Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2105 of the strongest soul treasure

"This talent can be used as a soul attack, but can also be used as the soul defense. The first leader of the Saidian family was, with this treasure, in the first era of many of the third level Among the top ten, his soul attacks can have a huge threat to me at the time! "

"This treasure is also known as the most strongest soul treasure in the first era, which causing a lot of strong eyes." Bai Emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is quite vibration.

The first era, is it the strongest soul treasure?

The first leader of the swallowing family is, with this treasure, in many third-level big emperors, be among the top ten?

This is the goddess, which is so much?

"The sword is unparalleled, how can you suddenly ask this 10,000 soul of the magic beads?" White Emperor asked.

"I have killed the other three peak ethnic groups into the swallowing family, and the roots of the swallowing family were completely covered, and in the old nest of the Shengtuo, I found a mysterious bead, no accident, should be That 10,000 soul of the magic beads. "The sword has no double.

"Wan Shengmao Pearl, was found by you?" The white emperor was obviously shocked, and immediately asked: "The sword is unparalleled, you try to see if you can refine the treasure."

"Well, I will try, but it should be not so easy." The sword has no double.

He knows that if this talent, the magic bead is so easy to be controlled, it is impossible to put it here, but it will be refined by the bar, or the other of the swallowing, and carry it with you. .

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with the Bai Emperor.

Far in the human territory, on the Zernse Island, the white emperor stayed with Tianchen old ancestors.

"Sword Monarch He, find the soul of the magic bead?" Tianchen's old ancestors flashed in a light.

Tianchen's old ancestors are one of the highest levels of the Holy Leverage. I have a lot of things to know in the first era, and I have heard that there is a power of the gods.

"Yes." Bernard nodded.

"Great, this soul of the magic bead is the most powerful soul of the first era. If there is an emperor who is good at the soul attack, give this treasure to the next battle, absolutely Play great role, use well, even enough to reverse the Qiankun !! "Tianchen old ancestors.

The soul attack is known for its strange.

At the same time, there is still a capability of the soul attack, which is ignore the quantity.

For a strong person who specializes in soul attack, no matter how much the number of people is, as long as the soul is not enough, a soul attack is unscrupulous, enough to kill a large number of strong people in a moment.

For a better than one, if there are hundreds of or more of the big energy to join hands, even if it is a general emperor, I am afraid I can only avoid the front, but a great emperor, but not afraid, he is a soul. Attack swept the past, where many major people can at least kill most.

This is the scary point of the soul attack.

However, in the vast chaotic world, the strong people who are good at the soul attack are too few, and the entire human Chinese-Year Plan is not necessarily there. As for the great emperor who is good at the soul attack, there is no.

Like a nine holy owner, a glass emperor and others, although you can also show a soul attack, but their soul attacks a pair of kills maybe it may be possible, but with the soul attack but the slaughter is not a big energy. May do it.

Now that these Soul of the magic beads appear. If there is a strong person who is good at the soul attack in the Shenglang, even if this person does not reach the emperor, with the treasure of the Magic Path, the soul of him is attacking, saying It is also enough to compare with the emperors who are good at the soul.

And an emperor who is good at attacking the soul, the whole battlefield of the next battle is too big.

"The treasure is good, but according to what I know, I want to refine the tastid soul of the magic beads and is not easy. The first leader of the swallowing family, the talented, can be refined in the past, the soul of the magic bead is said It still uses a full 800,000 years, and my human becomers will have to fight with the three millets. Who has so many time to slowly refine? I can only let the sword go to the truth. "Bai Emperor sighed.

"The sword is unparalleled, the first day of the era of the chaotic world, the talent is also the strongest, if he can't refine the soul of the gods in a short time, then others, don't think. "

Tianchen old ancestors look, and nodded and nodded.

Although the treasure is good, if it is impossible to control, it can not be used, it is just a display.

Since the first era of swallowing, the first leader is dead, I don't know how many years, but no one will refine this treasure, I can only put it in this palace, a little use No, until nowhere is unparalleled to find them.


Swallowing the heaven, the land is in the palace.

The sword has a singular light, watching the gossip of the gods floating in front of the front, and the heart also has a long desire.

This 10,000 soul of the magic beads are so much, if it is able to get, whether it is to him, or for the whole of the entire Out of Chaotic World, there will be a certain degree of improvement.

"Black Queen, Dark Spring Family, you are busy, this emperor wants to try, see if this 10,000 soul of the magic beads will be refined." The sword said.

Black Jen nodded with the dark spring. They also knew that these soul of the magic beads were not easy. At least they were there.

But the sword is unparalleled, and there is a variety of possible.

These two families have turned around.

The sword is unparalared and turned to the Chen Xing Wang and the war king of the king, "Chen Xing Wang, you also go with black royalen", you want to see the more than the heaven, there is Bahun, Huangquan Palace, blood The batch of strong bracers came to find out, as for the war king, you are in the journey of the Emperor, this emperor is this time, I don't want anyone to come to bother. "

"Yes." Chen Xingwang came with the battle of Cang Qiqi, and then left.

The whole palace, only the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled directly to the front of the Magic Pearl, and the knee is sitting down.

"This 10,000 soul of the magic beads are hidden here, but they have not been refined by the strong people who are swallowed. It is obvious that no one can refine it, and I don't know if I can?"

"Try it!"

With a silk expectation, the sword is unparalleled to close the eyes, and the power of a soul is also covered by the soul of the soul of the soul.

With the strength of the soul, the soul of the soul is immediately a soul, and the sword is unparalleled. The sword has finally known why this tens of the soul of the magic beads are difficult to refine.

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