Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 212, Sword, Unparalleled

"It seems that my Holy League is still a means of Huangquan Palace." The sword has no bisector.

The bottom of the bottom is a decision.


The sword is unparalleled, and the body is directly brushed from the altar.

He appeared in the crazy broken dark void, and he glanced over other eleven altar. "You continue to practice, please waste this opportunity, as for the outside world, it is."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the reactions of the gods in the eleventh altar, they have already taken the trend.

"There is a sword monarch personally come out, naturally there will be no problem, I will continue to practice." The God said, and then closed his eyes again.

The emperors on the 10 altar saw this, and they all have peace of mind, and the spin continued to practice.

In addition to the Tianda Palace, the dusty magic is still crazy. Under his bombardment, the Tiandama has rushing, I am afraid I just need a moment, I will collapse.

The strong people around the Shengfa, no one can block him, he can completely smash the Temple.

It is at this time ...

call out!

A stream of light is rushedronized from the Temple Palace, and there is a shocking sword to rise immediately.

The sword has no double eyed, the body is dramatically, the blood peak sword is turned into a lightning, directly toward the dust of the rain.

With the unparalleled strength of the sword, even if he is just a sword, the power is still strong, even if it is the third-level number of dust, this third-level number, and I don't want to ignore.


The dusty magic is a wrinkle. It was originally continued to be slightly paused to the fist of the Tiangong. It was actually a sword that moved directly to the sword in the sword.


The sword is collided with his fist, actually issued a sound like a metal impact.

After hitting, the dusty magic monarch touched, and the sword was unparalleled, and it was retired after it was connected.

Can be on the way to sword unparalleled ... ! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The seven golden lights are high.

This seven golden light, every road is dazzling, and contains extremely horrible impact, it is a sword that is unparalleled Hong Yinjian.

Before entering the Tiantiang Palace, the sensation of the sword is unparalleled with the Six-handed Hong Kong sword, but he has a big emotion with the time and space with his half a month in the Tiando Palace. The increase in the increase of the ninth floor of the Taoine, and the seventh hand of Hong Kong is coming.

The seven hand of Hong Yinjian is like a seven meteor, plundering the void, and there is almost simultaneous attack in front of the dusty king.


The dusty magic monarch snorted, under the murderous cloud coverage, his right hand suddenly entered, a fist was simultaneously covered with seven streamed streams, and the seven Hands of Hong Kong were simultaneously flying.

Seeing this scene, the sword is not a double-ended not only.

"This dusty king masters a line of order rules, with its own strength, secret surgery plus order rules, power out, more than the heart, I have to be strong, my seven Handle Hongyin Jinjian, any One handle is better than the second level of the big one, but he flew out all his punches, this is the power ... "

"Unfortunately, he is too early. If it is ten days later, I will refine the second volume of the Taikoo's virtual sky, and I will be easier to face him with the power of the Taikoo's virtual sky. "The sword is unmatted."

Taikoo deficiency, not only, you can make his body improve again, and the body of the body is stronger.

And in the power, it will also make him significantly increase.

Like the first volume of him, he refines the ancient deficiency of the sky, his power strength has improved three times more than enough.

The second volume is improved on his strength, although it is not tripled, but it is still enough to let him skyrocket.

At that time, with a strong power, even if there is no order rules, it is universal, and he is not afraid of this dust.

Why, he has not yet made that the too ancient deficiency is completely refined, and the war has not reached that level.

"Although the strength is not as good as him, but with the unique ability to repair, even if he is hard to hard, I am not afraid." The sword was unblocked. "

The dusty king also stopped in this moment, and his eyes were in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled? It is you !!!" "Dust and Magic Jun immediately emerged.

There is no pair of swords, but he hates the bones.

First of all, the sword is unparalleled into the three imperial boundaries, destroying the Cross of the Cross, causing them to directly annihilapidize the Out of Chaotic World with Dark Rolling.

Then the exposure of purple deficiency is also unparalleled with the sword.

It is a sword without double, and it is said that the highest layer of the Shengshi has been in the highest layer of the Holy League. The strength of Huangquan Palace is pulled out in the power of the human Shengleary, and there is no double unpacking with the sword.

After that, the plan of Huangquan Palace in the special ethnic group will end in failure, that is also because of the sword!

That is, the reason why Huangquan Palace has failed, and he will lose his face in the blood owner and burn the face, because the sword is unparalleled.

"It seems that the luck of this seat is not bad. Last time in the third emperor, this seat has not killed you, but this time will never give you a chance again." Dust rain .

"Running, the last time you can't kill me, and this time, I don't escape, I will have a big battle with you, you may not have a cheap." The sword is not bilateral cold, the figure is shaking, not only, but also Protect the initiative.

"Haha, so biliary !!!" Dust rain is a lot of joy, and immediately welcomes it, and even don't care about the Tiangong.

Because he is clear, the emperor in the Tiantong Palace has the possibility of becoming the emperor, and the three imperial camps can also have a small threat, which is indeed to kill.

But compared to those gods, swords have a big threat to the three imperial camps!

That is the same as the white emperor, and the growth rate is horrible, and he will continue to grow up, it will not be the second white emperor.

Kill him, than those who kill them in the Tiando Palace, you can use more.

As for the killing, there is no confidence, but there is still a confidence in the bottom of the murder.

After all, last time in the three imperial circles, he did not kill the sword and unparalleled, first because the white emperor arrived in time, then the sword is unparalleled, has been crazy.

But now the white emperor is not there, no one can stop him at all.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is also intended to flee the root. It is necessary to kill him directly.

This is a rare opportunity, will he miss it again?

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

Dust rain magic martial arts, six arms extends at the same time, plus two, eight arms.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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