Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2092 is defeated!

"His strength ... is so strong?" The heart is horrified.

He has received the sword unparalleled information from Huangquan Palace.

However, according to Huangquan Palace, the sword is not too strong in the second level of the second level, and there is still some gaps from the top of the second level.

And he is a strong person in the second-level number of goods. He personally shot, and it should be easy to take the sword.

But now, the strength of the sword is unparalleled ...

"The ultimate, it is absolutely that the second level is the most important, and it is very close to the third level of number!"

"This is better than I have to be strong!" Baron hit his hands.


A stunning roared, Barbai immediately settled.

But I found that the sword is unparalleled, and the impede of the thrill, appearing in his forward.

"Barbai, just one, should it be your strongest stroke?" The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "Your strongest trick has already been used, then you will pick up me."

When the voice fell, he saw a powerful spirit of swords and swords.

In addition, the vast space is also swept away.

The sword is unparalleled, "" This trick is the first secretary of the first ancient gods, and it is also the most confident that the ancient god family is recognized, but I don't know how it is. how is it."

With a silk expectation, the sword is unparalleled.

"The ancient mystery, the operation of the moon!"


Time and space tremor, the time and space of is covered in the void in Bari, and this kind of void is completely imprisoned.

~~ Like the swords, the first time is facing the first time, from the madness of the surrounding world.

It's just that this is oppressed, and it is much more powerful when there is no double before the sword.

Although it has reached the top of the second level, the body is also subject to unprecedented restrictions under the crazy oppression of this world.

He even has a feeling, as if he is not in this world, not in this slight space.

This feeling, he is still in the first time.

"This, what is the means?" Bar's heart also rose a shocked.

It seems that it is inconsistent with the heaven and earth.

But this is just just beginning.

Just in Bayu, it was completely pressed by the sky, and the body shape was difficult to move, and it was completely condensed by the palm of the power.

When this palm appears, there is no feeling of destroying the earth, but people feel warm and feel kind.

It is like a mother's palm.

This palm is gently passed away, and the wind is light, but it is a slow down 'picking.

This 'picking' is like a lotus flower that is wandering on the river, very gentle, gentle.

It is equivalent to a lot of effort, so it's hard to make this lotus flower, this palm is now to charge your own labor results.

It seems that it is a very simple and comfortable, but this scene is in the eyes of the Pakistani and the many strong eyes in the field.

Baron is even crazy, and wants to break away from the binding of the world's time and space when you want to come to him.

But the result, no matter how he struggled, you can't get rid of that day.

I can only look at the giant hand to cover him.


A slight sound rang in the void, and then calm down again.

That giant hand has disappeared, and that completely imprisoned void has also returned to normal, and in the center of the void, Baron is still there.

It's different from before, it is a little pale, the face is a little pale. The corner of the mouth is also scattered with a blood, and the breath is weaker than before. Now it is in the process of "picking". Not light.

This scene, made everyone appeared, and one was stunned.

Even the sword is unparalleled, in fact, his heart is quite shocked.

You know, this Babo Tangtang, a second-level big end, with such a strong, the sword is unparalleled, it can take the wind, and even press the other party, but if you want to be seriously injured, it is too difficult. .

According to him, it is impossible to really hurt this bar, unless it is the strongest great base sign.

Result ...

"The surgery of the moon is worthy of the first ancient God's most proud secret, this power!" The sword is unanimous.

It is, with this secret, he can directly hurt this bar directly.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this complete secret, he just got it, but he just got it.

In the first time, the power you played, and the top more played only the three-year power of this secret.

But even if it is just 30%, the power is uncomfortable.

"With my current strength, I fully show this melody, this trick is a simple idea, I am afraid that I have been able to hit the full strength of the third level of the big emperor. If it is the level of this secret. Some, you can completely play this secret power, the power of this trick, I am afraid that even the real third level of the big emperor, I don't dare to be underestimated! "

"And the most important thing is that this trick is too mystery, I can't resist it." The sword is unparalleled.

On the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled, and it was interested in the latter in front of the Bayi.

"Mr. Bayu, will you fight again?"

The bar is ugly to the extreme.

Although 10,000 unwillingness, he had to admit that this battle, he has already defeated.

It is quite miserable.

The front face, the sword is unparalleled with his own close to kill, and the six-handed Hongyin Jinjun is completely pressed.

Then the collision collides, the sword is also rolling him, and it is crushed.

He is now unless they are really desirable, otherwise there is no possibility of winning the sword.

However, he can't really die.

Second, even if he is really desperate, the sword is unparalleled.

"This battle, I lost, starting today, you are the first strength of special ethnic groups." Baron Lang said, he is talking about this, the heart is trembling.

Wen said that the sword is unparalleled but smile.

And around the battlefield, there are countless powers who watch the battle, most of them are shocking.

Before fighting, although they were full of expectations, most people did not think the sword is unparalleled to beat the bar.

After all, Baron is famous for many years, and it is already recognized in the special ethnic group, and even myths.

It is too difficult to defeat such a myth.

But now, the ancient emperor who was born, actually defeated him?

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