Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2114 is still

" ?" The sword has no double brow, "the Emperor of the Gyban is also on this list?"

"Well." Tianchen Laozu said: "The Emperor of the Laofang God is a peak emperor. Although he is not the top in the peak emperor, but the time she rises is relatively small, these years have always been In progress, the potential is extremely high. If it is entered into the Tiantiangong, it breaks through the chance of the emperor, at least two%. "

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have a relationship with this Gapong God?" Bai Emperor asked.

"It is some relationship." The sword was unparalleled. "At the beginning, my star was hung by the crisis. I have to use some means. For this reason, I invited this Gang Gong Emperor to kill Hong Tianbao, will be Hong Tian The fort is over, and it will kill Hong Tianbao Lord, and I invite the conditions of this Oil Emperor, it is my human condition. Although my strength in these years is constantly improving, this Late God Emperor did not look for me. "

"Is this?" White Emperor nodded slightly, and immediately, the name of the Gybanon God was removed from this list.

"White Emperor, you are?" The sword is unparalleled to show a surprised color.

"This Lagui Mi is on the list, and her condition is similar to others, I just don't know how to choose, now she has this layer with you, then give her a quota, it is. Also let you still have her. "Bai Di smiled.

"Thank you for the Northern Emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

He didn't like the people who owe everyone, there was no way, and now it is possible to have this person earlier, nature is a good thing.

"You have no need to polite, you are now one of the highest levels of the Shengshi, you have a sentence, you have to have two seats, just a little thing, let alone this Lighter God is on the list." Baili put his hand.

"As for the remaining seats, I have been able to reach a consensus many times, and I can only make these people to compete once." Bai Di Road.

"Is a fair competition?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There is no sword, there is twelve seats in the Tiantong Palace, and you have to be prepared." Bai Emperor suddenly.

"I?" The sword was unparalleled.

It is not the purpose of making the Tiangong to make a lot of great strength to make the Tiangong's purpose.

And he has a great force very early.

It seems to have seen the sword unparalleled ideas, the white emperor could not help but smile, "the great power of the Holy League, there is no small role in the whole drain world camp, but the powerful great achievements will be bigger, according to me What you get, when you are in a special ethnic group, you can already defeat the swallowing family leader. Your strength has to reach the second number of numbers? "

"Yes." The sword is not denyed.

"That is." Bai Di also said: "The creation of the Tiantong Palace can not only help God break through the emperor, and there is more role. It is also the same for the emperor. The biggest One point, you can pass the Tiantiangong, try to feel the order rules !! "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

That supplement, can you let him come into contact with the order rules?

"Don't be surprised, the Temple is really resistant, otherwise, it is not good to spend the treasure of the six-component resources accumulated for a long time." Bai Di said: "However, the Tiantong Temple is just let you barely touch. Go to the order rules, but you want to contact this contact, you can directly understand the rules of order, it is impossible, no matter what you have high, the ability to enlighten it is useless, because this is completely related to the understandability "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is some regret.

Because he just thinks, since he can contact the order rules, he can try to understand.

But now, there is no chance.

"Of course, even if you can't get through the Tiantong to reflex the rules, go to personally experience the order rules, there is also a great benefit to you in the future, in addition, the Tiangong Tiangong is early, there will be no small. Impact, although you can't make it reach the third phase directly, but you will have a certain help for your strength! "

"With your ability, even if you don't understand the order rules, or reach the third stage, maybe it still like the third level of the big battle?" White Emperor smiled, "and a third-level big emperor, I am too big in the role of the chaotic world camp! "

The sword is unparalleled.

Now the ancient chaotic world camp, even if the human Shenglean is added with the Special Ethnic Union, only the third-class power of the Bai Di's genuine third level.

As for others, it is only the second level of the big emperor.

But I have to know that the three imperial camps are known, the third-level big emperor has the blood owner, burn, dust, the magic, the land, the strength of the blood is more strong, and even hope to follow. The Emperor's front war, under this situation, the vast chaotic world does need to have a new third-level number of the birth.

And he should be the most close in the chaotic world camp, and it is also the most promising level of the third level.

"I understand, I am relieved, I will do my best, reach the third level in the shortest time." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Don't worry too much, don't give yourself too much pressure, otherwise it will be extremely reversed." White Emperor smiled, "There are three trillings here, each of them represent a replenishment, one, one, other two, You also handed it to the Emperor's Emperor. "

The sword has no double passing the trolley, and after some point, turn around.

Thunder island.

"Don't rush to Red Dragon, let the Jianxian God have more people, I will say that the people who owe it will say."

The sword was unparalleled smiled, and then he went to the land of the Emperor of the Emperor.

In addition to the top ten holy, there is a suspended land.

This piece of land is not large, but there are water, picturesque scenery.

On the central, an ancient palace, the Emperor of the Landscape, and a purple girl stayed together.

"Qing Xuan, I will have a battle in the three imperial chaos world camps. You have been prepared?" YANGen god.

"Reassured, the teacher, this war is about the life and death of the vital chaotic world. Since I am a big energy in the world, I have already prepared, but I am just an ordinary god, the impact on the entire battle is not very big. It's a sister, you are a peak emperor, and the burden bears naturally. "The purple girl said.

"For the sister, this time, the Shengle is boiled, saying that the Tiantong will open again, the twelve seats are more important, and the sister, you should have a chance."

"Replenishing the Tiangong?" The Emperor of Gybanu Shocked, "Strive to make up the talents of the Temple, too much, not so easy."

The words of the Gybani were just finished.

! !

There is no sign of a body shape, and there is directly within this palace.

The Gybanon God has some observed with the purple girl, and it will come to the past.


PS: Today is 5 more!

It is recommended that he has already completed the old book "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth, I am the beast" is very good, very hot, the written shortcomings can go see.

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