Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 212, the enemy is coming!

The feelings of swords are unparalleled, and they have reached the horizontal level of the eighth floor of the Taoine, but they have never achieved breakthroughs.

But now, he is divided into three uses and even four, and it can be broken on the road, reaching the horizontal of the ninth floor of the Taoizhi, and only three days.

There is a sword without a double self-evil, but the most important thing is that the purple alien is too big.

"carry on."

The sword is unparalleled to close your eyes and start to refresh.

Time lapse, a sword is unparalleled, twelve people have stayed in this Tiangong.

Half month, whether it is in the replenishment, or the outside world, the wind is calm.

But this is calm, so you have to break it.

The ancient secrets, in the distant air of the Temple, this empty, there is no strange place, even if it is the force of the soul to inch, but it can't be found, but in fact, This air underground is the deepest place, but a big array is hidden.

At this moment, this big array has been running, causing the whole air to slightly villion.

After just a moment, the air was again restored to calm, but the bottom of the ground, but there was a tangible shape.

These people are wearing a black robes, looking at it, there are more than 30 people.

Among these thirty black robes, it is a burly man with a height of more than two meters. The whole body is bronze, and the breath on his body is also the strongest in everyone, and even more than others. .

If the sword is unparalleled here, see this burly man, you must recognize it in the first time.

This burly man is, it is the dust of the third-level power! ! !

In addition to him, there are six black robes with six black rises, and it has reached the emperor, and it is all of the other people.

Six emperors, more than 20 emperors, the exterior dust, the magic, the third level of the third level, personally lead, this power of the highest level of Huangquan Palace can be said to be a tipped!

Its purpose, only one, that is the replenishment!

"At the beginning, in this ancient secret cloth, it was originally just in case of preventing, but did not expect it to be used in this day." The dusty laugh is with a bloodthirsty smile.

Now all the entrances of the ancient secrets have the Town of the Shengshi, and they have also been arranged in many ban. He wants to break into ancient ancient secret through the entrance. It is impossible.

But fortunately, his Huangquan Palace is deep, and the preparation of long years is for this battle.

Like this old secret, Huangquan Palace also left some means, this big array is one of them.

Of course, this big array has to be an ancient secret when it is turned on, and they can be used. If the ancient secrets have been closed before, they can't pass the august to the ancient times.

"Before the exposure of purple, Vientiane Tower, and the failure of special ethnic programs, let this seat in the bloodow, the face is lost in front of the face, and this time, this time, this seat, can no longer have any flash, otherwise I will Huangquan Palace in the third imperial world in the future, can completely can't start up. "" Dust Rain Devils low. "

"Yes." There are many Huangquan Palace in the rear, and a look is getting colder.

"set off!"

One waved in the dust, and the more than 30 strong people will go directly to the direction of the Temple Palace.

The palace, the palace that looks in Puchong, although the temple is still war, but because the twelve seats are full, natural no one can force into the way.

Before the Tiando Palace, the Shengling has more than 20 times a powerful person guarded here, and the first thing is the nine holy owner and the East Emperor.

"Jiu Han Lord, you said that there will be several breakthroughs to the Emperor level this time."

Emperor Emperor and Jiu Han Lord chatted.

"I don't know." The Jiu Hao Shi shook his head, "But the last time I will open the Tiantong, I have not known to the Tiantiang Palace. If I don't carefully pick the twelve seats, I still have glazed and nine. It is a breakthrough to the emperor's level, and this time, my Holy League spent so much price and energy, and carefully selected the strong people who have the most hope to achieve, the results must be better than the last time! "

"Finally break through the emperor, absolutely more than two, you can have three, if you are lucky, maybe you can have four emperors."

"Triple or four?" The Emperor Emperor is bright, and it is the stronger of the twelve people who entered the Tiantiang Palace. He became the great strength, and he became the staple, the Tiaolley of the Lingxiao God emperor, only in the god, and his talent is also very high, and the breakthrough can not be the potential of the emperor, except for his two, the rest of the people ... you have to look at it. "

"It really got to be luck, but no matter what, the sword is unparalleled," "Jiuhe Holy Master."

"That is also to tell you?" The Emperor Emperor smiled.

The sword is unparalleled is reversed, and the reverse repair is so easy to break?

Just chatting in two people ...


I have a darkness in the distance, and there is a black cloud.

And this black cloud is constantly enlarged, it is obviously in the stunning speed toward the Tiantiang Palace.

"That is……"

The Jiu Han Lord and the East Emperor immediately perceive the "black cloud".

With the coverage of the soul, they immediately see the true face of the black cloud.

That is a group of strong people in a black robes.

These black robes are too far, but only instantly appear in front of them.

A horrible breath, directly towards the trendy palace.

"not good!!!"

"It is the people in Huangquan Palace!"

The nine holy owner and the East Emperor recognize these people's origins, and the two faces have changed.

"Damn, Huangquan Palace, how can I appear in this ancient secret? The four entrances of the ancient secrets do not all be guarded, and is it banned? Even if this Huangquan Palace is strong, you can force it in, The strongman will also come over the first time? "Jiu Han's Lord is low.

He has seen that in front of these Huangquan Palace, should not be in the entrance of ancient secrets.

It is otherwise other ways.

However, he will not think too much, because the group of black rises has come to them.


The Jiu Han Shi is a cold, and the whole person is in an instant to be boundless dark.

This sky has formed a huge dark swirl, from the whirlpool, a horrible dark giant behem, directly pouring.

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