Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2115 Surprise

"this is……"

When I saw the people, the Gybanon God first was first, and immediately responded immediately, even got up and greeted, "visited the sword monarch."

"Sword Monarch?" The purple girl listened to the name of the Gybanon, but also shocked, and immediately greeted it.

" , many years, don't be innocent." The sword was unparalleled.

"The rare sword monarch still remembers me." The emperor of Rypermang is laughing, but the mood is quite complicated.

Task, when she was unparall to the sword, the strength of the sword was not as good as her, but only a blink of an eye, the sword was unbounded in the second, the top of the top, the top super strong First, one of the leaders, second only to Bai Emperor!

And she is still just a peak emperor. It is a more powerful peak emperor. It is no longer the same level with the sword.

"Gelong God, I came today, it is in order to return you the original human condition." The sword has no double.

The gods of the Gybanon.

The sword is unparalleled independently, but that person has never opened to find swords.

First, because the sword is not too high, it is quite frightened in the face of the sword, and she is not easy to open.

The second thing is that she is not very urgent in her now, and the sword is unparalleled.

But now, she has no opening, but the sword is unparalleled but take the initiative to find the door.

"This is given to you." The sword is unparalleled, but it is only to handle an ancestor to the Emperor of the Gyban.

The Landmark Emperor took the striker, and it was still confused at the beginning, but when she carefully looked carefully, when the information contained in the governor, the Genhi Dynasty is straight.

"This is ... ?" The Emperor of Rikawa opened his eyes and stared at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is laughing, said: "Your strength is good with the potential, I will put you in the preselected list before the highest level of the Chinese, and I will take the boat to help you. The seat is given to you, and it is also the same thing. "

"Thank you, thank you Jian Jun Monarch !!" Gelong God is grateful, her mood is too excited.

She knows that the sword is unparalleled.

Because everyone knows that the twelve seats of the Temple Palace have not fully determined it. In this way, the sword is not pair directly to her, this may be with her own strength, potential is not small. Relationship, but there is also a sword unparalleled secret.

With the status of the sword and unparalleled now, the status of the Holy Legend has the power. As long as it is slightly mentioned, help her get a replenishment of the Tiandong seat, it is too easy.

"I have already given you, I will stay, wait for the Tiantong Open, naturally someone will inform you before," The sword has no doubles, then the body is moving, and it has left.

Inside the palace, the Gybanon God is standing there, and the mood of the Oil Emperor, the mood of the Emperor, still can't calm for a long time.

"The sister is so good, you just worried about the Temple seats, you can immediately send you the governor of the Tiangong seat." Zifa girl.

"I am also very unexpected." The Light of the Light, "The Sword Monarch did indeed owe me a relationship, but I didn't open it for him, but he took the initiative, but also used a supplement Tiangong seats are returned, this is really ... "

"For this Sword Monarch, I also know some. It is said that in addition to the white emperor, it is the highest in its strength. It is a good advantage of his power. Even if you have no advantage, I am afraid he can give you it. Go to a replenishment. "Zifa girl said.

"Indeed." Gybani nodded, "In fact, I planned to wait for the future, if I have encountered what big hassles, big crisis, I will find swords with this person, but now ... but the sword monarch owes me. That person, in fact, I didn't give him a favor. Now I have used this person to exchange the Temple seat. I am already making big. "Ocean God smiled, but immediately paviloseware girls .

"Qing Xuan, the Tenno Palace should not take long before it will open. In this time, I have to prepare for it, I will not accompany you."

"I understand." The purple girl nodded and was happy with his sister.

The Emperor of Ryperbang, started to prepare for the Tiangong.

On the other hand, after the sword is unparalleled from the Gyang God, he immediately went to the Holy Land in Red Dragon.

This time, he is a life to go.


Red Dragon is holy place, above the giant islands.

"Natong Wang, this is still the gyrotenia that I spend great costs in two million years ago, you taste it."

The Emperor's Emperor is very respectful and standing in front of the King of Red Dragon, and a pot of gyrotic gournel is handed.

Gyro gymnasia is absolutely extremely precious treasure in the world, and the value is worth it, but it is not too much more than white.

This Jianyue Emperor Zenghu fossa got two pots, before drinking a pot, the rest of this pot, but he has been reluctant to drink, but now take the initiative to take out filial piety.

"Gyro Gelt?"

Although the King of Red Long, although indifferent, it also passed the gourd gods, and he took this whole pot of gyrotic gods.

See this, although the emperor of the Snow is distressed, but it is good to show it.

"Nattan Wang, you will tell me the highest level of the Holy League, will you give me a talented Treasure Palace?" The Emperor I was careful.

The Red Dragon king gave a look at the emperor, but it was a smirk: "Who knows, if you have to change it into me, I am too lazy to talk to you, directly suppressing you and then getting a meal, if you don't attack the soul attack secret Come out, then kill it directly, it is a hundred, and the sword monarch is more kind, it is better to talk. "

When I heard this, I suddenly became a white, and the face was also revealed.

"Look at it first, look at whether the sword monarch is willing to take it for you, with the sword monarch now with the power of the Sheng League, if he has a heart to get a seat, it is still very easy, but the immortality, Since you are the big energy in the holy land of my Red Dragon, I advise you, regardless of whether the sword monarch will come to the seat, the soul attack secret surgery, you have to make it out, otherwise ... " Dragon King face became cold.

He is also just drinking a pit torch of the goddess, which is willing to say to the latter, or he is too lazy to remind.

The Emperor of the Jianxun is, "Of course, I just hold a short expectation, if it is really no possibility, even if it is, the soul attacks secret, I will naturally come out."

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