"Well?" Pakistan is moving.

Many strong people on the field have also seen the source of the sound.

I saw it in the pit cave below, and the shape has slowly rising, and it is the sword.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the faint power is filled with the surface of the body, but there is no scar, and there is no change before his face.

"It didn't be injured?" Baron is surprised.

To know, just the golden paws, he used to use it, even if the king of Chen Xing was swept by this golden paw, it should also be injured, but the sword is unparalleled, but there is no one thing, single is only in the strength of the body At that, it is obvious that the sword is unparalleled than Chen Xing Wang.

The sword is unparalleled to the void, and the eyes are staring at the Barbay in front of it. It should have reached the top of the second level of the big emperor. If you encounter him before I entered the ancient tomb, I am afraid that it is not his opponent. "

"But now ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and smiles, smiles the moment, ! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The six golden lights in the foot, which is flashing.

This six golden light, like a six gold meteor, straight through the world.

The speed is too fast.

Pakistan is a single, and the palm is directly swayed.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The six golden lights were directly hitted, but that is quite horizontal impact, but it also made two steps behind the body.

Hong Yinjin sword is driven by time and space.

As the sword is unparalleled, he can now show up the sixth hand of Hongyu Jinjian, and the speed is much higher than before, and even the powerful energy ... is also greatly improved.

Now his Hong Kong Golden Sword is fully exploded, and the impact power is enough to win the second level of the big one.

You have to know that this is the foot and six handles Hong Yinjian attack at the same time.

Even the Baki has reached the top of the second level of the big emperor, and it is still not dare to underestimate the power of this six-handed gold sword.

Most importantly, Hong Yin Jian is best at speed!

I saw that the six-handed Hong Yinjian was flying out by the bar, and immediately stopped, followed by removing it again.

At a time, I attacked, I was crazy at a time, and the six-handed Hongyu Jinjian was completely oppressed.

The Baba was not placed in the heart, but with the six-handed gold sword by him, he was hit by him, but he continued to attack him again and again. At the time, the color of the bar is also a sink.

And at this time, the shape of the sword is also slapted.

At the same time in the pace, his body has risen to ten feet high, and the nine-eight arms also appear at the same time, and a shocking power suddenly swept.

The ancient gods recognized the strongest, it is close to the ability, and now the sword is unparalleled, it is to kill with this bar.


The sword is unbolded in the hands of the 18-handed sword, crazy hitting.

The six-handed Hong Yinjian is also a crazy impact once.

The close killing and Hong Yinjin sword is perfectly combined, quite horizontal, rude!

The sword is unparalleled, it has been fully played in this moment.


The bar is no longer calm and calm, some are one of them.

He did not put the sword unparalleled, the newly born ancient god of the ancient gods, but now ... The sword is unparalleled, this battle has completely broke out, and he has brought him a huge pressure, especially The sword is unparalleled and the killing ability is perfectly cooperated with Hong Yu Jinjian. The sword is equally strong, so that he can't find any flaws.

He has exploded on his body, and the strength of the blood has also been urged to achieve the ultimate, but still being killed by swords.


He completely let the sword are unparalleled, and the rude offensive is completely suppressed, and it is actually the opportunity to find it.

"The ancient gods' close killing ability is too terrible, and then with his gold sword, crazy attacks are oppressed, even if I can't resist it, if you continue to fight so, I will lose, use it!" One of the golden powers in the bar eyes flashed.

As a big leader of the Shengtian family, the top of the second level, his strength is naturally impossible.

On the battlefield, the Baron who was pressed by the sword was unparalleled, but the figure was a sudden retreat, followed by his huge gold bat body, once again extended.

" !!"

It is still the harsh humming, and the humming is moving around.

And the strong soul attack contained in this humming is also directly moving in the sword.

"What is this strike again?"

The sword has no doubles, but this time he is ready, his own spiritual soul has formed a heavy defense.

At the same time, in the five treasures of his body, it also distributed a strange light.

The five treasures of the armor are five of the ancient times ancient people, left to him, although it is in a damage, but the power is extremely.

It is not only for material defense, so it is a soul attack, and it can also play a certain defense ability.

The soul attack was crazy.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is also a stinging in the soul, but this time is not in the state of being lost.

His consciousness still maintains an absolute awake.

Since he saw that the attack in front of the squat was coming.

"Golden Thunder!"


There is a strong golden beam with a foot bucket, and the sword is directly in the sword.

On this golden beam, the golden thunder of dense Ma Ma, the golden Thunder has a power of destroying the earth.

This golden beam is perfectly combined with endless golden thunder.

When I came to see this golden beam, the sword was unblocking.

"Give me !!"

A flavor, like a sunny sky, like the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, and the four arms have gripped a long gun, and a pureness of the gods, the jacket has reached the blood of the Jiu Xing ancient level, which has reached the extreme.


A shocking sword light, it came directly.

In an instant, it collided with the front side of the blasting gold beam.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

There is no dramatic roar, some are just as if Jian Feng has cut over the mountains.

The stretch for hundreds of feet long, the bucket-like gold beam, was directly cut from the sword light.

During the sky, all of them all over the sky.


The bar is turned to the color, "" Jin Yinmine, I am the strongest trick, I was broken by him, "

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