Everyone in the field has seen it in the dark.

Black, smile, continue: "Let's do not say how the human ethnicity is, the strength of the human beings has the strength, according to what I know, the highest layer of the Shengshi is the power of the emperor, there is a foot ten Many, and they also recognize the strong, Bai Emperor! "

"I have you heard of the white emperor, I have heard it?"

Many group leaders are a wrinkle with the top strength.

The white emperor of the human ethnic group, of course they have heard.

That is a confirmed to force, which is recognized by the ancient chaotic world, which is also included in the special ethnic group.

"The strength is obviously better than that of my special ethnic group to stronger, plus the existence of Bai Emperor, even if the Special Ethnic Alliance and the human beings join hands, I am afraid that I will not go to the Sheng League, such as discussing When some things, the white emperor directly oppressed the strength of the union, and I would like to fight against the oppression of the White Emperor when the special ethnic alliance did it. When he was hard to do. "

"And I really have to encounter an incomparable thing, I am afraid that I can't make a decision after making a few unliceniaries. What should I do this time?"

"So, I have a special league ethnic group, there is a real leader. This person can be keen to face the white emperor. It can have the pressure of alliances from the Shengzi, and lead my special ethnic group. ! "

"This person, can be just one of the leagues, do not ask for absolute control rights, but at least there must be certain decision-making capabilities, you can make a decision directly."

"Or, can be the model of one-in-one, digital deputies, how do you think?"

The head of Black He said is that it seems that I have already thought about it.

Many ethnic groups around, they have been silent.

They carefully considered the truth of the black.

Indeed, if it is the same as the same number of allies, and if the power status is the same, if there is anything, it has to decide the number after the business, it is too slow.

As for the faculty, it will be weak when face to the White Emperor, which is indeed one of the factors.

"Black, if you are saying, only one of the Lord, the number of deputy owners mode, I don't know who is best for this alliance?" The black jewelry is black.

"Haha, I have just said that it is the most important thing to be the union of my special ethnic group, and it is possible to have absolute strength and self-confidence. It can be kept in parsing the white emperor, and the many ethnic groups have always believed. It is also strong, so, this is the master of the owner, I think the leader of the swallowing family is the most appropriate. I know that the Pakistani people are the special ethnic groups, recognized first strong people !! "

"If he is the place where this alliance is," there is this qualification in the scene? "Black Head laughed.

When he heard him, there were many people in many ethnic groups, they all nodded.

In the world of chaotic world, all of them pay attention to strong, and they are these special ethnic groups.

The swallowing of the Tianshi, as the Black He is said, it has always been a recognized first strong in the special ethnic group.

The strength first, and the leader of the most peak ethnic group, which has the requirements of the Allies.

"My family, I am willing to be the League!"

"My family is also willing."

There have been many ethnic groups on the field to open their own.

But more energetic people, but it is a bit ugly.

Including the god of the gods leaders and black rins, the look is also a bit gloomy.

They are in the bottom of the heart, and they are very unwanted to become the owner.

You know, swallowing the heaters, this is incomparably, and the excitement of the ethnic group.

This ethnic group, with a variety of special ethnic blood as food, is often hunting all ethnic groups.

Among the many ethnic groups, there were a lot of people who were swallowed and swallowed.

Many ethnic groups, the swallowing family, hate bones, but it is just that the strength is not.

Now, to swallow the heavenly leader to become the alliance of the Special Ethnic Union, they are hundreds of unwillingness.

But even if you are not willing, they don't dare to stand up, and when the face is veto, it is equal to the face of Ming Dynasty.

I dare to anger, this is the current situation in most groups of strong people.

The leaders of these ethnic groups or the top power, could not help but see the top three in the top three peaks.

They first swept from the leaders of the gods, the black and a family, and the hearts were secretly shake their heads.

They understand that although the same is the peak ethnic group, these two peak ethnic groups want to fight swallowing a family, still check it.

So everyone couldn't help but put their eyes to the last 'life-saving straw', which convened the ancient gods of many ethnic groups here!

Among the special ethnic groups, only the ancient gods, qualified to swallow the top of the country.

I have seen the sword and unparalleled.

Including the leaders of the god of God, the black royal family leader black, all of the princes are looking forward to the sword.

Compared to swallowing a family, they obviously be more expected to be the leadership of the ancient gods to become a special ethnic alliance.

The sword has naturally felt this road with a look forward to the eyes, his mouth is a touched, and his face has a cold smile, and his scorpion is also directly in the black bones, the black bones, and the black nest. "Black scare, you just said that the special ethnic intercord is respected, only the strongest people, the party is eligible to sit on the main position?"

"Yes." Head, smiled: "The ancient emperor, although the ancient gods in my specialty groups were very high, you as a leader of the ancient god, in fact, it is also qualified to serve as the Lord , But you are too young, and I heard that you just broke through the nine-star ancient gods. In the power, I am afraid that I can't face the white emperor of the Holy League, so I will choose the big people, still look Emperor, you forgive me. "

"Don't tighten, the black nectar is what you said. If there is no absolute strength, can you sit on the position of this Alliance?" The sword is unparalleled, "but this strength, it is not a light mouth. But you have to rely on the truth! "

"Mr. Baki, I heard that you are a recognized first strong in the special people. Since it comes, since the emperor will want you, you don't know if you are willing?"


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