If the sword is unparalleled, many strong people at the banquet have been quiet.

A strong, all revealed the color of shock.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is a bit twisted, but the meaning is obvious, he is challenging the bar!

Challenge the first strength of special ethnic groups! !

The Chenxing Wang Xin, who is standing on the sword, is also a shock, even secret news, "The ancient emperor, this bar is very strong, I have been playing with him many years ago, his combat power is in the second level of the big emperor. It's very close to the top, until now, it is possible to truly enter the top of the second level, you fight with him, where there is case ... "

"Nothing." The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are still with a smile, "I don't know Mr. Bayu, what?"

Everyone's eyes have seen the past.

Many people look forward to it.

Although most of them are full of hatred, disgusting, but the strength of Bahun is the real price.

Among the special ethnic groups, only the Chen Xing king is only qualified to compete with the bar.

Now, the new ancient emperor of the ancient gods is born. Everyone presents this new emperor is not greatly understood. Is this new ancient emperor to compete with Pakistan?

Being stared by everyone, the face also revealed a strange smile, he looked at the sword and was unparalleled, solarmed, "Since the ancient emperor personally invited, this seat is not reasonable?"

"That is, please."

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and the body is facing a void.

The bar is smile, and it is followed.

The two quickly bored in the void, so that others were far away from this void, and many people have a excitement.

One is the new ancient emperor of the ancient god, and the other is the leader of the swallowing.

These two people, but the highest status power in the special ethnic group.

The battle of the two, of course, is expecting.

In the bottom of the heart, most of these ethnic groups are mostly hopeless swords can win.

Because this battle, you can decide to determine the position of the special ethnic Union.

"For the Alliance of this special ethnic group, I didn't care, I couldn't worry, I didn't matter, as long as the strong people of the special ethnic groups were willing to join hands with the Shengshi, they were fighting against the three imperial bords, but ... The leaders of other ethnic groups, served as the position of this alliance, I still don't want to fight, but I can't do this. "

The sword is unparalleled there, watching the Baron in front, but the eyes are gradually getting cold.

He got from the Shengshi, this swallowing a family may have already mixed with Huangquan Palace. If it is the leader of the swallowing family, then?

So, who can be held by everyone.

Only this bar is not.

"Mr. Bayu, shot." The sword is unparalleled.

The Babar's face has been with a hit smile, and his heart is the same as the power, "as long as it can take the Lord of the Allies, the plan of our family has been successful, and the next thing is much simple, as for This ancient emperor ... huh, but it is self-ignorant. "

Baron did not place the sword at all.

He has learned that the sword is unparalleled from the Huangquan Palace.

I also know that the sword is unparalleled, but the second level is over, and it is much better with the Natan king. It is slightly stronger.

This war is not in your heart.

"The ancient emperor is so confident, then this is not polite." Bar is a smile, and while his laughter sounds, you! ! !

A strong blood of the extremely blood rises from the Pakistan, this Baron's evil face, and there is a golden secret pattern, his body has begun to change, it is originally normal human model I am actually a huge golden bat in an instant.

This golden bat is also full of various tabs, and the breath is strong.

"Bat?" The sword is unparalleled.

He himself, the first swallowed roof of himself, is also a swallowing bat.

It's just that the swallowing bat, the blood is very thin, it is not pure, and the strength is weak.

But this is swallowing the bat, a golden, which is the royal blood of the swallow.

"This bar, actually showing the body directly at the beginning?"

"Strong breath, this is the recognized first power in my special ethnic group?"

Many strong people around the battlefield, seeing the golden bats that appear, they have exposed the color of the fear.

At this moment, there is a face of golden secret tattoo, flashing a cold, "There is no need to entangle with him, speed up speed, directly solve him!"

Li Man flashed from the eyes, this bar is suddenly opened.

" !!!"

A scream of screaming, harsh, suddenly rejoiced in this day.

This voice is too harsh, making many people in the vendor can't help but hold their own ears.

The sword is also a sink. At the same time that he sounds in the humming, he is divided into a powerful force, and there is no sign of some signs to swept by him.

"This is ... the soul attack?"

The sword has no double-color, and his own body's body is strong, it is not dead.

But in terms of the soul, his soul intensity can not be too strong.

Now the soul attack in Pakuna is definitely the strongest soul attack that the sword has encountered so far.

And this soul attack is too sudden, and the sword is not prepared, but when the reaction comes to resist, it is obviously slowly.


The sword has no double shape, the head is slightly roaring, but when he is, it has seen his face in front of him.

This golden pawl is like a golden lightning, and it is ruthless to tear the void, then there is no hindrance, and swept directly on the sword.

A horrible power, erupting the endless tearing force.

Under this power, the shape of the sword is unparalleled into the meteorite, and the ground is falling down.


The ground is a shock, and a huge pothole has emerged, and the sword is unparalleled, it is completely in the pit, as if there is no such thing.

This scene, making everyone in the scene shocked.

"The ancient emperors!" The many strong people of the ancient gods were more shocked.

It still stands on the void, has been researched as human appearance, with a few contemptuous laughter from him, "I thought it would become a new ancient emperor who can become ancient gods. The strength should not be too Weakness, but I didn't expect it, it was so unbearable. "

This is an out of the ancient people, and many strong people are angry.

But at this time ...

"Mr. Baki, are you happy too early?" The sword is no in the air.


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