Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2127 Breakthrough Two

boom! boom! boom!

A road attack came from those emperor, and crazy shaped the Tiantiang.

Under such a shelter, the Temple is also crazy.

And this scene, the sword has no double eyed.

He is now facing a choice.

Do you want to show a soul attack ...

From the beginning to the present, no matter how he is fighting with the dust, the sword is unparalleled to the end, there is no soul attack.

But in fact, his soul attack is extremely strong. In the case of no soul attack secret surgery, he has helped the soul attack, and his soul attack is enough to threaten the second level of the big emperor, and now he has controlled three Extremelight This ancient soul attacks secret surgery, if it is true, it will be terrible.

Like now, although he is entangled with dust, it is unable to make a hand, but the soul attack is very disobused, but it can directly affect the gods.

As long as his soul attacks, you can use the emperor who is crazy to hit the Tiangong.

Once he does this, his base card can be exposed.

You must know that the soul of the magic beads, as well as his soul attack, but he tried to hide the top card.

And the white emperor also personally ignores it, if it is not necessary, it will never easily move this card. After all, if this is placed in the final battle of the three imperial camp, it is enough to give the three milrence camps.

If it is exposed in advance, let the three imperial cries have guarded, and it is difficult to make it unresolved.

Because of this, the sword is unparalleled now.

"Now, if I don't show the soul attack, I will kill those emperor, and the Temple is very likely to be directly crushed. Then my Holy League spends so big cost created this opportunity to pay the east!" The sword is ugly, but the bottom has been decided.

"It seems that I really want to show this trick ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is still entangled in the entanglement, so that the latter does not have any opportunities.

On the other hand, his soul has been quietly rising.

However, when the sword is unparalleled, it is ready to show the soul attack ... !!

Two body shapes, one before, but it is lightning from the .

At the same time, the two strong breaths also instantly swept over the battlefield.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately saw the two towards the two.

The two people who have passed from the Temple Palace, one is a young man who is wearing a green shirt, and the other is a young man who is white and a cold young man.

These two people have been in the spirit of cultivation in the Tiantong Temple! !

At this moment, the breath that is emitted from the body is far from the emperor.

Especially God!

The breath of the meditation is even less than the second level of the nine holy owner!

"Break through it?" The sword was bright.

The Jiu Hao Lord and the East Emperor have also exposed the color of the ecstasy.

Indeed, the god broke through the God of Tiandaling.

He two people are in the topmost, the most extreme, and then with the help of the Tiangong, breaking through the emperor, this is the job of the staples.

Only two people want to get more hometown in the Temple, so they don't have an urgent breakthrough.

Like the god, in the fifth day of entering the , he can do it directly, but he doesn't have anxious, there is no time to waste, but continue to enlighten, because he knows, he will leave the Tiantiang Palace. Then it can still break through at any time, and it is naturally not anxious.

And Tianling God has also ushered in a breakthrough opportunity in the twelfth day of entering the Tiantian Palace.

He hasn't worried about breakthrough, but because of the crisis of kettlerous palace, the two are also broken and start breakthrough immediately.

By now, the two have broken through the emperor, and then they came out from the Temple Palace.

"Hey, the shackles of Huangquan Palace!"

The god is cold, looks into the surrounding battlefield, the cold scorpion looks at the neighborhood of the gods of the Tiangong.

Rotate ... Boom!

A simple step, the god is like a villain, and there is only the center of the emperor, and the glaccomb is suddenly swept.

That is a roller, every pawl has the energy of tearing.

"not good."

These emperors have reacted, one by one.

However, they will not be able to resist those claws at all.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

The horrible power of the horror broke out. This moment has a six-footed emperor who is directly killed by the god.

The god has been shot, and Tianling God is not far behind.

A dark green gun, silent, appeared in the back of the Huangquan Palace, the carrier endless power and a horrible strand, directly stabbed the heart of the emperor.

"not good!"

The emperor of Huangquan Palace was obviously scared, he was fighting with a war, the fire is hot, did not think that this time will suddenly have a long gun to attack him.

This handle is too sudden, and the power is too strong.

The great emperor of Huangquan Palace did their best, but only barely moved his body, avoided the heart, but this shock is still impacted on his body.


A blood is sprayed directly from the Damei, and his face is immediately miserable.

"The first level top !!"

The seriously injured emperor looked at Tianling God in front of him, but the body is already retired.

Tianling God is cold, and the figure is shaking again.

This scene, the sword is unparalleled, the nine holy owner, the Emperor Emperor saw, and suddenly it is very happy.

One side of Huangquan Palace is quite opposite, and a face is extremely ugly, and some have exposed the color of panic.

There is no way, the original two sides are still basically flat on the big lineup, and each other is holding each other, only those gods in Huangquan Palace have the opportunity to shoot.

But now, as the God appears to the God of Tianshan, the two reveal the strength of terror.

Especially the God, what he presents, it has once again reached the second level, he rushed into the Huangquan Palace, and that, it was a tiger into the flock, and he slaughtered.

The whole battle, with the two people's participation in the battle.

Now, the Shengzheng party has occupied absolute advantages, not only the advantage of the emperor, the gods are also being slaughtered by God.

Although the Huangquan Palace has a lot of power, it has no threat to the Tiantong Palace.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to do, it is as possible to leave the strong people of Huangquan Palace as much as possible.


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