"Look, the sword is unparalleled to find the sacred object of our family, and it can only be done, and there is no way, and even if you want to pick it up." Baron smiled.

The old people next to the black robe are also nodded.

At this moment, in the swallowing family.

The sword is unparalleled, black and the emperor, the three people gathered together.

"The ancient emperor, this swallowing family is almost the same, only a small part of the people will transfer it in advance, and now I have been trying to chase them." Chen Xingwang said.

"Napah is very touched, knowing that my three tribes have dispatched his ethnic group, but he followed the strong person, and he didn't look at it." The sword was unimaced.

He also had to admire the squid, decisiveness.

If you change yourself, I learned that there is a strong enemy to kill the green industry in the big slaughter, even if my strength is less than the other party, I am afraid I will fight for a battle, and I have died with my hometown.

"Hey, he has been hiding, never show, I have to find one of the people who swallow the people, and then kill." Black Tang Dang Lang said.

God's leader is also suffocating like a rain.

Among the many special ethnic groups, the swallowing family of all kinds of enemies is the public enemy of other ethnic groups, just in the strength, dare to anger.

However, many ethnic groups have never weakened.

So this time, it is difficult to usher in a chance to make a chance, and the black

at this time……

Ancient emperor. "

The battle of the war appeared in the sword without double, respectfully shout.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

"My strong person is the deepest place in the old nest, I found an incomparably hidden area, and there is a heavy powerful ban on the palace. This banned power is very strong. I personally shot, I can't make this ban. Crush. "Battle Wang Dao.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

Black Jena and God's leaders are also surprised.

Although the war is just a short break through the nine-star ancient gods, but it is also the big cost of the real price. A great man can not break the ban. .

"Go, go."

The sword was unparalleled, and then the crowd was directly in the leader in the leader of the King of the Battle.

Soon, everyone came to the palace.

This area is in the depth of the ground, and covers a heavy banned ban, shielding all the atmospheres in the palace, and the soul of the general power can obstinate.

Fortunately, there is a battle of the Great Level of the Cangwang, and use the soul of the inch to find out, this is the existence of this palace.

"Is this a ban? I will try to look at it." The black is directly on the front, and a strong attack is bombarded on the front of this.

This is overlying the ban on the entire land harbor, and immediately shot, but after the shizzling, it will slow down.

"What?" Black Junhuang showed a surprised color.

She is a second-class big emperor to shoot, but can't stand this ban?

"Interesting." The sword was not smiled, "this is so concealed, and the surroundings have covered such a strong banned ban, I am very curious about this."

With a smile, the sword is unparalleled and also directly.

He didn't swing, just a pointer.

This means that the sword is unparalleled, the power of the strong, the strength of the blood, the powerful sky, far more attacks than black royal attacks.


This refers to the impact on that ban.

The ban was originally attacked by the Cangwang and the Black Emperor's attack. It was a stronger attack of swords and unparalleled, and could not support it.

~~~ Endless power dissipation, this ban also crashes completely.

"Walk, let us go."

The sword is unparalleled smile, then the first landing of the land is in the inside of the earth, and the black royal is naturally followed.

Within the entry into the palace, the sword is unparalleled, and an extremely unique breath immediately came from the inside of the entrance.

"This breath ... It seems that the interior of this area is hidden." The sword was laughing and smiled and accelerated.

Not long, everyone came to the most central air floor of this palace, where they really saw the strange breath full of the entire area.

There is a baby's fist size, which exudes the mysterious beads that have endless can't live quietly.

The black beads are filled with a layer of strange energy. This energy sword is unparalleled. It is the power of the soul! !

And it is still unpredictable, there is no power of the soul of the impurities.

"This bead?" The sword was staring at the black beads, he was able to feel the soul power contained in the black bead.

This soul power is too vast.

"Such a soul power, this bead, is the sacred thing in the legend of the Heaven, the soul of the magic beads?" The gods of the gods were shocked.

"Wan Soul's Magic Pearl?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately pheng the goddess leader. "The Dark Spring is long, do you know the origin of this bead?"

The dark spring is the name of the leader of the god.

"Well, I have heard." The dark spring nodded, "It is said that this is indeed a sacred thing in the swallowing of the soul, and this holy thing is from the first era, the first leader of the Safety In the hands of the name, the name is called the soul of the magic beads, but the long years have never seen the Swallow-Tiangang, who has used this sacred object, so I have always thought that this is just a rumor, but now look Come, not this. "

"The treasure of the soul, but also from the first era? Chen Xing Wang, you have left from the first era, I have heard of this tensive magic bead in the first era?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I have heard, but I know is not much." Chen Xingwang said.

There is no double brow, but the arrogance is coming up.

Bai Emperor is also the strongman of the first era, and it is definitely the top in the first era. He knows more than Chen Xing Wang.

"White Emperor, you are in the first era, you have heard that the soul of the soul of the magic beads?" The sword didn't ask.

"Wan Soul's Magic Pearl? The first mammade treasure of the first swallowed leader is the treasure of the most beautiful soul in the first era." Baili has begun to say.


PS: Today's four is more.

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