Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 210 War again

The sword is unparalleled and cold, looking at the twelve purple killer who appeared around him.

The one of the twelve purple kilms is very strong, and the twelve people have a bright and empty, and there are four people left, but also the peak.

"The eight yin is full, the four yin is peak, huh, huh, the bloody ripple can really see me." The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is not seen, I didn't expect your strength to improve it again?" The name just being sword was unparalleled, and the purple killing killer on the tree came, and the cold scorpion gaze the sword.

"You are ... ghost?" The sword was not a cold.

At the beginning of the nine emperor, he slammed with the ghost tiger and knew that it was this ghost to destroy his father's Dantian.

At that time, the sword said that the next time, I will kill it, and now it is already the next time.

"The people of the bloody ripple dare to kill me in the Tiantiang Valley?" The sword was unbearable, and he immediately looked up and looked up to the vast void.

I can't affirmed that there is a lot of power from the Twelve Dynasties, and I always stare at the scene of the Tiantiang, and I have seen the killer of the bloody ripple. The power of the Twelve Dynasty should As soon as it is ready.

But now, the killer of the bloody ripple directly appears in front of him, and has just been assassinated, but the twelve dynasties have not responded.

This naturally makes the sword unparalleled.

"Why, is it very curious, and no one is going to save you now?"

The ghost tiger saw the sword unparalleled idea, and immediately smiled. "You don't think, since my bloody ripple dares to kill you in this East Hunting, naturally do full preparation, this time, no People have saved you, you will die. "

"If you want to kill me, you will rely on you?" The sword was indifferent.

"Haha, isn't it enough?" The ghost tiger smiled, and then the purple killing killer next to him made a color.


The ghost tiger took the lead in hand, and the other eleven Ziki killing in the surrounding storm was violent, and the sword was directly killed.

The sword is not double-finished, the three kills appear in the hands, glanced behind Yang Chang Xuan five people, "You take care of yourself."

After that, the sword is unparalleled directly.


Yang Zai Xuan, Suiro also looked at the sword in a hundred midistor, but they did not have a way.

After all, they have just encountered a fierce battle, and they are seriously injured. I don't have any combat efforts at all. I can't help it at this moment.


The ghost tiger and the other next to the purple killing killer who reached the peak of yin, the first appeared in front of the sword.

Two dazzling black lights have been bursting, and a swirden throat of swords, and another is hitting a heartless heart.

"Give me!"

The sword has no double, anger, three kids swords out, four swords, directly display the only one of my swords.

I saw a cold streamer to wreak the flip and pulling it, almost impact with the two black lights almost in an instant.

The terrible power broke out, these two black lights suddenly dull, and even with ghost tigers and the yin yin peaks were immediately forced to go.

A sword is at the same time to retreat to two yin!

The offensive of the remaining ten purple kilms is also coming.

The sword is not double-colored, but the body is immediately turned into a phantom, and the three kids in his hands are also like ghosts, and they are moving!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

In the successful ten low, the sword has no double-shaped, the foot of the feet, almost instantly turtles, his body is also retreats, and once a step, it will make the ground roar.

The stood is stood, and the sword is unparalleled to look at the top of this group of purple killing, grinning, "your speed, too slow!"

This group of purple killer eyes are slightly rising at this moment.

"This kid, a sword to force the two yin and universal peaks, attacking the powerful throwers, can be defending, and I am going to shoot at the same time."

"Hey, he blocked the first wave of attack, but it did not stop the second wave."

"Shoot, kill him!"

This group of purple kilms did not hesitate, and shot again.

And the sword is unparalleled and cold, and the three kill swords in the hands are just random swords.


The connected confrontation will once again sound.

These twelve Ziki killers have done their best, each has a great means, but the sword is unparalleled ...

The four swords are combined, and the spiritual power is also broken. After the success of Jin Dan, his overall strength has improved too much, and now he, the battle is far from the peak of the general yin.

Most importantly, four swords, earth, fire, dripping, blast, and all aspects are involved.

This makes the sword are unparalleled in all aspects.

Regardless of the attack, or the defense, or is also entangled.

He is very good at.

Under the body, it can be said that there is no weakness.

Twelve Ziki killer surrounded him, the sword is unparalleled in the water in the water, it is easy to shuttle in these purple killers, and the swordsmanship that must be abundant than these purple killings, but it is stable. Resist the attack of these purple killers.

Even the wolf is not seen.

Above the void, the 12th Dynasty and the strong people of the ancient sects, saw this scene, and one expression became wonderful.

"The eight yin is full, the four yin is peak, so the strong lineup teamed up to kill him, but why can't he?"

"This this……"

"Is it strong?"

"This kid, is really just a first Tianjin Dan? How can a congenital Jin Dan power can be strong?"

These strong brains have some hair.

The congenital Jin Dan compared with yin and yang, and it was extremely gap.

Some top geniuses can easily kill the general yin and even yin deficiency, which is normal.

After all, it is a top genius. It is impossible to feel high, and the closing challenge is nothing.

But this is, can you not be too left?

Congenital Jin Dan kills the yin deficiency, yin deficiency, they can understand.

And the congenital Jin Dan is able to kill the yin and empty, it is called a stunning!

This is a top genius, don't say that it is put in this Northwest Twelfth Dynasty, even if you are in the entire Nanyang continent.

But now, the sword is unparalleled with the level of congenital Jindan, and a person is also convinced of the eight yin and even the four yin peaks. Can you still remain unbeaten?

What is this concept?

"Is there some excessive enchanting?" A strong person from ancient Zongmen can't help.

While talking about these strong people, the face of the gray clothes is over.

"These idiots, what are you doing?" The gray clothes were dark, and then it was awkward.

This cold snorted out and loured directly throughout the valley.

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