Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2100 Five War Soul

This party, other people, don't say, the one-single black family is old, he is a person who is at the same time with the remaining two emperors of the swallowing family.

As for the two emperors of Huangquan Palace, a black jealousy that was stared in Chen Xing Wang, another one was stared at the black.

You know, whether it is Chen Xingwang or black, it can reach the second level of the big emperor, they fully shot, the two of the two Huangquan Palace is completely crushed.

The last remaining Barbone, it is also compressed by the sword.

It can be said that in this level of the Great, the black monk has occupied absolute advantages, like Chen Xing Wang and black royal two people who press the opponent's hands, occasionally can also take hands to help other battlefields, killing Some of the swallowing a heaven or a large energy of Huangquan Palace.

This also makes the advantage of the black and big family.

The bar is in the eyes of this, and it is anxious.

"Black robe, your Huangquan Palace means, I want to think." Baronie shouted.

It is called the black robes by the bar, nature is the cold old man in the black robe, at this moment, the face is Chen Xing Wang!

Chen Xing Wang, the same is the second level of the great strength, and the top of the top of Jiuxing, the ancient gods' secret surgery is extremely strong, and he is just the top end of the first level, even if it is full, it is still Chen Xing Wang pressure is dead.

When receiving the Barbone Communication, this Seminar Robe The mouth is not convulsted.

"My Huangquan Palace means is amazing, but it is not omnipotent. This time I have sent a large number of strong people in the special ethnic group in order to create a special ethnic group. The rest has gathered here. Now, where there is any way? "

This black robe is cold, but the heart is full of helplessness.

He is now there is no way.

But at this time ...

"Hey, I have long known that Huangquan Palace will not become something." A cold voice suddenly sounded and came back on this battlefield.

Many strong people on the battlefield, all consciously watched the source of the sound.

However, I saw that more than 30 voids appeared in the void near the battlefield, more than 30 more than one breath, exuded a strong evil, and they worn on them. A green robe.

"This is ... Bloody door?" The old man saw these people, but his eyes were a sharp shrinkage. "How come you?"

"I am waiting for the order of my owner's adult, I just stayed in the dark, I didn't want to shoot, who once thought of your Huangquan Palace, it would be so useless." The famous blood robes are cold * * People are deeply open.

"Useless?" The old black old man changed, although the heart was angry, but it was not good.

"No matter what, the people of the blood can arrive, it is also a good thing, hurry, and let me join hands, the people of the ancient gods, the people of the ancient gods are all ignorant." .

"Hey, you still need your waste?" The blood robes were cold ** people glanced at the elder of the black robe, and then the little bloody scorpion came to the battlefield in front of him.


Three shocking days, almost simultaneously lit forward from the direction of the blood robes.

These three stocks have reached the level of the emperor, and the headed blood robes are cold **, obviously a second-class big emperor! !

"Great Emperor? I will come again?" Black Emperor, Chen Xingwang, etc.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are also slightly rising.

"Haha, the ancient emperor, the peak is turned, and it seems that I laugh until the last thing is me." The bar is rampant and laugh. "

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile. "You are happy, it is too early."


The barbrows wrinkled, he didn't know that the sword was so confident.

And on that piece of empty.

"Hand, kill !!"

The blood robes were cold ** people, and the other two first-class emperors behind him were instantly, and thirty-year-old power moved, and the lightning was rushed to the battlefield.

The black drafting in the battlefield, the many strong faces of the ancient gods are extremely ugly.

Just then, the sword with the Baba in hand, but the palm is awkward, and an old bronze mirror appears in his hand.

"Five War Soul, Out!"

With the sword where the sword is low, there is an ancient brake mirror, and a Sensone is awkward.

These a few swamps are free to condense in front of it, and they will be paid in the black vain for five high-rise.

These five black vanes are fascinating, like Huangquan from Hell.

And see these five warlings, but the bar is a fierce.

"This, this is ... Great Emperor?"

Under the shocking gaze, this five warlords have fallen to the distance.

Obviously, the opponent of these five big warlords is those who have been attacked.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The five warlords hit straight, and they directly broke into the people of the bloody door, but they were crazy together with the strong battle with the blood.

There are more than 30 strong people coming in the bloody door. Although people are more, they also include the three great souls, but now they face the five big war, every power of the war, Hedd also to bring it. Hierarchy.

The five big warlords are also equivalent to the five great powers, and forcibly block the power of these blood.

Many strong people in the blood, under the leadership of the blood robes, the leadership of the five big war, but there is no way to break through the hindrance of the five big war in a short period of time.

This scene, I have just lifted the Pakistani who hopes to laugh.

Many strong people on the battlefield are also quit.

Never thought that the sword had such a means?

Even if it is the ancient monk of Chen Xingwang, etc., and it is also facing each other.

Five War Soul, can this be the five great strength?

The sword is unparalleled in addition to his own strength, and in his hand, it also controls this force?

When the sword is unparalleled, when the blood of the blood, the mouth is being stopped, the mouth is a smile.

The five big souls in the five fire gods have long been transformed in his power, and the five big war has indeed accompanied the power of the great strength. Although it is just the first level of the emperor, but if it comes to form five The fire is in a large number of the second level of the second level, and it is estimated that there is only a part of retreat.

However, now the situation, the five warlings are not necessary to join hands, and it is more beneficial to spread the battle.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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