Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 212, Purple Different

Four largest roads, nine days of God ...

There is even a sword, a knife, a gun, a variety of ways.

Like the sword is a sword, then he is now stronger from the swords that feel in the purple different beast.

The same is true.

"This purple beast, contains everything, if I am a wheel, I feel that it is a complete turn, if it is a time-space road to drill, it is a complete time-space, the sword, This is also true, this ... "The sword is not doubles the cold air.


In his opinion in the purple impaired, it is incredible.

"The 12 altar of this supplement, who left, the purple beast, what is it?" The sword was muffy, and then he continued to see the purple beast.

And this time he looked at the composition of purple, and looked at the operation of the Purple Beast.

This is derivatization, the derivation of the road! !

He is very clear, and the power of the heavens contained in the purple animation, but finally gradually derived into a new force.

That kind of force, supreme!

A variety of roads are far from compared to that power.

And this kind of power is to be born to the ultimate side.

"Then, is it the order rule?" The sword was unparalleled.

He has already feeling, and it realizes that the supreme power.

Also understand, the origin is the origin to the derivation process.

There is no doubt that that is the order rule.

But unfortunately, as Bai Emperor said, he can pass the purification of the purple alien, induction of the existence of order rules, but he can't understand it.

This does not have any relationship with him with high understanding, but the order rules contained in the purple immertime, this is unable to understand, can only experience.

"Although I can't feel it, I know the evolution of order rules. I have a probilization of order rules. This is concerned about me, there is still a great help. At least I will know how to walk in the future in the future. How to understand the first silk order rules. "The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

After the order rules have a very deep understanding, the sword is unparalleled, and it is beginning to study the road contained in the purple immersion.

"Rounded, time-space, the power of these two Tiandao, and the swords of my drilled, this purple impaired beast is included, I can completely understand it ..." The sword is unparalleled smile, but the bottom is already Decision.

In this altar, he is not expected to have a major breakthrough, reaching the third stage, or directly grasp a silk order rule.

But he can have a great improvement in the shortest time, in the time-space, the round, the sword, and the swords.

In addition, he can also use the pure mysterious power of the altar to rise, to practice the second volume of the ancientity of the ancientity! !

"My current battle is already the ultimate of the second level, as long as I can make a certain progress in this , I will make a certain progress in the sense of the way, and then refine into the second volume of the ancient deficiency, when I arrived. The combination should reach the third level !! "The sword is unparalleled.

Subsequently, he immediately calmed down and began to refresh.

At the same time, in other eleven altar, the eleven gods have also perceive the magic of this altar.

"Unbelievability, this mysterious force is even more pure than the power. Is this a mysterious power? There is also the purple alien, and it has all the way."

The Janedi Di is sitting on the altar, and it has a unprecedented light.

"The big machine, this is the real big firmer, big creation, I am afraid that I can only encounter a past creation, this is my final opportunity, I can't miss it."

"Reference, do your best to participate !!"

"You can't waste anything at one time!"


"The ancient times, the means is really Tongtian, this supplement Tiantong does not know which old era of ancient times, it is too unrest."

The gods are sitting, and they are also secretly sigh.

"There is this altar assist, although only a short time, but let me break through the emperor is light, now the key is that after I broke through the emperor, the strength can reach it!"

"Don't worry, come slowly."

God is clearly confident.

He is the most close to the big emperor, as long as there is no an opportunity, but now in this supplement, this opportunity can be found at any time, breaking through the Emperor is already the staple.


That is extremely proud of Tianling God, at this moment, the heart is very excited.

"I have listened to this supplement with many magical things. I guess it before I came in, I guess the chances in the Tiantian Palace. I broke through the chance of the emperor should have 50%!"

"But now, I am still too small to make a good palace, there is such a pound of pure power support, and there is a purple different beast to be enlightened. I broke through the chance of the emperor, at least 70% !! ! "

"hurry up!"

Tianling God is also fully realistic.


The Emperor of the Emperor, the Millennium, and all the gods on the altar, and the opportunity to accommodate the chart of the altar.

After the surprise, they also hurriedly, started to practice, and started to break through the emperor.

They are not the same as the sword. The sword is unparalleled to this supplement. It is just to improve their own combat power, and there is a matter of understanding of the order rules, and it will increase some experience.

But these emperors, their purpose, only one, then breakthroughs become the emperor! !

And the chart of this supplement, there is no doubt that you can create perfect breakthrough conditions for them.

The conditions are there, and the rest is to resist their respective.


The Tiantiang, since the discovery, only opened once.

This is now open.

Open once, the resource consumed exceeds imagination, even if it is a prospective.

Like this time, the Holy Leverage spent nearly 60% of resources accumulated in a long time.

The rest of the resources have not allowed to open the second time.

Each time the Tiande is opened, it can only last for a month.

One month, it is very short, everyone in the Temple Palace naturally seizes every breath.

Wink, three days.

The dark void in the Temple, one of the altar, the sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are awkward.

"The purple alien is too big, I am distracted three, at the same time, the time-space road, the wheel is still the sword, and even the other side is still cultivating the second volume of the too ancient virtual body, in this case Next, I only used three days, I still broke through the feelings of the wheel. "The sword smiled.

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