Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2097 Crisis

boom! boom! boom!

A dramatic roar is in the ear, and every roar is a dramatic tremor.

A few times, this guardian is already rushing.

When the strong people of the black silk reacted, appearing at the top of the empty.


The whole guard is the big battle, it has been forced to boke a hole, and a lot of breath, and flocked directly.

"The guards are broken, and the surrounding time and space have been completely blocked. This is to ..." The black and emperor's gloomy terrible, the eyes are dead, the energetics of the throne.

Soon, she saw one of the other party.

"Baba, is it you?"

Black Jen is watching Bar, the voice is cold, "I broke my caregua, what do you want to do today?"

"What to do? Black, you can become a leader, you should not be stupid, don't you see this purpose today?" Baron smiled.

In his heart behind him, he exposed a bloodthirsty, excited smile.

Swallowing the heavens, this is the food in other many families, and the black scorpion is one of the four peaks. The blood level is also very high, and the swallowing family has long coveted three feet, It is just that the two sides have not really torn face, and there are some scruples in the swallowing of the heavens, causing them to taste the taste of the black monk.

But today, they are full.


The black royal is angry. She also saw the existence of those black rude people. "It seems that you have already colluded with Huangquan Palace, and we want to compete for the alliance. If this is the owner You have taken it, and I am afraid it is a disaster for my special ethnic group !! "

"Hey, even if this is the place where the closure is not? You think that this special ethnic group can still exist, can you join hands with the human STAND? Even if you really have, there will never have you! "Babai voice is cold," Today, this seat must completely destroy your black and a family, take you the blood of many people, come to feed our people! "

"Give me!"

"The people of the black, one don't let go !!!"

With the Babai, the strong people who have swallowed the heavenly family behind him, including those black robes, they were suddenly attacked.

A horrible breath, but also unscrupulous venting.

"The black , don't he all cost, stop them !!" Black Emperor sent a dry and drunk, echoed in the entire black monk.

There was a burst of .....

A large number of strong, it is equally affected.

As a big peak, the black and a family is more than swallowing the heavens, the ancient gods is so strong, but the ability to have still can't be underestimated.

And now, from the perspective of the swallowing family, this is the battle of the extinguishing family. These battles, if the black, if the whole group can't stop the other party, the whole group will will fly to the smoke, so the many strong people of the black will be regarded. Everything, fight for a battle.

Not only those of the big energy, many of the real gods, are also brave and brave.

As a leader of the black and a family, the Black Emperor is naturally the first rush, and a shocking day is crazy, the first one will stop the bar.

"Haha, Black Emperor, many years have never been handed, your strength also has the strength, it has barely reaches the second level of the big emperor, but unfortunately, this is not enough." Bar is cold and smiled. The top of the second level is open, but it is just random to shoot, but it still presses the black jealousy.

On the other side, there are two great emperors in the swallowing family, it seems that it is in the unmanned land. In the crowd, it is only a moment of kung fu. The black and a family has six big energy, die in these two The big emperor, and this slaughter is still crazy.

"!" Black Queen drunk, the sound is not only echoed in the entire black family, and even passed to the extreme depth of the ground.

Instant, Boom! !

A strong, obviously has reached the atmosphere of the emperor to rise from the bottom of the ground.

Subsequently, a black imprint was wearing a gray dress, and an extremely ugly old man appeared in front of everyone.

And this gray junvenous man appeared, and immediately greeted the two great emperors of the Heaven, and did not fall to the bottom of the wind.


Barbai saw this scene, but it is a surprised color. "All said that your black scorpion is the weaker in the four peaks, but now it is not so much, at least in the top Emperor's power. Your black, a family is much stronger than the god, except for the emperor that has barely has the second-level number, there is still a first-class big emperor, and this great emperor It can be a little famous before, and it is really deep enough. "


Black Jeno snorted, never talk.

Old, it is indeed a strong man hidden, and the backup is extremely high, even if she is, they are very respectful.

But the strength, this is not the top, and the reason why the first level of the top of the first level is now, it is purely in the past, and the new ancient battlefield is in the past. On, I got the chance, and immediately closed it.

And now this old is coming again, the strength has skyrocketed.

One person, I stopped the two emperors of the swallowing.

"Haha, Black Emperor, do you think that Light is like this, do you stop me to swallow the family? You are so true." Na Bazhen is laughing at this moment, "Black Jun family, what is it is also a peak The heritage is even more deep. If there is no absolute grasp, this seat will be free to shoot? "

Black royal colors change.

With the laughter of the bar, in the center of the battlefield! boom!

It is also the openness of the two shocking breaths.

"What?" Black Jews immediately saw the source of the breath.

She saw the two black rough people, which included the Senior elderly people standing next to Bahun.

At this moment, the atmosphere of these two black rises is also reached at the emperor! ! !

Is it two great?

"This, this ..." Black Emperor was very shocked.

The swallowing family is playing, and there is a three great emperor, and now add two?

This is the five emperors!

Five great powers, with more than two hundred energy, such a horrible lineup, how does the black doctors have to live?

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