At the four major holy land, many special ethnic groups are chaotic into a pot of porridge.

The ancient god group, the temple in the sky.

"The ancient emperors, this is the news from some ethnic groups today. Nowadays, many ethnic groups are completely chaotic." Chen Xing Wang Zheng said.

"What is going on?" The sword didn't drink low.

The Special Ethnic Union has been born. Next, only the power of each ethnic group will be involved, and the result is on this bones, such a large quarter is there.

"For specific reasons, it is not known, but from the content of some ethnic groups, they have a rebellion in the ethnic group, and they are slaughtering people. Some are suddenly attacked by other ethnic groups, especially before some There is a hatred of the hatred. Also, it was attacked by a mysterious black robes ... "

"In short, now there are many special ethnic groups, there are many chaos. Everywhere is fighting, and some ethnic groups can't live in the pressure. I have already sent it like my ancient gods. I hope that my ancient gods can send strong people to help them. "

I heard this, the sword was unbolded.

"Huangquan Palace, is the Huangquan Gangmai!" The sword is unbolded. "Hey, it is only that this Huangquan Palace is only too much to penetrate the human territory, but I didn't expect them to penetrate inside the special ethnic group. It is weak, and it is not moved, and it will pick up such a big wind on the special ethnic group !! "

From the perspective of the experience of those special ethnic groups, the sword is unparalleled to determine the hand of Huangquan.

From the internal penetration, and the penetration means, there is only such means in Huangquan Palace within the vast chaotic world.

"What about the other three peaks? What is their situation?" The sword didn't ask.

"The three peak ethnic groups are still good, only in the art of the gods, there is a change, there are few some rebellions, and also have been attacked by some black robes, but those black robe are not too strong, The strength of the people should be able to cope, as for the swallowing a family and black, now, it is still very calm, there is no change. "Chen Xing Wang Dao.

"Oh?" The sword was unbrick.

If you are calm in the temple, he can understand it, but the black is a family ...

"Chen Xing Wang, you want our people to think about the emperor, especially for the swallowing family, no accident, this swallowing family should have actions." The sword has no double.

"Will there be actions? Why?" Chen Xing Wang was doubtful, and they did not have any doubts about the swallowing family.

The sword is unparalleled, and he said: "I received the news of the white emperor of the human beings before, I learned that the swallowing of the Heavenly family was very subtle, and also with the power of the suspected Huangquan Palace together, plus Before swallowing the heavens, I have eight-made, I have already colluded with the Huangquan Palace, and it is very likely that I have reversed Huangquan Palace. "


Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu Wang, the war of Cangwang is very shocked.

Swallowing the heaven, put on Huangquan Palace?

This news is, if it is sitting, it will be an unprecedented impact on many special ethnic groups.

After all, swallow the heaven, that is, the four peak ethnic groups, and it is one of the top two of the peak ethnic group.

The overall strength of the swallowing family is terrible, and the influence in the specialty group is too big.

"Just because this, this time did not have a simple surface." The sword is unmainted, and the heart is thinking, but only a moment, he raised his head again, "War of the King!"

"The ancient emperor." Battle Wang immediately greeted.

"Immediately dispatched part of my ancient gods, personally leading, go to those ethnic groups like my ancient goddess, to resolve their crises, different speeds are fast, can not drag, like those two ethnic ** battle If you can't resolve, you can use some special means, as for the black robe attacking a group, if you encounter, you will kill innocent! "The sword has no double.

"Yes." Battle Wang immediately led.

"The ancient emperor, the wind wave and the entire specialty of the entire special ethnic group, now there are more than ten ethnic groups now, we will send the Cangwang and some of the strong people, afraid of some can't be enough? "Luo Yu frowned.

"It is not enough, but there is no way." The sword has no double-faced indifference, "Although I am the Alliance of the Special Ethnic Union, these ethnic groups are difficult to come to me, but it is normal, but I am not a help, I can immediately rush. What's more is this special period now. "

"I have to take some pressure, but I have some internal rebellion, and I have a small black robes. These ethnic groups have for so long. If they don't even do it for a while, it is not necessary to exist. "

"And we have more important things now!"

"Chen Xing Wang." The sword did not have a batch of strong people now, "I will go now to call a batch of power, but the quantity is not too much, but the quality must be high, let them get better, I will go out with this."

"The ancient emperor, you have to go out?" Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu Wang immediately saw it in the sword.

"Well." The sword is not a hyper point, "Luo Yu Wang, I am not there, the ancient gods will be controlled by you, although the Bang Wang will take a batch of strong people, but stay in the seven-star of the ancient gods The people, still have a lot, plus your nine-star ancient god, should be enough to cope with all crises. "

"Yes, the ancient emperor you can rest assured." Luo Yu Wang Lao said.

The sword nodded, and then he immediately got it.

In the ancient goddess, a huge space worm hole, the sword is unparalleled, and the Chen Xing is standing there. After his two, he still follows more than ten years.

Among the more than ten shadows, there is a unparalleled ancient king, the ancient king brothers, and another six eight-star ancient gods, add up, eight eight star ancient gods, and the remaining is the top of the seven-star The ancient gods, this lineup is already extremely strong.

"The ancient emperor, where is we going?" Chen Xing Wang asked.

"Go to the holy place." The sword is unparalleled.

"Black San Holy Land?" Chen Xing Wang is a big, "the black-headed holy place is controlled in the black drafting, and now there is no change in the Black Month, we don't have to go there?"

"Oh, it is because the black and a family did not have a change, it was too quiet, we must immediately rush it." The sword is not a smile.

He has intuitive, and it is the most important thing now, it is this black ! !


PS: Today is 5 more! !

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