"It's over! My black is finished!"

There are many strong people in the Black Jian, and even the color of the desperate.

There is still someone, it is, as dead as ash.

See this, the Black Emperor can't help but angry, "I am afraid, even if it is dead, I have to move out of several teeth, give me!"

Black Emperor turns on the breath, a look of death, once again played with the barrel.

Those who are in the Black People's family, although it is as dead as a dead, but the heart is crazy.

The black scorpion is the blood of the ancient dragon, and the blood flowing in the blood is bloodthirsty and crazy.

One to the desperate, their bloodthirsty and crazy are completely excited.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill !!"

Many of the many strong people of the Black Jian have begun to die, and many of them have the heart of death, but they have to give each other harm.

Under this crazy, the strong people who swallow the heaven and Huangquan Palace have also caused a lot of casualties.

"Hey, it's a sleepy and animal, you have to look at it, how long can you support, and you!" The squats in the bar, the road straight to the black, "this seat Kill you first! "

The . .

"Haha, who is afraid !!"

The black and beautiful face also became pumped, and the same is the same as the martyrdom, and it is crazy with the bar.

However, although the black royal emphasizes the whole force, the strength of the strength is still in the.

A great to rely on blood, barely reach the second level of the big emperor, and a strong person who is already at the top of the second level, even if it is crazy, it will not change the end.


A golden claw lightning shocks above the dish of black.


The black royaltie was immediately spurting a blood, the figure was stunned, and the breath was also weak, but her figure was stable, but she did not stop, and she was crazy again.

"Hey, this seat is not wasting time."

The black emperor is cold, and its figure begins to change its changes.

Originally, only human appearance, only moment he finalized for a huge golden bat, he has revealed his own body.

And the golden bat on the pair of gold, which exudes the eyes of Li Mang, and then staring at the Black Emperor.

" !!"

A screaming and harsh humming moves in the world.

This is a strong soul attack.

This trick, when the new emperor took office, the sword was unparalleled with this bar, and he tried two times, and the soul attack was indeed strong.

The black royal empracer has been seriously injured. At this moment, this moment is also attacked. He is a short pause in her awareness.

That is the kung fu by this pause, and it is straightforward.

"Golden Thunder!"


There is a strong golden beam with a foot bucket to take off directly to the black.

On this golden beam, it is also close to the dense linen, which contains the golden thunder who destroys the earth.

This gold beam is perfectly combined with endless golden thunder, and suddenly appears in front of the black.

The uncle's consciousness has just recovered. When this golden beam takes him, she has no restriction.

And this golden beam contains the power of it, but she is frightened, and an unprecedented sense of crisis has emerged in her heart.

There is no doubt that she is bombarded by this golden beam, even if she can not die, at least they have to hit the power.

"Is it until here?" Black Jewelry is low, the heart is full, this unreason is finally completely derived.

On her, the power of a strong soul has been raised.

At this moment, the Black Emperor has just planned his last card.

Soul burning! ! !

She wants to be the last madness, and the black monk is striving for the largest vitality.

The black royal eyes, seeing this scene, the bar is also minus, he has seen what is going to do, and his body shape is slightly retired.

However, when the Black Tree, he will burn the power of the soul.

"Black Emperor !!!"

A burst of drinking, but suddenly, like a sunny day, it fell in the darkness of the emperor.

The black royal shot fierce, the movements are not paused.

Black Jen turned to see, but found a figure in his own sight.

That figure is not high, compared to a lot of ethnic groups of special ethnic groups, only a small small.

But this is a little bit, but when she is serious, she has ignored the endless hope in the heart of the black. !

She is full of crazy crazy.


The body is clearly, but it is a simple two steps that have appeared in front of her, and the bucket-like gold beam is just out of this, this is the same. Can't go to the shot.

However, he did not interrupted the resistance, he was blocked with his own horizontal body, and he blocked in front of the black, let the huge gold beam bombarded on him.


A shocking loud sound, the horrible power of the horrible momentum suddenly broke out, and the entire void was caught in a storm.

Within this, there is a shadow of the shadow, let the endless power storm swept, but it doesn't move, and the black royal is standing behind her, and it is not received by the golden beam. Histed impact.

The strongest trick of Baron, the horrible golden beam is actually attached to the body, relies on the body, and the abroad.

With the body, hard to resist this golden bead, the key is that he actually ... no loss! ! !

"This, this ..." Black Emperor's face is staring with incredible staring in front of her, and saving her figure at the most important time.

She has already thought of this, and it was the new ancient emperor of the ancient god!

It is him, appearing in the most critical, and directly blocks in her, relying on the body of the horizontal body to block her fatal blow.

"He, saved me?" Black is murmured, look at the sword unparalleled, from that shock and horror to slowly start changing.

A strange emotion also has quietly emerged in the heart of the black.

Black Jen, became a leader of the black and a family, did not know how many years, she has always been recognized by the black, and the existence of countless people.

She is tall, but the emperor super existence.

As such a mood, she has long been forgotten, even in her, it is impossible to have this emotion again.

but now……

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