Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2123 rocking


The dark beast has a roar, snoring.

In this moment, the Jiu Hao Lord has made his strongest strength out.

It can be seen that the darkness of the beast stroke, the dust of the black robe is exposed to the color of disdain.


A explosive drink, dust, magic, one step, a huge fist, carrying endless magic clouds, sudden explosion.

The horrible power, and suddenly broke out.


A loud noise, the size is like a hill-like dark beast, which is actually opened by this fist.

At the same time, the huge dark vortex of Jiu Hao is also a dramatic roaring, and the whole dark vortex will immediately collapse.


The body shape of the nine holy master is also detached, it is hard to stand firm body.

At this moment, the face is obviously pale, and there is a hint of blood.

"The second level follows the third level, the gap is so big?" Jiu Han Lord stared at the dust and rain, the heart was full.

Soon after leaving the three emperors, his strength has made breakthroughs, and now it is the second level of the big emperor.

Even so, facing the dusty king of the third level of dust, but it is still weak.

"Ask for help, save!"

"Replenishing the Tiandong, is attacked by Huangquan Palace, the other party has the third level of the big emperor, I can't stop with the East, speed rescue!"

The nine holy owner has already sent it to help.

However, he is also very clear, even if he is now saved, the strongman of the St. League or the Special Ethnic Union has to come in through ancient secrets, and it will take a while, and during this time, he follows him. Emperor Emperor, can you stop these Huangquan Palace?

The answer is definitely negative.

"Hey, this seat can have a waste consumption like you." Dust rain magic glanced at the nine Holy Lord, the pace is moved, but he is ignored the nine holy owner, and the Tiandong Tiandong.

"Stop !!" Jiu Hao Hao Dishi drunk, and the darkness is coming out again, I want to stop the dusty kill.

However, he is still in the future and is close to the dust, but it has been stopped.

There are three people who stopped his foot, these three people are three great!

Although these three great alone reached the second level, the three people teamed up, but they were enough to face with the nine holy owners, and the Jiu Han Lord couldn't find the opportunity to find out from them.

On the other side, the Emperor Emperor is also facing the same treatment with the Jiu Hosheng, and is also besieged by the three emperors.

Both of them were blocked, as for those of the power outside of this Temple, they also stood with the gods of Huangquan Palace, and they were in absolute disadvantages. In the case, no one can block the dusty king.

"Damn !!!"

The nine holy owner is extremely ugly with the East Emperor.

But the dust, the devil, but has appeared in front of the Tiangong.

"This is the Tiangle Tiangong? It is said that this supplement is created in ancient times. Even if it is an ancient times, it is an incomparable opportunity, but unfortunately like this. The land of the chance, but the result is a group of chaotic bodies to pursue breakthroughs, it is really ridiculous. "

The dusty magic is cold and cold, "Let this seat to completely destroy it."

The voice fell, and this dusty magic was once again held again.


It is still a very arrogant.

This punch, bombarded the air, all the earth, and finally came to the Temple Palace.


A great sound, the whole Temple is starting crazy, but it has not long been restored to calm.

"Oh, is it very sturdy?" Dust rain magic will show a surprised color, but you will be, "it's right, this Tiangong experienced the big war, but still saved, naturally not easily destroyed. Since this ... "

Dust rain is a flash, and the spin is the magic cloud, and the horrible breath has improved the ultimate.

This time he is hard to use.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A fist, every one is carrying a good energy enough to kill the general emperor, crazy, taking the Tiangong bombardment.

Under such a madness, the Temple also trembled and more strong, and even shakes.

And in the , the dark void is ...

The sword is unparalleled to sit in the quiet disk, carefully drilled all kinds of roads, the most important thing, he is still the second volume of the ancientity

Half a month, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a great progress in the wheel, especially the wheel, has settled the ninth layer of the road, and now the top of the Taoine ninth layer is very close. The time-space road has completely reached the top of the ninth layer of the Taoine, which is the extreme, and then further derivation of order rules.

On the sword, there are many progress, and he has greatly improved the understanding of swordsman. Now it's more like a sword, such as the Xuanluo sword, nature is also more high, and the power is also more.

As for the second volume of the too ancient deficiency, this secret layer is very high. If it is in the outside world, the sword is unparalleled is that it takes a long time to make it, but in the altar, there is a pure power. The help, the process is very fast, now I have been practicing, according to him, it is estimated that there is more than ten days, this second volume is completely refined, but his strength is enough to rise again.

And this supplement is half a month left, it is normal.

But at this time ...


A sharp roaring, and the entire Tiantong began to shake crazy.

Among the dark voids where the twelve altar is located, there is a spatial crack.

And, this is just the beginning, soon, a dramatic roaring continues, and a lot of void is completely smashed, and the 12 altar is also shaking.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Look at the situation, some people attacked the Tiantian Palace outside, but the Tiantian Harbor is the two great power of the East Emperor, who dares to go?"

Those gods in the 12th altar are all surprised, one is surprised.

The sword is unparalleled, naturally it is awakened, and he also got the news of the Jiu Han.

"Huangquan Palace, seven emperories suddenly killed?"

Even if it is a sword, there is no pair, and it is also surprised when you receive this message.

According to him, the Holy League attaches great importance to this replenishment, but it is ready, and there are two emperors who are fully prepared. They are all guarded in person, and the ancient secret entrance is equipped with many banned and strong. The result, Huangquan Palace still kills?

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