Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2099 Savings coming!

Looking at the swords in front of the sword, the eyes of the Black Emperor have become completely different.

And in front, Na Ba is also changed.


"How is it? How can he appear here?"

In the horror of Baron, there is also a brief in the Huangshuan Palace, and the "Bayi is long, the people in Huangquan Palace just news, said the big array they arranged, has been Forced to defeat, and many people have come in. "

"What?" Baconia is a sink, and it has appeared a strong shape in his sight.

Among them, there are many Chen Xing Wang, who has taught him, in addition, there are many eight stars, the ancient gods of the seven-star top!

When they appeared, they rushed directly to the battlefield around, and the black was shackled.

"It's an ancient god! The ancient god family came!"

"Haha, great, great, I have saved my black and a family !!"

"The ancient god group, it is too time."

The many people of the Black Warehouse are big.

Start now with the power of the ancient god family.

"How can this be?" Swallowing the heaven, and the strong people in Huangquan Palace are very bad.

It is even more ugly like that bar.

Originally their plans, deliberately set off a huge wind wave in the specialty group, in the specialty of the territories, many ethnic groups have no time to take care of others, suddenly shot, and give the Black Jacket first.

Overhaul, although they will definitely have a lot of losses, but the swallowing family can be adopted to absorb the blood of the black silk, so that the strength is improved, and the overall calculation, their strength will not weaken, Instead, it will be enhanced.

And, as long as they do it, they don't leave any traces, I am afraid that I will not think that they are swallowing the family, I will only think that it is the hand of Huangquan.

And they can continue to hide, in the same way, then do their best.

As long as you can destroy these two peaks, it will be an unprecedented impact on the entire Special Ethnic Union. In the end they only need to completely attach it to the ancient god family, if they are lucky, he swallowed the heaven It can be an absolute overgency of special ethnic groups.

At that time, I didn't have three peak ethnic groups. There were only some of the ethnic groups, second-class or even unhappy groups, even the great power did not, what was wrong, not to talk to the human beans.

The plan is like this.

Although when you do it, because of the rush, there are more risk, but there is no big leak.

In his opinion, it should be no suspense.

But the result ...

"How can ancient gods, how can ancient gods? And the ancient emperor personally bends in person !!" Bacheon roared.

The sword is unparalleled, "Babai is long, see that the appearance of this emperor is very surprised? In your opinion, I should now stay in the ancient god group, or go to other many ethnic groups The territorial domain, going to suppress the chaos of those ethnic groups? "

"Unfortunately, you are too small to see the emperor, this emperor gets the news of the Shengshi, knowing that you swallowing the heavens and the Huangquan Palace have the face, plus your performance in the company, it is almost identified, The swallowing a family has been put on Huangquan Palace. "

"And this time, many special ethnic groups simultaneously occur, even have a lot of changes in the gods, but you only swallow the heavens and the black scorpion, there is no movement, and the imperiality will identify, you swallow the heaven Should be a tribe to the black! "

"After all, some wind waves have been set off in the specialty group, destroying several ethnic or some strong people, and will not cause too much impact on the special ethnic group, which is directly destroyed from a peak ethnic group? What is the matter? "

The sword is unparalleled and interested in laughing.

These words can listen in the ears of the bar, but the bottom of his heart has set off a huge waves.

He didn't think of it, just because there was no too much movement in the black and a family, the sword was unparalleled, and the swallowing family would have a tribute to the black and a family.

This mind ...

"This is acknowledged, before you did you, I didn't expect not to stand with the talents, even the mind is so good, and there is no new ancient emperor for a long time, but I've been approved by you." Baron silently said.

"However, even if you arrive now? You have a big half of your ancient gods to sit in the town, to prevent the backyard to fire, and some strong people will rescue numerous special ethnic groups in the leader of the battle, now Only these strong people you brought, even if you join your hand with the power of the Black Trek, the war is not strong. "

"Who is the last deer, it is not necessarily!"

"Oh, then try it." The sword was unparalleled, and the blood of the blood behind him was instantly out of scabbard, and it was already pilgrimage.

While he is shaping, simultaneously ...


Football, six golden lights, also flashing out, Helhi is the six hand of Hong Yinjian.

Barburface colors become immediately downs.

In the face of black and black, he can easily deal with it, even if the latter is going to do so, he can not be placed.

But the sword is unparalleled.

Before that took over the ceremony, he was unparalleled with the sword, and the sword was unparalleled. He was still new.


Baron is fully committed to talking to the sword, but as expected, one hand, in the cooperation of the sword unparalleled six-handed Hong Yinjun with the near-body killing ability, this bar is directly suppressed, There is no way to be suppressed.

On the entire battlefield, the original black monk is indeed an absolute disadvantage.

Not only the gap between the power of energy, and the other party has two great emperors, it is always tangled, and it is slaughtering.

But now, with the arrival of the people of the ancient gods, these disadvantages have almost completely pulled back.

As far as the big energy, although the ancient gods arrived although only more than a do person, the quality is extremely high, and there is an eight-star ancient gods, including the ancient king, foot, three eight star top, The rest of the people are all the ancient gods of the seven-star, and this power join the battlefield, and then with the black drafting family, in the power of energy, it is very close to each other.

As for the Emperor, the swallowing a family is full of five emperors, and the black scorpion is, even if the sword is unparalleled with the Chen Xing, there is only four.

There is a little one, but they are high! !

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