Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2094 Alone

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is indeed very incredible.

At the beginning of the three imperial boundaries, the war of swords was unparalleled, and it was only a medium-sized level in the second level, and did not reach the top of the second level.

Can now, how long does this?

The sword is unparalleled, and it can be defeated on the top of the second level.

Plus, when the sword is unparalleled, the battle force when I arrived in the three imperial cries, I thought about it ...

"It's too fast, this sword is unparalleled. If you have been in progress in this speed, I am afraid how long it can't be used, it will be more than the shoulder, it will become the heart of my Huangquan Palace." Black The robe is deep.

"Since I know, then I don't want to think about it, I will give him? Your Huangquan Palace, is it the best?" Baron low.

"Killing the sword is unparalleled ..." The black robes are sinking, but they slowly shook their heads. "This sword is unparalleled today, and the ability to save life is terrible. Now I want to kill him, it is too hard, if it is He has not broken through the seventh step of the cross-foot refurbishment, but it has been missed in that period. "

This black robe is full of helplessness.

Indeed, they have already missed the best time to kill swords.

Now the sword is unparalleled, it is almost impossible to kill him again.

"Hey, I am so early, what do you do in Huangquan Palace?" Asked the bar.

"Well, the Bayi is long, now this is no longer used, things have happened, let's think about what to do next." Black Robe Shen Sheng: "Now the special ethnic group has formed, sword is unparalleled It is a relationship, this has become a fact, it is impossible to change, we have finally, to control the opportunity of this special ethnic group, has failed. "

"So next, you can only use another plan."

"Another plan?" Barburgia miniature, he nature knows what the plan is what the plan is said.

"Our preparation is not too sufficient. Now use that plan, will it be too rushing?" Barbi frown.

"Even if it is rushing, there is no way. If you wait until the special ethnic alliance is gathering, then after mixing with the human beans, we want to do it later, you must immediately do it, it is not enough, and the plan is not completely Perfect, but it must also be alone. "The black robe is low.

"Is it still in the Pakistani in the bar, and I have a decision in my heart." Well, I will prepare now. "

"You are going to prepare, I will do it in Huangquan Palace."

After that, this black robes have already taken out to make up the command.


Here is the god of the god of the gods.

In this holy place, in addition to the gods, there are also special ethnic groups that are not different.

At this point in a special ethnic group.

The two people are shadowed and row.

"This time, the ethnic group is unanimously adopted by the ethnic group, and the ancient quarters are all in the alliance. I am also in the alliance, and the alliance is commanded. The number of large energy exceeds ten, can leave one or two sites, but others have to participate, and our family, only three energy, so I have to participate in this battle. " A red-haired middle-aged man sinking.

"Three people have to participate in the battle? Then there is no energy in the world in the fire? Is it what is the crisis in the Chinese?" Asked another black jade.

"Alliance said, will open the space channel between the ethnic groups and the human beans, I will wait for the outside battle, if there is anything in the ethnic group, it can be immediately returned to return." Red-haired middle-aged man said.

"That's okay." Black Youth nodded, and suddenly black youth look, the look of the show immediately changed.

"The family is long, this battle, you can't get it." Black Youth suddenly opened.

"What's wrong?" The red-haired middle-aged man's consciousness turned his head, but he saw that the black youth is very staring at him.

The red-haired middle-aged man is in the heart, but I just want to say anything, but I find that a swearing dagger has been stabbed toward him.

"not good!"

On the occasion of life and death, this red-haired middle-aged man immediately urged the draft warfare, and fully resist the dagger.

As a result, it was still thoroughly broken by the dagger, but this is the skin, which makes the red-haired middle-aged man in the face, because he can feel the horrible erosion force has been infiltrated into his body through the wound. .

"Toxic? You!"

Red-haired middle age is unborn to watch the black youth in front of it.

But the black youth is a smile, then leave.


The voids outside the nest of the ethnic group, the ten black clothes are placed in parallel.

More than ten people were strong and strong, and it was the big energy above God, and there was even an emperor existed.

These black robes stared at the ethnic groups in front, and they were released in the past.

Only a moment, more than ten stones fell toward the ethnic group.


The horrible roar sounded, and a killing storm was instantly swept.


The ancient sacred land, in the territory.

The Zi snake family is just a few special ethnic groups, a second-class ethnic group, this ethnic group did not sit in the town, but the gods have five.

But now, the five gods and the many real people have already gathered, but they gathered strongly not to participate in the battle with the three imperial camps, but for the other two-class ethnic groups in front of them, then There is a great hatred between the ethnic group with the Zi snake, this hatred has already reached the point of death with the accumulation of long years.

"Zipedon is long, time is almost almost, you can do it." A Huabian movie is in the crowd, smile.

"What about your people?" Zi snake leader looked at the black robe.

"Reassured, as long as you move, we will insert the strong in that ethnic group will naturally shoot, fully cooperate with you."

"That's good." Zi snake family leader slightly, spinning, "people, people, wash the humiliation of our family, revenge for our endless ancestors, pick up your weapons, give me kill Light them! "

"Kill! Kill !!"

The many strong people of the Zipedin family immediately killed the other groups.

Soon the two ethnic groups are crazy!


A game killing, almost unconsciously from the four major holy land, and many ethnic groups set off.

In the entire special group, in a short period of time, it turned into a pot of porridge.

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