Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2096 Black

The black scorpion, one of the four peaks, and its strength is extremely good, and the great power is in the town. Under normal circumstances, we want to shake such a big ethnic group, which is indeed extremely difficult.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it knows Huangquan Palace.

The osmotic elite in Huangquan Palace, the strength of the power is super imagination.

Wanxiang Building like a human territory, why? It is actually made by Huangquan Palace.

Even Huangquan Palace also has a great emperor to become one of the highest layers of the Sorrowfow.

In the specialty group, Huangquan Palace wants to have a long-lasting accumulation, since it really has already started to do it, the four peaks will definitely be affected by varying degrees.

Among them, swallowing the heaven, very might have to be put on Huangquan Palace, no change is normal.

And the ancient gods, they were too strong, and the great emperor had four feet, and the sword was unparalleled. The second-level number of the big great power was sitting in the town. The power also implied, so the ancient god family is also very calm.

However, the black monk with the god group, Huangquan Palace absolutely the ability to move.

Now that the god group has happened, but the black monk is too quiet.

It is this calm, but the sword is unparalleled.

"We will go to the black arm, and our whereabouts should be kept secret as much as possible." The sword did not have a double command.

"Yes." Chen Xing Wang nodded.

Subsequently, the people of the ancient gods headed by the sword and the king of Chen Xing, they went straight to the black farm.

After stepping on the Shengdi territory, they immediately set out in the Black Race.

At the same time, in the sword, there is no double, and the black dragonflies are rushing, in the void of the old nest of the black.

Passive numbness, a lot of people suspended there.

These people are extremely good, the weakest has reached the level of God, and they are looking at more than two hundred people.

Among these more than two hundred energy, the strong people of the Black Month accounted for 70%, and the rest is a harester, which is obviously the strong in Huangquan Palace.

At the forefront of the crowd, a black robe, a black spring leader, stood in parallel with Huangquan Palace.

"I just received news from the inside of the ancient goddess, the Bang King has brought many ancient gods, and I went to a group to save." Huaguen is cold old.

"If you fight, there is one person? Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu Wang still has the ancient emperor and unparalleled?" Barbi frown.

"I don't know." The old people shook his head, "The ancient god family is different from other ethnic groups, they have always believed that the blood is supreme, only the blood, secondly recognizes the strength, all of the other don't recognize, their emperor There is absolute loyalty, such a group, my Huangquan Palace is also very difficult, long years to now, my Huangquan Palace can't penetrate into their highest level, naturally unclear the highest level of the ancient gods trend."

"But there is no accident, the ancient emperor should still stay in the ancient god family."

"Hey, then it is awesome, steady sitting on the Diaoyutai." Bar is cold and smiling. "He thought it would only be able to stare at me, but I don't know what I am swallowing the heaven !!"

Swallowing the heaven, as one of the four peak ethnic groups, and still counting the number of peak ethnic groups, and its means naturally non-average.

They have long known that someone has always monitored their movements, but they still have a way to hide the monetary monitors of the ancients.

Like now, the top of the top, the top, the top, has come here, but the people who have been sent by the ancient gods have not found it at all.

"Time is almost, we also hurry." Baron said.

"Well." The old talents of the black robe suddenly nodded, and immediately waved next to it.

There have been four black rises to divide the four directions, and the voids around the black ethnic old nest.

Just a moment, these four black rises were in place, and the four people took out anorge.

As the governor is crushed, a large inner, a big array that has already prepared it is ready to cover the open.

It covers the large-scale sky, and the vast voids in front of the four people are covered, and naturally include the old nest of the black.

"This big array is carefully arranged in Huangquan Palace, not only can block the time and space, but it is indestructible. Even if it is the big power, even if it is a few great attacks, there is no one to break, there is this big array, black The people of the , I have been escaping in a short time! "Hua Zi Sen is the old man.

"Haha, it's great." Bar is a big joy, and you will flellchize, "all the position, let's go together, go to the black .

The bar is shaped, and the strong people who swallow the heavenly family behind him have revealed the bloodthirsty, excited smile, and immediately follow it.


Black, a dark hall.

The beautiful woman wearing black is black, sitting there, overlooking the strong people in many blacks.

"The Special Ethnic Alliance has just been established. There are many changes in the many ethnic groups. It is obviously prior to premeditious, and it has further explained that the Huangquan Palace is not a day and two days in our specialty bodies. The move is nothing more than the fight against alliances. "

"According to the news from the ancient emperor, there is a chaotic unique family, and there are huge changes in some first-class groups, and even the gods of the peak ethnic group, I have encountered a lot of trouble. At this time, I must be cautious! "

"Direct order, the guards of the guards have been open to the largest, and the other strictly controversies many people. It is forbidden to fight for the fight, and if they are discovered, they find that there are people maliciously created chaos, and they will kill innocent !!"

Black royal voice is hot.

"Yes." There are many blacks in the lower part of the black and a family.

They also know that it is in a very period now, and it is not cautious in the black.

Others, the changing is more erorated!


I only heard a dramatic roaring suddenly echoed.

This roar is like a thunder, just issued, but immediately broke out the second roar.

The whole black scorpion is blocked.

"what happened?"

The black jealousy in the hall, as well as the many strong features of the Black Month.

"This voice is that some people are bombarding the nuts of our people!" Black Jewelry is cold.


The many strong people of the Black Jian family have plundered.

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