Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 21, stone is shocked!

"Hurry and kill him!"

The shock sound of the gray clothes is also echoed in the sky.

Twelve Ziki killers who were laid around the sword were heard of this.

"Don't worry, all out, and Zijing Dan, swallow immediately." Ghost tiger low, then he passed a purple Dan medicine.

There are seven killers around others. There are seven people who swallowed Dan at this moment.

Plus ghost tiger, a total of eight people, after this eight people swallowed down the medicine, the breath on the body has skyrockedly skyrocketed.

This scene, the sword is not born with no bisector.

"Zijing Dan?"

The sword is unparalleled, Zijing Dan is still aware of, this is a common use of the Yin deficiency, can be used in a short time to improve the Tan medicine, but the strength is high, so there is no side effect.

And the eight people, a swallowed purple Dan, the strength also barely increased.

"It seems that I have to go all out?" The sword is unhealthy, "Just, I don't want to drag again."

"After I combined with four kinds of swords, I am not only powerful. In addition, I have a special force ..."

"This special force, I have never been touched before, and today, I use your bloody kille killer, try it's power."

The sword is not a double eyeliner, and the figure floats directly at this moment.


The twelve purple killing killers, such as the ghost tiger, also kill again, because of the swallowing of Zijing Dan, the breath of their body has increased a lot, and the ghost tiger is waving the bloody blade in his hand, and the sword is unparalleled. Out.

The sword is unparalleled to waving the long sword at this moment.

None of my sword, third style, only the sky!

It is also only the weather, and can be combined with three combinations, and it is entirely two concepts.

I only see a golden stream, just like the meteor.

In an instant golden flow, there is already in front of the ghost tiger.

The golden flow of streets will be strong, but the strange power floods into this golden stream, and the golden stream is dazzling in this moment.

The golden flow of light collided with the bloody blade of the ghost tiger, with a loud noise, the blood color blade in the ghost tiger is bent, and then the ghost tiger is holding the blood of the blood shot. Caracked.

"How -" The ghost tiger is a horror, but the golden stream is just slightly turning, and it is directly to take his head!


The golden flow of lights, after shining the ghost tiger's head, the strong terrible impact is not reduced, and directly rushed to the other of the other yin yin's peak level.

"What." The Ziki killer worsened, and the bloody blade returned in the dance hand.



The golden stream is powerful, and it is directly to fight this bloody blade, and then wear the head of the Ziki killer again.


"Is it so strong?"

The Zikang killer killed around the swords around the sword is in the heart.

A random kill two purple killings, or two yin deficiency peaks, and swallowed the killer of Zijing Dan?

But their shock has just begun, and the sword has no double body shape and appears next to three purple killing.

The golden stream of golden flowers once again blunt.

These three purple kills are rolling, desperately want to resist, result ...

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Golden flow light easily brushed from their neck, and three heads were directly thrown away.

Then the sword has no double shape again.


The purple killing killer of these bloody tower started to escape directly.

No way, the purple killing is also a person, and it will fear.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, and it is a little horrible, and it is not afraid.

They didn't plan to kill the swords, but they would like to be able to die in the hands of the sword.

Although they have started to escape, the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously not going to let them.

"The people of the bloody ripple, they will die!"

The sword has no bumper, and after the five purple killing killers, his body is once again, and the golden stream that is going to live again.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

A sound is sounded.

These purple killers have just been murdered by the sword, and the sword is not very close to too close. It is so close to the distance, even if they all open all the way, it can't escape the length of the sword. sword.

Just a moment, twelve purple killing, one will not stay, all killed!

After killing this twelve purple killing, the sword is unparalleled, but lifted the door to the sky.

The sound of the gray clothes came from above, and the sword was unparalleled, so he didn't hesitate, and his body is slowly flying directly, directly above.

But the top of the most empty, although there is a lot of strong people gather here, but this moment, the whole void is dead, the Chinese is silent!

Everyone is all happened below, giving a horror.

"The special power contained in the sword surgery, is it ... Is it a source?"

I don't know who is the first exclaimed, and immediately blow up the pan immediately.


"Sword" source! "

"The force of the source!"

"He, I actually realized the source of Jianzhi?"

"How can this be?"

A shape that was originally sitting on the seat was still standing, and everyone emerged in an unprecedented horror.

Many countries of the Twelve Dynasties are the case, and the strong people from those ancient sects are true.

Even the Mo Lingtian, who has never looked down on the sword, and there is also a horror that has never been seen in this moment.

"Source? It turned out to be the source!"

Even Mo Lingtian is also thoroughly scared.


It is over the artistic conception of heaven and earth.

The military cultivation, in addition to the spiritual power, the most important thing is to the sense of heaven and earth.

This kind of sentiment is the first thing is the sense of art.

First, I feel the artistic conception, and I will be completely mastered in this practice, but I will not agree with each other.

The intention is the end point of the sense of mood, but it is not the end of heaven and earth.

The idea is the source!

Like those powerful origin swords of power ... such as flexible swordsmanship.

The fantasy is called the first sword of the Tianzong Dynasty, that is, because of the valerian, the source of the source, involving the source!

Like the sword is unparalleled without my sword, it is also a source of swords, which also involves the source.

The source, there is too much more than that, because it is too strong, so it is naturally more difficult.

For the martial arts, the artistic conception of the earth is relatively prone to understanding. Generally, Jindan's martial arts can try to understand, some talents, the sea level of the sea can achieve high levels of artistic conception.

But the source ... Even if it is a yin and yang, even the power of the yang fumes, can be comprehensible, it is a phoenix river!

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