Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2093 League!

"It's too powerful, an ancient emperor who is born in the ancient gods is too powerful!"

"First, in many special ethnic groups, true strongest!"

"Since he defeated the big people, the position of the owner is not ..."

There are many strong colors on the field.

Of course, most of them are surprised.

As the black royal queen of the black, it is the first to stand up. "According to my waiting for it, the strong is respectful, and since the ancient emperor has defeated Mr. Bayu, then the special ethnic group The place of the alliance is the ancient emperor. My black family supports the ancient emperor to become a special ethnic Union. "

Black Jen, the first state.

Subsequently, the leader of the god is also open: "I am also supported."

"My family also supports!"

"The strong is the respect, the strength of the ancient Emperor is there, and our nature has no opinion."

A leader of a group or the top strong is open.

Among these groups of leaders, most of them did not want Baron to become a lord, and now the sword is unparalleled, they naturally support.

For a moment, more than 90% of the family on the field have agreed.

Some of the remaining things, it is exactly that the ethnic group belongs to the wall, and of course it is immediately in line.

The only thing that has not been swallowed yet, and there is also the black bone family.

The leader of the swallowing family is cloudy. However, when he saw his eyes, he barely pressed the heart, and squeezed a smile, said: "The strong is respectful, ancient The emperor is indeed a slightly better than this seat. He held the owner, and this seat has no opinion. "

Baron also recognized that the black bones of the black bones were naturally attached.

Since then, the sword is unparalleled to have the support of the people in the event, the position of the Allies, and the order.

"Since you are willing to support, the emperor is not well." The sword is unparalleled smile.

The position of his alliance has been sitting, and next is the position of the discussion of several deputies, and preparations to the next battle.

The sword is unparalleled with the many people in the field, which is negotiable for half a day.

A total of five deputy owners were born. In addition to the three peak group leaders, one of the other people had a deputy owner, there were two deputy owners to have two from the first ethnic group, and the famous expedition was recognized by recognized leaders. .

The Special Ethnic Alliance is also formally established.

"All the people, this time it is until you are, you must prepare for the fastest speed. During the 10 years, you must prepare it properly, then I will let go of the Human St. League, in addition, I will inform the St. Union. Construct a good territory in the shortest possible time, and a divided space channel leading to the battlefield. "

"Both it,"

The sword is unparalleled, and the leaders of many ethnic groups have begun to leave.


The ancient god group, there is a temple.

The sword is unparalleled with Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu Wang, the four people of the war gathered together.

"Chen Xing Wang, the strong people of those ethnic groups left?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There are still some no hurry, but most of them have left." Chen Xing Wang Dao.

"Swallowing the heaven?" The sword will continue to ask.

"Swallowing a heaven is over, it is the fastest." Chen Xing Wang replied.

"So anxious?" The sword was unparalleled.

If other ethnic groups are in a hurry, he is not surprising, but swallowing the heaven ...

"This time in the ceremony, the swallowing family is obviously an early plan, just starting that the bar is no longer, but it is actually just let the black neck of the black bones come out for him. Just starting or not I hope that many special ethnic groups will pay attention to it. Later, after they did not change many special ethnic groups, they fully gave birth to the birth of special ethnic groups, and even contributed to only a situation of only a league. "

"It is obvious that the position of this alliance is preparing for the Pakistan, and he is also ambition of this alliance!"

"If I have never going, and when everyone's face, the bar is defeated, the concept of the special ethnicity is the concept of respect, this alliance is really likely to fall in his hand, the result, I am afraid to be unimaginable." Sword Unmained muffy.

If you say that the sword is unparalleled to the swallow, the sword is only very suspicious. So now, the sword is unparalleled to have eight-centered, think that the swallowing family is related to Huangquan Palace, and even completely brought to Huangquan Palace.

In this case, let the leader of the swallowing family sit on the Lord, the next battle, the ancient chaotic world camp, I am afraid that it is not a thing.

"However, although now this is now empty, they will never give it, they will definitely have other actions." The sword is unparalleled, and the coming is overlooking, "Chen Xing Wang, you immediately arrange people, starting from today, always staring at the swallowing family, but they have a little actions, immediately report. "

"In addition, there are other special ethnic groups, and pay more attention."

"Yes." Chen Xing Wang Lian failed.

"Luo Yu Wang." The sword is unparalleled, Luo Yu Wang, "Now the special ethnic groups are prepared for the next war, and my ancient gods will naturally be idle, and they must have a lot of power in the shortest time. Everyone gathers, and this task is handed over. "

"No problem." Luo Yu Wang also nodded.

"Okay, go go." The sword was unparalleled.

The three nine-star ancient gods are also arranged immediately.

And the sword is unparalleled, sitting there, starting with the White Emperor.


Swallowing the sky, swallowing the old nest, the dim empty empty.

"Babai family, this time you planted a big finger, and because of your planted heart, we have carefully prepared the plan, and it is completely disrupted." The name that exuded the monetary breath People stand there, the sound is extremely low.

"Hey, this is true to be the responsibility of this seat, but you don't have a little responsibility for Huangquan Palace? To know, you give me the message, but the sword is unparalleled is just a strong second level. The great emperor, can the result? The strong power of the sword has reached the most imposed of the second level! "

"If it is not your intelligence, this is known that the sword is unparalleled, I will face him a battle with him? I will not let go of the Lord's place, even a little bit of hidden. Baron sink.

When I heard this, the black robe was silent.

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