After the three ethnic groups were swallowed into the heaven, they launched the ruthless slaughter.

Only there is only one uncommon, even an emperor is not even, there is no power to resist at all.

Not long, the entire swallowing family is being cleaned, countless swallowing = family people are killed.

Even those that have been transferred before, the Sanban also began to find a crazy tracing search.

"I am swallowing the family, I am not!"

Baron stands in that void, noodles, like a violent lion.

"Sword is unparalleled !! Sword is unparalleled !!"

The bar is crazy, the sound is shocked, all people who hear, you can feel the hateful hatred contained in this buzz.

"Babai family, you are too grief, although the roots of the swallowing" are destroyed, but you and many strong people still survive, as long as it is willing to join my three imperial camps, what is unresponsive in the future The swallowing family is again prosperous? As for this hatred, of course, there is also a chance to report, as long as you are willing to grab it, you will say it next to the old people.

"Well?" Baba immediately looked at the elderly people in this black robe, low Shen said: "This is to kill the sword unparalleled, destroy the ancient god!"

"Of course, it can be seen as far as I know, there is a special opportunity in the three imperial camps, and the Bayi is long as long as you fully agree to join my three imperial camps. One, as long as the Bayi people are willing to work hard, maybe you can master a silk order rules, you can get into the third level, become a super existence with the magician parenterally flat! "

"You just have to reach that step, why can't you kill swords?" Senye laughed.

"The third level?" Barbai eyes are also bright.

In the first era, the Emperor was only spent three levels.

Although the great power in that time, most of them are only in the second level of the first level, and can reach the third-level number of fewer fewers, it is definitely the peak in the emperor, Baron is One level is also full of expectations.

"If it is really able to enter the third level, let me swallowing the heavens and join the three imperial camps and count what." Baron directly.

"Haha, the Bayi is willing to join, that is too good." Huaguen is boketed.

Next to it, the cold ** person from the bloody door heard the dialogue between the two, although not moving the look, but the secret is a laughter.

She knows that there is no lying in the Huacao Seni, and I have not deceived Bar. In the three imperial camps, there is indeed an opportunity to make people have a chance to understand the rules of order.

But that opportunity, but a little poor.

After all, the order rules, what is actually speaking, understanding?

The first era is like a cloud, so many great powers, why not more than 30 in the third level?

It is because of the order rules, too difficult.

With the energy resistance of bar, even if you enter the land, finally, I finally realized the possibility of a line of order rules, unless I got a big luck.

That Sen is estimated to know this, but he has no way.


The color of the bar is suddenly moving. "

"Holy Word?" The old people of the black robe immediately looked over, "What is the holy?"

"That is the first leader of our family, the strongest treasure left in the first era." Baron Road.

"The strongest treasure of the first swallowing Tiantian leader?" Huadao Sen is cold, but it is showing a piece of color, "Is it a treasure?"

"Yes." Bashan Zheng nodded.

"This kind of death, the treasure is not in general, if it is made of suitable strong people in the battle, the use is more extensive, this treasure fell into the special ethnic group or the human bean alliance, and it is definitely A small threat, the Bayu family, you have the treasure, why did you say it early? "Huada Sen is cold.

From his look, I've got the extraordinary of that treasure.

"Don't worry, although the treasure fall into the sword unparalleled hands, but whether it is a special ethnic group, or the human beings, there is absolutely no one can truly drive it, you know, this holy is swallowed in me. I have been waiting for for so many years, I have been in the world, I want to master it, I can have a long time, I have not succeeded, and what is the way to talk about it? "Baron's self-channel.

"Baba is long, you can't master it, don't mean that other people can also master, don't forget that the sword is unparalleled to be the first day of the ancient chaotic world, his talent is not what you can imagine." Tao.

"What is the first day, how is the talent?" Baron smiled: "That treasure is not average, you want to master, you have to achieve the influence of the feet of the foot, the nine different methods, and then the nine different methods The perfect combination is true, that is the real drive method, but the gates of the gates, anything is too arrogant! "

"I swallow the first leader, when I got the treasure in ancient battlefield, I spent 800,000 years of time, and I only got a lot of the treasures of the treasure, and then Mastering, you can know that the first leader of our family, but I swallowed the top first era to the highest talent strength, his understanding is one of the tops of the top! "

"Even him have used the foot of 800,000 years. The sword is unparalleled and strong. Even if he is higher than the first leader of our family, I want to know all the gates inside the gates, at least How do you tens of thousands of years? "

"Tens of thousands of years, but still go to the enlightenment, this sword is unparalleled, which has so much time?"

"Wait for him to enlighten the nine-grade method whole, I am afraid that the human beings will have already disappeared with the special ethnic group, and the chaotic world has also fallen into the three imperial camps."

When I heard this, the elderly elderly elderly tone.

The first era of the swallowing leader, he also heard, its talent is terrible, in the first era, in the talent, can be compared with him, this is never more than ten, so Tianshu enlightenment, the nine-day gates, there is a total of 800,000 years, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is definitely short.

Now the three imperial camps, with the ancient chaotic world camps have been actively prepared, and they can decide to win in many years, and will give the sword unparalleled so many new time?

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