The five major war came out, almost all of the many strong people of the bloody door blocked.

Although the blood robes are cold ** people, although they are full of power, they are facing the five great powers, they are also facing huge stress.

That is to say, these strong people of blood do not come to the swallowing family, and the Huangquan Palace will bring any help.

The war on the field, swallowing the heaven, the Huangquan Palace is still in an absolute disadvantage, which is still expanding.

And, in the bloody door, the strong people rushed to the battlefield ...

Booming ~~~ A breath is suddenly swept.

A large number of strong numbers have appeared in the edge of the battlefield, these strong people are in the forefront of the ancient gods, the leaders of the gods.

Before the sword, there was no one to come to the black dragon, and I copened that the black scorpion was built in the big array, and the time and space was completely isolated. After verifying his guess, he immediately gave the Cangwang Communication, let him solve the interior of the group The death of the death of the death of the god of the victims came to the Black Talent.

Now, the two emperors bring a large number of strong people in the gods! !

As soon as I arrived, I flipped into the battlefield directly.

Originally swallowed, Huangquan Palace is in absolute disadvantage, and now the Black Tie family reinforcements come again, so that the gap between the two sides is more free.

"But I am, the Bayu family, hurry!"

The Huangquan Palace is a cold old man, and immediately takes the Huangquan Palace of Huangquan Palace directly to escape directly.

"We are also !!"

The blood robes of the bloody door are cold, and the people are also drank. It was originally the same as the many blood of the five major war fighters.

As for swallowing the heavenity ...

Baron has been killed by the sword without double suppression, but the scene on the battlefield, he started to see clearly.

When the Cangwang, the many strong people of the gods, he knew that this war has not been able to win.

"Bastard !!!"

The heart is crazy.

This swallowing family is ready to be a family, and it is ambiguous.

And according to their plans, you can get more than 80%, and you don't know that the ghost will give a black.

but now……

"The sword is unparalleled, it is the damn sword unparalleled !!!"

Bar is dead and staring at the sword.

Before the Troukon, the sword was unparalleled to defeat him and ruined his plan.

This time, it is also because of the sword.

He saw his own plan, and he was supported in the Black Treasure, and now they have to defend.

"Miscover, one day in the morning and evening, this seat must be thousands of knives."

Bar's heart roaring, but no matter how he is unwilling at the moment, the defeat of the swallowing of the heavens has become settled.


Balong also drunk a low, and the figure is detonating.

Many strong people who swallow the heaven have begun to retreat.

The ancient god group, the black and a family, the many strong people of the gods nature are all fully chased.

On the way to chasing, leave the other person as much as possible.

And the sword is unparalleled to see the shadow of the crazy escape, the mind is moving.

"Swallowing the heaven, Huangquan Palace plus blood brakes, the eight emperors arrived, no matter what, I have to leave some."

The sword is unparalleled with sharp scorpion, and the crowd is swept away, and it will be solidified in one direction.

In that direction, one has more than ten strong, and there is a presence of two emperors.

These two emperors, one from Huangquan Palace, and the other comes from the swallowing family, and the two emperors are the top-level great emperor of the strength.

"Two." The sword was unhappy.

Booming ~~~ ,, simultaneously with the vast space.

The sword has no pair of right hand to extend, and it is in vain in the direction of the two emperors.

"The ancient mystery, take the moon !!"


Time and space tremor, the time and space of covers the void in the two emperors, and immediately prevent the void completely blocked.

Whole heavens, the whole time and space is crazy to oppress the voids.

At the same time, a huge palm that is completely condensed by Shen Li, appeared in the air.

This palm is like a mother's hand, gently strokes the void, and the wind is light, but the two emperors slow down '.

This 'picking' is like a lotus flower that is wandering on the river, very gentle, gentle.

The two emperors in the void showed an unprecedented horror.

They struggled, they wanted to get rid of the comfort of the world, but they didn't use it. They could only look at the palm of their hand.


A slight sound rang in the void, but the void is completely quiet.

As for the two emperors, they are pale, and the body is weak, and that is obviously a state of death.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled to show this trick. Even if it is the big emperor of the second level of Bayana, it is not hurt, and these two are just the most ordinary first-class big emperor. This trick is very good.

However, they just survived from this trick, and they didn't come to continue to flee. It has been killing the King of the Chen Xing, who has been chasing behind them.

The ability of these two great rebels did not have, and they were killed in an instant, even the opportunity to burn the soul before death.

See this, the sword is unparalleled.

"I finally understood that Why did the White Emperor who can easily kill the emperor like that." The sword is unmarkable.

The great power, the means is extremely good, the power life has strong, the two emperors, as long as the strength is not too ignorant, it is almost difficult to kill each other.

Like a second-level emperor, even if you want to go all out, you want to kill a first-class big emperor, it is very difficult, especially if you have to carefully burn the soul.

However, the strength reaches the top number of the most extreme, but it is not difficult to kill an ordinary first number of emperors.

The current sword is unparalleled. With the absence of a moon, it has already had the ability to easily kill the first level.

And the white emperor, it is too much too much than the sword, and he wants to kill the emperor and naturally easier.

The two emperors were killed in an instant, and the remaining six emperors of Bahun were shocked, and the speed of escaping was faster.

However, the sword is unparalleled to stay the two emperories. As for other emperors, he has no way.

The three tributes continued to chase a big loss, and after a bigger loss of the swallowing family, Huangquan Palace, and bloody gates, this war gradually sailed.

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