Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2088 Special Ethnic Union

"that's right."

There is also a first-class leader standing up, the ethnic group of this group leader, with the ancient gods, and the swallowing a family is not coming.

At this moment, he also solemnly said: "In fact, when I met the Shengle Alliance, I have already guess the three millet camps, so I also brought a few ethnic groups to negotiate together, and even the strong people in the ethnic group have been prepared. , But unfortunately no one is led, this is delayed. "

"Since the ancient Emperor is coming, I will wait for the war."

The ethnic leader is in fact.

When there is from the Shengle Alliance, many ethnic groups have begun to prepare.

But these special ethnic groups can be different from the SARS, they can use a common alliance, even if there are groups of people who are willing to participate, no one will integrate them together, alone, alone, naturally inconvenient.

In fact, if it is normal, there is such a major crisis, and the four peaks should also come up, convene all parties groups together.

This time, the four peak groups have been very subtle.

In addition, even the peak ethnic group, the strength of each other is also a gap.

In the special ethnic group, the definition of the peak emperor has only a certain number of energy, plus at least one emperor is sitting in the town, and it is sufficient to call the peak ethnic group.

Like the gods, they have just reached the requirements of the peak ethnic group, even if they want to convene all parties, but they are limited to their influence, far less than the other two peak ethnic groups, ancient gods Swallow the heaven.

The ancient gods followed the heaven, that is the real Dien, overall strength, and the heritage of the special ethnic groups, the great power in the two major peaks, and there are more than one, like ancient gods. There were two positions at the beginning. Later, I was born, and I was already the three emperors. Now I have a sword and a unparalleled new emperor. It is also a strong horizontal.

The swallowing family, although the number of people is not much, but the overall strength is terrible, but the great strength, it is said that there are more than three.

Under normal circumstances, as long as they have two peaks, any group of ethnic groups can be convened.

But why, these two peak ethnic groups have not moved.

The ancient god family is busy in civil war, as for the swallowing family, no one knows what is going on.

Until now, the ancient gods' civil war ended, the sword was unparalleled, the new ancient god of the ancient god personally convened, and these groups of leaders came over.

These ethnic leaders, most of them are willing to participate.

Even those who have some hesitated ethnic leaders, when they see the dark mill, they will be determined by one.

"The ancient Emperor, our family is willing to participate!"

"My family is also willing."

A sound is connected to the sound, and many groups of college leaders or top, they have stood up and express their willingness.

Just a leader of the two peaks of the gods and the black , also on the spot, willing to participate.

Among the entire banquets, there is only the swallowing Tianshi, and there is the black bones of the swallowing horse, and the black bones are not appealing.

At the banquet, leaders from many ethnic groups or top power, looked at the end of the past, and looked at the past.

There is no double eyeliner in the sword, and I also saw the past.

"Mr. Baki, I don't know if you swallow your talent, what is it?" The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is also polite.

The bar is slightly lifted slightly, and his face has been a smile. He has finally opened. "The three militar camps are indeed the public enemy of all parties in the world. Since all the scenes have been willing to participate. I naturally won't violate the willingness, and I am so energetics, I will swallow a family will be on the forehead. "

"Oh?" The sword was unblorated.

Rushing in the forehead? Say good.

Of course, this sword is not only in the bottom of the heart, and it will not really say it.

"The ancient emperor." Babai's evil eye is in the sword. "Although many ethnic groups have decided to participate in the war, but I have to participate in what form, I can't wait for camp with the three emperors. When I am hand, I still have to take care of it? "

"Well, Mr. Bayu said yes." The sword was laughing. "Since this is the many special ethnic groups to join hands, and then they have to join hands with the human beans, then they must find a lot of special The power of the ethnic group is completely united, so I propose that special ethnic groups can also follow the Holy League of the human group, create a special ethnic alliance, I don't know how I think? "

"Special Ethnic Alliance?"

There are many special ethnic leaders who are present to face with the top strong, and they are secretly tongued.

And just a moment, it has reached a consistent.

"The ancient emperor, I have all agreed to form a special ethnic group." The speech is one of the four peak ethnic groups, the leader of the black and a family.

The black dragon is a black dragon, but their leaders are black, but they are a beautiful woman wearing black, although she is beautiful, but sitting there, very few Some people dare to look at her, after all, this Black Jeal is a famous snake, and it is an emperor, and the strength is terrible.

"In fact, my special ethnic group should have to build a league." Black Jen said, laughing intoxication.

Other group leaders are consistent with them.

But at this time, then before the sword was unparalleled, the black bones and leaders who were sitting down, but they still stood up again, "The ancient queen, you propose to form a special ethnic group, my black bone There is no comments in a family, but I just want to ask, this alliance is the owner, who is it to take? "

"Alliance of the League," all the people are all.

The black jealousy is a Shen Sheng: "This is the union of many special ethnic groups, and there is no need to have only one person, such as a four-five alliance, Control the special ethnic group alliance, isn't it better? "

"Yes." There are many people in many ethnic groups nod to agree.

If a league is only a league, the sovereign of this union is not too big. If this alliance is selfish, the wrist is strong, can you completely control the numerous special ethnic groups in the league?

This is not the many ethnic groups to see.

You can hear this, but the black sudden is cold and smile.

"Maybe you said it is right, you can set more alliances in the league, but don't forget, we have to join hands with the human beings!"

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