalleled, and his scorpion also looked at the bar.

It was found that the swallowing talent leader is very calm, sitting there, is actually not sent.

"This is swallowing a root, you don't come out, let the black bones come out, what is it to do?" The sword was unhealthy mint.

In the main hall, many strong people heard the sword unparalleled to the dark, although the jealousy is very rough, but the people think about it, but not there is no reason.

Immediately, there is a figure to get up.

It is also a leader of a special ethnic group. This ethnic strength is not less than black bone family. Different is that this ethnic group is in the ancient gods, and has always been ancient gods.

"The ancient emperor, what you mean, I have to understand, the lip is cold, the three royal border camp makes the dark mill, which is not only destroyed by a human territory, but to destroy the whole Out of Chaotic World Fortunately, the human Sales of the Human Salament wants to stop it, otherwise it is unimaginable. "

"So, if my special ethnic group is still united, the three imperial camps will die, the next one will inevitably do it!"


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